testdir 0.7.1

Semi-persistent, scoped test directories
//! Semi-persistent, scoped test directories
//! This module provides a convenient way to have an empty directory for tests which can be
//! inspected after the test run in a predicatable location.  On subsequent test runs the
//! directory trees of previous runs will be cleaned up to keep the total number of
//! directories limited.
//! # Quickstart
//! ```no_run
//! mod tests {
//!     use std::path::PathBuf;
//!     use testdir::testdir;
//!     #[test]
//!     fn test_write() {
//!         let dir: PathBuf = testdir!();
//!         let path = dir.join("hello.txt");
//!         std::fs::write(&path, "hi there").ok();
//!         assert!(path.exists());
//!     }
//!     #[test]
//!     fn test_nonexisting() {
//!         let dir: PathBuf = testdir!();
//!         let path = dir.join("hello.txt");
//!         assert!(!path.exists());
//!     }
//! }
//! # fn main() { }
//! ````
//! For each `cargo test` invocation this will create a directory named `testdir-$N` in the
//! cargo target directory.  The number suffix will increase each time you run the tests and
//! a `testdir-current` symlink is created to the most recent suffix created.  Only the 8
//! most recent directories are kept so that this does not keep growing forever.
//! Inside the numbered directory you will find a directory structure resembling your
//! crate's modules structure.  For example if the above tests are in `lib.rs` of a crate
//! called `mycrate`, than on my UNIX system it looks like this:
//! ```sh
//! $ tree target/
//! target/
//! +- testdir-0/
//! |   +- tests/
//! |        +- test_nonexisting/
//! |        +- test_write/
//! |             +- hello.txt
//! +- testdir-current -> testdir-0
//! ```

#![warn(missing_docs, missing_debug_implementations, clippy::all)]

use std::num::NonZeroU8;

use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;

mod builder;
mod macros;
mod numbered_dir;

pub mod private;

pub use builder::NumberedDirBuilder;
pub use numbered_dir::{NumberedDir, NumberedDirIter};

/// Default to build the `root` for [`NumberedDirBuilder`] and [`testdir!`] from: `testdir`.
pub const ROOT_DEFAULT: &str = "testdir";

/// The default number of test directories retained by [`NumberedDirBuilder`] and
/// [`testdir!`]: `8`.
pub const KEEP_DEFAULT: Option<NonZeroU8> = NonZeroU8::new(8);

/// **Private** The global [`NumberedDir`] instance used by [`with_testdir`].
/// Do not use this directly, use [`init_testdir!`] to initialise this.
pub static TESTDIR: OnceCell<NumberedDir> = OnceCell::new();

/// Executes a function passing the global [`NumberedDir`] instance.
/// This is used by the [`testdir!`] macro to create subdirectories inside one global
/// [`NumberedDir`] instance for each test using [`NumberedDir::create_subdir`].  You may
/// use this for similar purposes.
/// Be aware that you should have called [`init_testdir!`] before calling this so that the
/// global testdir was initialised correctly.  Otherwise you will get a dummy testdir name.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use testdir::{init_testdir, with_testdir};
/// init_testdir!();
/// let path = with_testdir(|dir| dir.create_subdir("some/path").unwrap());
/// assert!(path.is_dir());
/// assert!(path.ends_with("some/path"));
/// ```
pub fn with_testdir<F, R>(func: F) -> R
    F: FnOnce(&NumberedDir) -> R,
    let test_dir = TESTDIR.get_or_init(|| {
        let mut builder = NumberedDirBuilder::new(String::from("init_testdir-not-called"));
        let testdir = builder.create().expect("Failed to create testdir");