tfhe 0.1.7

TFHE-rs is a fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) library that implements Zama's variant of TFHE.
use super::super::assume_init_mut;
use super::polynomial::{
    FourierPolynomialMutView, FourierPolynomialUninitMutView, FourierPolynomialView,
use crate::core_crypto::commons::math::torus::UnsignedTorus;
use crate::core_crypto::commons::numeric::CastInto;
use crate::core_crypto::commons::parameters::PolynomialSize;
use crate::core_crypto::commons::traits::{Container, IntoContainerOwned};
use crate::core_crypto::commons::utils::izip;
use crate::core_crypto::entities::*;
use aligned_vec::{avec, ABox};
use concrete_fft::c64;
use concrete_fft::unordered::{Method, Plan};
use dyn_stack::{DynStack, SizeOverflow, StackReq};
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use std::any::TypeId;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::mem::{align_of, size_of, MaybeUninit};
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use std::time::Duration;

#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86"))]
mod x86;

/// Twisting factors from the paper:
/// [Fast and Error-Free Negacyclic Integer Convolution using Extended Fourier Transform][paper]
/// The real and imaginary parts form (the first `N/2`) `2N`-th roots of unity.
/// [paper]:
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Twisties {
    re: ABox<[f64]>,
    im: ABox<[f64]>,

/// View type for [`Twisties`].
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct TwistiesView<'a> {
    re: &'a [f64],
    im: &'a [f64],

impl Twisties {
    pub fn as_view(&self) -> TwistiesView<'_> {
        TwistiesView {
            re: &,
            im: &,

impl Twisties {
    /// Create a new [`Twisties`] containing the `2N`-th roots of unity with `n = N/2`.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `n` is not a power of two.
    pub fn new(n: usize) -> Self {
        let mut re = avec![0.0; n].into_boxed_slice();
        let mut im = avec![0.0; n].into_boxed_slice();

        let unit = core::f64::consts::PI / (2.0 * n as f64);
        for (i, (re, im)) in izip!(&mut *re, &mut *im).enumerate() {
            (*im, *re) = (i as f64 * unit).sin_cos();

        Twisties { re, im }

/// Negacyclic Fast Fourier Transform. See [`FftView`] for transform functions.
/// This structure contains the twisting factors as well as the
/// FFT plan needed for the negacyclic convolution over the reals.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Fft {
    plan: Arc<(Twisties, Plan)>,

/// View type for [`Fft`].
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct FftView<'a> {
    plan: &'a Plan,
    twisties: TwistiesView<'a>,

impl Fft {
    pub fn as_view(&self) -> FftView<'_> {
        FftView {
            plan: &self.plan.1,
            twisties: self.plan.0.as_view(),

type PlanMap = RwLock<HashMap<usize, Arc<OnceCell<Arc<(Twisties, Plan)>>>>>;
pub(crate) static PLANS: OnceCell<PlanMap> = OnceCell::new();
fn plans() -> &'static PlanMap {
    PLANS.get_or_init(|| RwLock::new(HashMap::new()))

/// Return the input slice, cast to the same type.
/// This is useful when the fact that `From` and `To` are the same type cannot be proven in the
/// type system, but is known to be true at runtime.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `From` and `To` are not the same type
fn id_mut<From: 'static, To: 'static>(slice: &mut [From]) -> &mut [To] {
    assert_eq!(size_of::<From>(), size_of::<To>());
    assert_eq!(align_of::<From>(), align_of::<To>());
    assert_eq!(TypeId::of::<From>(), TypeId::of::<To>());

    let len = slice.len();
    let ptr = slice.as_mut_ptr();
    unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr as *mut To, len) }

/// Return the input slice, cast to the same type.
/// This is useful when the fact that `From` and `To` are the same type cannot be proven in the
/// type system, but is known to be true at runtime.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `From` and `To` are not the same type
fn id<From: 'static, To: 'static>(slice: &[From]) -> &[To] {
    assert_eq!(size_of::<From>(), size_of::<To>());
    assert_eq!(align_of::<From>(), align_of::<To>());
    assert_eq!(TypeId::of::<From>(), TypeId::of::<To>());

    let len = slice.len();
    let ptr = slice.as_ptr();
    unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr as *const To, len) }

impl Fft {
    /// Real polynomial of size `size`.
    pub fn new(size: PolynomialSize) -> Self {
        let global_plans = plans();

        let n = size.0;
        let get_plan = || {
            let plans =;
            let plan = plans.get(&n).cloned();

  |p| {
                p.get_or_init(|| {
                        Twisties::new(n / 2),
                        Plan::new(n / 2, Method::Measure(Duration::from_millis(10))),

        // could not find a plan of the given size, we lock the map again and try to insert it
        let mut plans = global_plans.write().unwrap();
        if let Entry::Vacant(v) = plans.entry(n) {


