temp-postgres 0.1.0

temporary postgres instance meant for unit tests


Easy temporary postgresql instance for unit tests.

Use the [TempPostgres] struct to get a [tokio_postgres::Client] that is connected to a temporary postgres instance. All state of the spawned postgres instance is stored in a temporary directory, which will be cleaned up automatically (unless disabled).

On Unix platforms, the client is connected over a Unix socket. Windows support is planned by picking a free TCP port on the loopback adapter.


See the example in the repository for a more detailed example using assert2.

use temp_postgres::TempPostgres;

let postgres = TempPostgres::new().await?;
println!("Using temporary directory: {}", postgres.directory().display());

let client = postgres.client().await?;
client.execute("CREATE TABLE pets (name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, species TEXT)", &[]).await?;

License: MIT