test-with-tokio 0.3.3

attribute macro for tests using tokio with cases and async guards
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# An attribute macro for tests using tokio with cases and async guards.

This crate provides a single polite attribute macro
`#[test_with_tokio::please]` which allows you to write tests that do some
not-async code before running async code within tokio. This is similar to
`#[tokio::test]` but with two features: async code can be run prior to the
tokio runtime being started, and a single test can be written to generate
multiple tests handling multiple cases of the same test.  With a bit of
work, this enables you to run most of your tests in parallel, but to have a
few that cannot be run concurrently.

# Examples

At the most basic level, this crate enables you to easily write tests that
run non-async code that will be run prior to async code.
// The async in `async fn` below is optional and ignored.
async fn test_me() {
    println!("This code will be run before the tokio runtime is started.");
    async_std::println!("This code will be run with a tokio runtime").await;
## Holding a lock
The motivating reason for this crate is to enable use of a lock to run tests
static DIRECTORY_LOCK: std::sync::RwLock<()> = std::sync::RwLock::new(());

fn test_run_exclusively() {
    let _guard = DIRECTORY_LOCK.write().unwrap();
    async_std::println!("This code will be run with exclusive access to the directory.").await;

#[test_with_tokio::please] fn test_run_cooperatively() {
    let _guard = DIRECTORY_LOCK.read().unwrap();
    async_std::println!("This code will be run concurrently with other cooperative tests..").await;
You might wonder, why not take the lock within the `async` block, or perhaps
simply within a function marked with `#[tokio::test]`? The answer lies in
the lack of an `async` `Drop`.  This means that a test may not be fully
cleaned up until *after*  the tokio runtime exits, which is *after* the body
of your test function has exited and released the lock, meaning you may
still have race conditions in your tests, with a lock taken concurrently.

## Multiple cases

If you can write code that generates multiple related tests by assigning a
variable to `match CASE { ... }` where each case matches a string literal
that is a valid suffix for an identifier.
fn test_contains() {
    let container = match CASE {
        "hello" => "hello world",
        "this_test" => vec!["this_test"],
This example will create two functions each marked `#[test]`, one named
`test_contains_hello` and the other `test_contains_this_test`.  The body of
the first function will look like:
fn test_contains_hello() {
    const CASE: &str = "hello";
    let container = "hello world";