test-toolbox 0.5.0

This library provides useful macros for unit testing
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#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/test-toolbox/0.5.0")]

//! Utility library of helper macros for working with unit tests.
//! ## Macros
//! * `actual!` - declare actual variable with differing `debug` and `release` syntax
//! * `expect!` - declare expected variable with differing `debug` and `release` values
//! * `capture!` - captures `stdout` and `stderr` for testing output

#[cfg(feature = "actual")]
mod actual;
#[cfg(feature = "capture")]
mod capture;
#[cfg(feature = "expected")]
mod expect;

#[cfg(feature = "capture")]
pub use gag;

#[cfg(any(feature = "actual", feature = "expected"))]
pub use cfg_if;

mod tests;