        Self {
            plan: get_plan().unwrap(),

#[cfg_attr(__profiling, inline(never))]
fn convert_forward_torus<Scalar: UnsignedTorus>(
    out: &mut [MaybeUninit<c64>],
    in_re: &[Scalar],
    in_im: &[Scalar],
    twisties: TwistiesView<'_>,
) {
    let normalization = 2.0_f64.powi(-(Scalar::BITS as i32));

    izip!(out, in_re, in_im,,
        |(out, in_re, in_im, w_re, w_im)| {
            let in_re: f64 = in_re.into_signed().cast_into() * normalization;
            let in_im: f64 = in_im.into_signed().cast_into() * normalization;
                c64 {
                    re: in_re,
                    im: in_im,
                } * c64 {
                    re: *w_re,
                    im: *w_im,

fn convert_forward_integer_scalar<Scalar: UnsignedTorus>(
    out: &mut [MaybeUninit<c64>],
    in_re: &[Scalar],
    in_im: &[Scalar],
    twisties: TwistiesView<'_>,
) {
    izip!(out, in_re, in_im,,
        |(out, in_re, in_im, w_re, w_im)| {
            let in_re: f64 = in_re.into_signed().cast_into();
            let in_im: f64 = in_im.into_signed().cast_into();
                c64 {
                    re: in_re,
                    im: in_im,
                } * c64 {
                    re: *w_re,
                    im: *w_im,

#[cfg_attr(__profiling, inline(never))]
fn convert_forward_integer<Scalar: UnsignedTorus>(
    out: &mut [MaybeUninit<c64>],
    in_re: &[Scalar],
    in_im: &[Scalar],
    twisties: TwistiesView<'_>,
) {
    #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86"))]
        if Scalar::BITS == 32 {
            x86::convert_forward_integer_u32(out, id(in_re), id(in_im), twisties);
        } else if Scalar::BITS == 64 {
            x86::convert_forward_integer_u64(out, id(in_re), id(in_im), twisties);
        } else {

    // SAFETY: same as above
    #[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86")))]
    convert_forward_integer_scalar::<Scalar>(out, in_re, in_im, twisties)

#[cfg_attr(__profiling, inline(never))]
fn convert_backward_torus<Scalar: UnsignedTorus>(
    out_re: &mut [MaybeUninit<Scalar>],
    out_im: &mut [MaybeUninit<Scalar>],
    inp: &[c64],
    twisties: TwistiesView<'_>,
) {
    let normalization = 1.0 / inp.len() as f64;
    izip!(out_re, out_im, inp,,
        |(out_re, out_im, inp, w_re, w_im)| {
            let tmp = inp
                * (c64 {
                    re: *w_re,
                    im: -*w_im,
                } * normalization);


/// See [`convert_add_backward_torus`].
/// # Safety
///  - Same preconditions as [`convert_add_backward_torus`].
unsafe fn convert_add_backward_torus_scalar<Scalar: UnsignedTorus>(
    out_re: &mut [MaybeUninit<Scalar>],
    out_im: &mut [MaybeUninit<Scalar>],
    inp: &[c64],
    twisties: TwistiesView<'_>,
) {
    let normalization = 1.0 / inp.len() as f64;
    izip!(out_re, out_im, inp,,
        |(out_re, out_im, inp, w_re, w_im)| {
            let tmp = inp
                * (c64 {
                    re: *w_re,
                    im: -*w_im,
                } * normalization);

            let out_re = out_re.assume_init_mut();
            let out_im = out_im.assume_init_mut();

            *out_re = Scalar::wrapping_add(*out_re, Scalar::from_torus(;
            *out_im = Scalar::wrapping_add(*out_im, Scalar::from_torus(;

/// # Warning
/// This function is actually unsafe, but can't be marked as such since we need it to implement
/// `Fn(...)`, as there's no equivalent `unsafe Fn(...)` trait.
/// # Safety
/// - `out_re` and `out_im` must not hold any uninitialized values.
#[cfg_attr(__profiling, inline(never))]
fn convert_add_backward_torus<Scalar: UnsignedTorus>(
    out_re: &mut [MaybeUninit<Scalar>],
    out_im: &mut [MaybeUninit<Scalar>],
    inp: &[c64],
    twisties: TwistiesView<'_>,
) {
    #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86"))]
        if Scalar::BITS == 32 {
            x86::convert_add_backward_torus_u32(id_mut(out_re), id_mut(out_im), inp, twisties);
        } else if Scalar::BITS == 64 {
            x86::convert_add_backward_torus_u64(id_mut(out_re), id_mut(out_im), inp, twisties);
        } else {

