text-minimap 0.1.0

Generate text minimap/preview using Braille Patterns
extern crate text_minimap;
extern crate clap;

use std::{fs, io};

use text_minimap::*;

use clap::{Arg, App};

fn main() {
    let arguments = App::new("text-minimap")
        .author("Dawid Ciężarkiewicz <dpc@dpc.pw>")
        .about("Convert text to a minimap consisting of Unicode braille characters")
                 .help("File to read input from, instead of stdin"))
                 .help("File to write output to, instead of stdout"))
                 .help("Number of characters width-wise to represent as a single dot"))
                 .help("Number of characters height-wise to represent as a single dot"))

    let mut settings = Settings::new();

    settings.xscale = arguments

    settings.yscale = arguments

    let stdin = std::io::stdin();
    let input: Box<io::Read> = if let Some(in_path) = arguments.value_of("FILE") {
        let file = fs::File::open(in_path).unwrap();

    } else {
        let stdin = stdin.lock();


    let mut output: Box<io::Write> = if let Some(out_path) = arguments.value_of("OUT_FILE") {
        let file = fs::OpenOptions::new()
    } else {
        let stdout = std::io::stdout();

    for line in to_minimap(input, settings) {
        writeln!(output, "{}", line).unwrap();