tester 0.9.1

A fork of Rust’s `test` crate that doesn’t require unstable language features.
//! Module providing interface for running tests in the console.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::Write;
use std::time::Instant;

use super::{
    event::{CompletedTest, TestEvent},
    formatters::{JsonFormatter, OutputFormatter, PrettyFormatter, TerseFormatter},
    helpers::{concurrency::get_concurrency, metrics::MetricMap},
    options::{Options, OutputFormat},
    time::{TestExecTime, TestSuiteExecTime},
    types::{NamePadding, TestDesc, TestDescAndFn},

/// Generic wrapper over stdout.
pub enum OutputLocation<T> {

impl<T: Write> Write for OutputLocation<T> {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
        match *self {
            OutputLocation::Pretty(ref mut term) => term.write(buf),
            OutputLocation::Raw(ref mut stdout) => stdout.write(buf),

    fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
        match *self {
            OutputLocation::Pretty(ref mut term) => term.flush(),
            OutputLocation::Raw(ref mut stdout) => stdout.flush(),

pub struct ConsoleTestState {
    pub log_out: Option<File>,
    pub total: usize,
    pub passed: usize,
    pub failed: usize,
    pub ignored: usize,
    pub allowed_fail: usize,
    pub filtered_out: usize,
    pub measured: usize,
    pub exec_time: Option<TestSuiteExecTime>,
    pub metrics: MetricMap,
    pub failures: Vec<(TestDesc, Vec<u8>)>,
    pub not_failures: Vec<(TestDesc, Vec<u8>)>,
    pub time_failures: Vec<(TestDesc, Vec<u8>)>,
    pub options: Options,

impl ConsoleTestState {
    pub fn new(opts: &TestOpts) -> io::Result<ConsoleTestState> {
        let log_out = match opts.logfile {
            Some(ref path) => Some(File::create(path)?),
            None => None,

        Ok(ConsoleTestState {
            total: 0,
            passed: 0,
            failed: 0,
            ignored: 0,
            allowed_fail: 0,
            filtered_out: 0,
            measured: 0,
            exec_time: None,
            metrics: MetricMap::new(),
            failures: Vec::new(),
            not_failures: Vec::new(),
            time_failures: Vec::new(),
            options: opts.options,

    pub fn write_log<F, S>(&mut self, msg: F) -> io::Result<()>
        S: AsRef<str>,
        F: FnOnce() -> S,
        match self.log_out {
            None => Ok(()),
            Some(ref mut o) => {
                let msg = msg();
                let msg = msg.as_ref();

    pub fn write_log_result(
        &mut self,
        test: &TestDesc,
        result: &TestResult,
        exec_time: Option<&TestExecTime>,
    ) -> io::Result<()> {
        self.write_log(|| {
                "{} {}",
                match *result {
                    TestResult::TrOk => "ok".to_owned(),
                    TestResult::TrFailed => "failed".to_owned(),
                    TestResult::TrFailedMsg(ref msg) => format!("failed: {}", msg),
                    TestResult::TrIgnored => "ignored".to_owned(),
                    TestResult::TrAllowedFail => "failed (allowed)".to_owned(),
                    TestResult::TrBench(ref bs) => fmt_bench_samples(bs),
                    TestResult::TrTimedFail => "failed (time limit exceeded)".to_owned(),
        if let Some(exec_time) = exec_time {
            self.write_log(|| format!(" <{}>", exec_time))?;
        self.write_log(|| "\n")

    fn current_test_count(&self) -> usize {
        self.passed + self.failed + self.ignored + self.measured + self.allowed_fail

// List the tests to console, and optionally to logfile. Filters are honored.
pub fn list_tests_console(opts: &TestOpts, tests: Vec<TestDescAndFn>) -> io::Result<()> {
    let mut output = match term::stdout() {
        None => OutputLocation::Raw(io::stdout()),
        Some(t) => OutputLocation::Pretty(t),

    let quiet = opts.format == OutputFormat::Terse;
    let mut st = ConsoleTestState::new(opts)?;

    let mut ntest = 0;
    let mut nbench = 0;

    for test in filter_tests(&opts, tests) {
        use crate::TestFn::*;

        let TestDescAndFn { desc: TestDesc { name, .. }, testfn } = test;

        let fntype = match testfn {
            StaticTestFn(..) | DynTestFn(..) => {
                ntest += 1;
            StaticBenchFn(..) | DynBenchFn(..) => {
                nbench += 1;

        writeln!(output, "{}: {}", name, fntype)?;
        st.write_log(|| format!("{} {}\n", fntype, name))?;

    fn plural(count: u32, s: &str) -> String {
        match count {
            1 => format!("{} {}", 1, s),
            n => format!("{} {}s", n, s),

    if !quiet {
        if ntest != 0 || nbench != 0 {

        writeln!(output, "{}, {}", plural(ntest, "test"), plural(nbench, "benchmark"))?;