    // SAFETY: same as above
    #[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86")))]
    unsafe {
        convert_add_backward_torus_scalar::<Scalar>(out_re, out_im, inp, twisties)

impl<'a> FftView<'a> {
    /// Return the polynomial size that this FFT was made for.
    pub fn polynomial_size(self) -> PolynomialSize {
        PolynomialSize(2 * self.plan.fft_size())

    /// Serializes data in the Fourier domain.
    pub fn serialize_fourier_buffer<S: serde::Serializer>(
        serializer: S,
        buf: &[c64],
    ) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
        self.plan.serialize_fourier_buffer(serializer, buf)

    /// Deserializes data in the Fourier domain
    pub fn deserialize_fourier_buffer<'de, D: serde::Deserializer<'de>>(
        deserializer: D,
        buf: &mut [c64],
    ) -> Result<(), D::Error> {
        self.plan.deserialize_fourier_buffer(deserializer, buf)

    /// Return the memory required for a forward negacyclic FFT.
    pub fn forward_scratch(self) -> Result<StackReq, SizeOverflow> {

    /// Return the memory required for a backward negacyclic FFT.
    pub fn backward_scratch(self) -> Result<StackReq, SizeOverflow> {
                self.polynomial_size().0 / 2,

    /// Perform a negacyclic real FFT of `standard`, viewed as torus elements, and stores the
    /// result in `fourier`.
    /// # Note
    /// this function leaves all the elements of `out` in an initialized state.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `standard` and `self` have differing polynomial sizes, or if `fourier` doesn't
    /// have size equal to that amount divided by two.
    pub fn forward_as_torus<'out, Scalar: UnsignedTorus>(
        fourier: FourierPolynomialUninitMutView<'out>,
        standard: PolynomialView<'_, Scalar>,
        stack: DynStack<'_>,
    ) -> FourierPolynomialMutView<'out> {
        // SAFETY: `convert_forward_torus` initializes the output slice that is passed to it
        unsafe { self.forward_with_conv(fourier, standard, convert_forward_torus, stack) }

    /// Perform a negacyclic real FFT of `standard`, viewed as integers, and stores the result in
    /// `fourier`.
    /// # Note
    /// this function leaves all the elements of `out` in an initialized state.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `standard` and `self` have differing polynomial sizes, or if `fourier` doesn't
    /// have size equal to that amount divided by two.
    pub fn forward_as_integer<'out, Scalar: UnsignedTorus>(
        fourier: FourierPolynomialUninitMutView<'out>,
        standard: PolynomialView<'_, Scalar>,
        stack: DynStack<'_>,
    ) -> FourierPolynomialMutView<'out> {
        // SAFETY: `convert_forward_integer` initializes the output slice that is passed to it
        unsafe { self.forward_with_conv(fourier, standard, convert_forward_integer, stack) }

    /// Perform an inverse negacyclic real FFT of `fourier` and stores the result in `standard`,
    /// viewed as torus elements.
    /// # Note
    /// this function leaves all the elements of `out_re` and `out_im` in an initialized state.
    /// # Panics
    /// See [`Self::forward_as_torus`]
    pub fn backward_as_torus<Scalar: UnsignedTorus>(
        standard: PolynomialUninitMutView<'_, Scalar>,
        fourier: FourierPolynomialView<'_>,
        stack: DynStack<'_>,
    ) {
        // SAFETY: `convert_backward_torus` initializes the output slices that are passed to it
        unsafe { self.backward_with_conv(standard, fourier, convert_backward_torus, stack) }

    /// Perform an inverse negacyclic real FFT of `fourier` and adds the result to `standard`,
    /// viewed as torus elements.
    /// # Note
    /// this function leaves all the elements of `out_re` and `out_im` in an initialized state.
    /// # Panics
    /// See [`Self::forward_as_torus`]
    pub fn add_backward_as_torus<Scalar: UnsignedTorus>(
        standard: PolynomialMutView<'_, Scalar>,
        fourier: FourierPolynomialView<'_>,
        stack: DynStack<'_>,
    ) {
        // SAFETY: `convert_add_backward_torus` initializes the output slices that are passed to it
        unsafe {

    /// # Safety
    /// `conv_fn` must initialize the entirety of the mutable slice that it receives.
    unsafe fn forward_with_conv<
        Scalar: UnsignedTorus,
        F: Fn(&mut [MaybeUninit<c64>], &[Scalar], &[Scalar], TwistiesView<'_>),
        fourier: FourierPolynomialUninitMutView<'out>,
        standard: PolynomialView<'_, Scalar>,
        conv_fn: F,
        stack: DynStack<'_>,
    ) -> FourierPolynomialMutView<'out> {
        let fourier =;
        let standard = standard.as_ref();
        let n = standard.len();
        debug_assert_eq!(n, 2 * fourier.len());
        let (standard_re, standard_im) = standard.split_at(n / 2);
        conv_fn(fourier, standard_re, standard_im, self.twisties);
        let fourier = assume_init_mut(fourier);
        self.plan.fwd(fourier, stack);
        FourierPolynomialMutView { data: fourier }

