termbox 0.2.0

High level binding for Termbox.
termbox-0.2.0 doesn't have any documentation.
Termbox is a simple library for writing text based user interfaces. It was originally written in C, and this binding was not written by the original author. # Example ~~~ extern crate termbox; use termbox::{ Termbox, Event, BLACK, WHITE, BOLD, KEY_ESC, }; fn main () { // Open the terminal let mut tb = Termbox::open().unwrap(); // Clear the screen to black tb.set_clear_attributes(BLACK, BLACK); tb.clear(); // Display a message tb.put_str(0, 0, "Hello, world!", WHITE | BOLD, BLACK); tb.put_str(0, 1, "Press Esc to continue", WHITE, BLACK); tb.present(); // Wait for the user to press Esc loop { match tb.poll_event() { Event::Key(event) => { if event.key == KEY_ESC { break; } }, _ => {}, } } } ~~~