// Updates `ConsoleTestState` depending on result of the test execution.
fn handle_test_result(st: &mut ConsoleTestState, completed_test: CompletedTest) {
    let test = completed_test.desc;
    let stdout = completed_test.stdout;
    match completed_test.result {
        TestResult::TrOk => {
            st.passed += 1;
            st.not_failures.push((test, stdout));
        TestResult::TrIgnored => st.ignored += 1,
        TestResult::TrAllowedFail => st.allowed_fail += 1,
        TestResult::TrBench(bs) => {
                bs.ns_iter_summ.max - bs.ns_iter_summ.min,
            st.measured += 1
        TestResult::TrFailed => {
            st.failed += 1;
            st.failures.push((test, stdout));
        TestResult::TrFailedMsg(msg) => {
            st.failed += 1;
            let mut stdout = stdout;
            stdout.extend_from_slice(format!("note: {}", msg).as_bytes());
            st.failures.push((test, stdout));
        TestResult::TrTimedFail => {
            st.failed += 1;
            st.time_failures.push((test, stdout));

// Handler for events that occur during test execution.
// It is provided as a callback to the `run_tests` function.
fn on_test_event(
    event: &TestEvent,
    st: &mut ConsoleTestState,
    out: &mut dyn OutputFormatter,
) -> io::Result<()> {
    match (*event).clone() {
        TestEvent::TeFiltered(ref filtered_tests) => {
            st.total = filtered_tests.len();
        TestEvent::TeFilteredOut(filtered_out) => {
            st.filtered_out = filtered_out;
        TestEvent::TeWait(ref test) => out.write_test_start(test)?,
        TestEvent::TeTimeout(ref test) => out.write_timeout(test)?,
        TestEvent::TeResult(completed_test) => {
            let test = &completed_test.desc;
            let result = &completed_test.result;
            let exec_time = &completed_test.exec_time;
            let stdout = &completed_test.stdout;

            st.write_log_result(test, result, exec_time.as_ref())?;
            out.write_result(test, result, exec_time.as_ref(), &*stdout, st)?;
            handle_test_result(st, completed_test);


/// A simple console test runner.
/// Runs provided tests reporting process and results to the stdout.
pub fn run_tests_console(opts: &TestOpts, tests: Vec<TestDescAndFn>) -> io::Result<bool> {
    let output = match term::stdout() {
        None => OutputLocation::Raw(io::stdout()),
        Some(t) => OutputLocation::Pretty(t),

    let max_name_len = tests
        .max_by_key(|t| len_if_padded(*t))
        .map(|t| t.desc.name.as_slice().len())

    let is_multithreaded = opts.test_threads.unwrap_or_else(get_concurrency) > 1;

    let mut out: Box<dyn OutputFormatter> = match opts.format {
        OutputFormat::Pretty => Box::new(PrettyFormatter::new(
        OutputFormat::Terse => {
            Box::new(TerseFormatter::new(output, opts.use_color(), max_name_len, is_multithreaded))
        OutputFormat::Json => Box::new(JsonFormatter::new(output)),
    let mut st = ConsoleTestState::new(opts)?;

    // Prevent the usage of `Instant` in some cases:
    // - It's currently not supported for wasm targets.
    // - We disable it for miri because it's not available when isolation is enabled.
    let is_instant_supported = !cfg!(target_arch = "wasm32") && !cfg!(miri);

    let start_time = if is_instant_supported { Some(Instant::now()) } else { None };
    run_tests(opts, tests, |x| on_test_event(&x, &mut st, &mut *out))?;
    st.exec_time = start_time.map(|t| TestSuiteExecTime(t.elapsed()));

    assert!(st.current_test_count() == st.total);


// Calculates padding for given test description.
fn len_if_padded(t: &TestDescAndFn) -> usize {
    match t.testfn.padding() {
        NamePadding::PadNone => 0,
        NamePadding::PadOnRight => t.desc.name.as_slice().len(),