    /// # Safety
    /// `conv_fn` must initialize the entirety of the mutable slices that it receives.
    unsafe fn backward_with_conv<
        Scalar: UnsignedTorus,
        F: Fn(&mut [MaybeUninit<Scalar>], &mut [MaybeUninit<Scalar>], &[c64], TwistiesView<'_>),
        mut standard: PolynomialUninitMutView<'_, Scalar>,
        fourier: FourierPolynomialView<'_>,
        conv_fn: F,
        stack: DynStack<'_>,
    ) {
        let fourier =;
        let standard = standard.as_mut();
        let n = standard.len();
        debug_assert_eq!(n, 2 * fourier.len());
        let (mut tmp, stack) =
            stack.collect_aligned(aligned_vec::CACHELINE_ALIGN, fourier.iter().copied());
        self.plan.inv(&mut tmp, stack);

        let (standard_re, standard_im) = standard.split_at_mut(n / 2);
        conv_fn(standard_re, standard_im, &tmp, self.twisties);

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct FourierPolynomialList<C: Container<Element = c64>> {
    pub data: C,
    pub polynomial_size: PolynomialSize,

impl<C: Container<Element = c64>> serde::Serialize for FourierPolynomialList<C> {
    fn serialize<S: serde::Serializer>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
        fn serialize_impl<S: serde::Serializer>(
            data: &[c64],
            polynomial_size: PolynomialSize,
            serializer: S,
        ) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
            use crate::core_crypto::commons::traits::Split;

            pub struct SingleFourierPolynomial<'a> {
                fft: FftView<'a>,
                buf: &'a [c64],

            impl<'a> serde::Serialize for SingleFourierPolynomial<'a> {
                fn serialize<S: serde::Serializer>(
                    serializer: S,
                ) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
                    self.fft.serialize_fourier_buffer(serializer, self.buf)

            use serde::ser::SerializeSeq;
            let chunk_count = if polynomial_size.0 == 0 {
            } else {
                data.len() / (polynomial_size.0 / 2)

            let mut state = serializer.serialize_seq(Some(2 + chunk_count))?;
            if chunk_count != 0 {
                let fft = Fft::new(polynomial_size);
                for buf in data.split_into(chunk_count) {
                    state.serialize_element(&SingleFourierPolynomial {
                        fft: fft.as_view(),

        serialize_impl(, self.polynomial_size, serializer)

impl<'de, C: IntoContainerOwned<Element = c64>> serde::Deserialize<'de>
    for FourierPolynomialList<C>
    fn deserialize<D: serde::Deserializer<'de>>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> {
        use std::marker::PhantomData;
        struct SeqVisitor<C: IntoContainerOwned<Element = c64>>(PhantomData<fn() -> C>);

        impl<'de, C: IntoContainerOwned<Element = c64>> serde::de::Visitor<'de> for SeqVisitor<C> {
            type Value = FourierPolynomialList<C>;

            fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
                    "a sequence of two fields followed by polynomials in the Fourier domain",

            fn visit_seq<A: serde::de::SeqAccess<'de>>(
                mut seq: A,
            ) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error> {
                use crate::core_crypto::commons::traits::Split;

                let str = "sequence of two fields and Fourier polynomials";
                let polynomial_size = match seq.next_element::<PolynomialSize>()? {
                    Some(polynomial_size) => polynomial_size,
                    None => return Err(serde::de::Error::invalid_length(0, &str)),
                let chunk_count = match seq.next_element::<usize>()? {
                    Some(chunk_count) => chunk_count,
                    None => return Err(serde::de::Error::invalid_length(1, &str)),

                struct FillFourier<'a> {
                    fft: FftView<'a>,
                    buf: &'a mut [c64],

                impl<'de, 'a> serde::de::DeserializeSeed<'de> for FillFourier<'a> {
                    type Value = ();

                    fn deserialize<D: serde::Deserializer<'de>>(
                        deserializer: D,
                    ) -> Result<Self::Value, D::Error> {
                        self.fft.deserialize_fourier_buffer(deserializer, self.buf)

                let mut data =
                    C::collect((0..(polynomial_size.0 / 2 * chunk_count)).map(|_| c64::default()));

                if chunk_count != 0 {
                    let fft = Fft::new(polynomial_size);
                    for (i, buf) in data.as_mut().split_into(chunk_count).enumerate() {
                        match seq.next_element_seed(FillFourier {
                            fft: fft.as_view(),
                        })? {
                            Some(()) => (),
                            None => {
                                return Err(serde::de::Error::invalid_length(
                                    &&*format!("sequence of {chunk_count} Fourier polynomials"),

                Ok(FourierPolynomialList {


mod tests;