teloxide 0.13.0

An elegant Telegram bots framework for Rust
use crate::{
    requests::{Requester, ResponseResult},
    update_listeners::{self, UpdateListener},
use dptree::di::{DependencyMap, Injectable};
use std::fmt::Debug;

/// A [REPL] for messages.
#[doc = include_str!("")]
/// [REPL]:
/// ## Signature
/// Don't be scared by many trait bounds in the signature, in essence they
/// require:
/// 1. `bot` is a bot, client for the Telegram bot API. It is represented via
///    the [`Requester`] trait.
/// 2. `handler` is an `async` function that takes arguments from
///    [`DependencyMap`] (see below) and returns [`ResponseResult`].
/// ## Handler arguments
/// `teloxide` provides the following types to the `handler`:
/// - [`Message`]
/// - `R` (type of the `bot`)
/// - [`Me`]
/// Each of these types can be accepted as a handler parameter. Note that they
/// aren't all required at the same time: e.g., you can take only the bot and
/// the message without [`Me`].
/// [`Me`]: crate::types::Me
/// [`Message`]: crate::types::Message
/// ## Stopping
#[doc = include_str!("")]
/// ## Caution
#[doc = include_str!("")]
#[cfg(feature = "ctrlc_handler")]
pub async fn repl<R, H, Args>(bot: R, handler: H)
    R: Requester + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static,
    <R as Requester>::GetUpdates: Send,
    H: Injectable<DependencyMap, ResponseResult<()>, Args> + Send + Sync + 'static,
    let cloned_bot = bot.clone();
    repl_with_listener(bot, handler, update_listeners::polling_default(cloned_bot).await).await;

/// A [REPL] for messages, with a custom [`UpdateListener`].
#[doc = include_str!("")]
/// [REPL]:
/// [`UpdateListener`]: crate::update_listeners::UpdateListener
/// ## Signature
/// Don't be scared by many trait bounds in the signature, in essence they
/// require:
/// 1. `bot` is a bot, client for the Telegram bot API. It is represented via
///    the [`Requester`] trait.
/// 2. `handler` is an `async` function that takes arguments from
///    [`DependencyMap`] (see below) and returns [`ResponseResult`].
/// 3. `listener` is something that takes updates from a Telegram server and
///    implements [`UpdateListener`].
/// ## Handler arguments
/// `teloxide` provides the following types to the `handler`:
/// - [`Message`]
/// - `R` (type of the `bot`)
/// - [`Me`]
/// Each of these types can be accepted as a handler parameter. Note that they
/// aren't all required at the same time: e.g., you can take only the bot and
/// the message without [`Me`].
/// [`Me`]: crate::types::Me
/// [`Message`]: crate::types::Message
/// ## Stopping
#[doc = include_str!("")]
/// ## Caution
#[doc = include_str!("")]
#[cfg(feature = "ctrlc_handler")]
pub async fn repl_with_listener<R, H, L, Args>(bot: R, handler: H, listener: L)
    R: Requester + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    H: Injectable<DependencyMap, ResponseResult<()>, Args> + Send + Sync + 'static,
    L: UpdateListener + Send,
    L::Err: Debug,
    use crate::dispatching::Dispatcher;

    // Other update types are of no interest to use since this REPL is only for
    // messages. See <>.
    let ignore_update = |_upd| Box::pin(async {});

    Dispatcher::builder(bot, Update::filter_message().endpoint(handler))
            LoggingErrorHandler::with_custom_text("An error from the update listener"),

fn repl_is_send() {
    let bot = crate::Bot::new("");
    let repl = crate::repl(bot, || async { Ok(()) });

    fn assert_send(_: &impl Send) {}