tear 0.5.1

Typed early returns and loop control + Syntax sugar for try!-like error handling
/*! **Typed early returns and loop control + Syntax sugar for try!-like error handling**

*Works with Rust v1.34+ (released on 11 April 2019)*

# Getting started

The main focus of this crate are the following three macros:
- `tear!` is used with `ValRet` for typed early returns.
- `terror!` is syntax-sugar for `try!` or the `?` operator.
- `twist!` works with `Looping` to implement typed loop control.

Look at the synopsis for a general idea of what is possible,
and then read the documentation for the macro that interests you.

Otherwise, read the `overview` module documentation that mentions *all* the things in this crate.

## Feature flags

- The "experimental" crate feature enables support for the experimental `Try` trait.

- The "combinators" crate feature adds the `side` method to the `Judge` trait. It lets you convert
  to `Either` any type that implements `Judge`. You can then use `Either`'s combinators to do
  what you want.

- (dev) "ignore-ui" lets you ignore error message tests because all of them are wrong as soon
  as you have any warnings.

## Synopsis

Import the macros into your module:
use tear::prelude::*;

Explicit error-handling syntax with `terror!`:
# use tear::prelude::*;
# use std::io::{self, ErrorKind};
# fn can_error () -> Result<i32, CustomError> { Ok(1) }
# fn can_io_error () -> io::Result<i32> { Err(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "nope")) }
# fn print_error<T> (_ :T) -> CustomError { CustomError::Str("a".to_string()) }
# enum CustomError {
#     Io(io::Error),
#     Str(String)
# }
# fn f() -> Result<i32, CustomError> {
let handled = terror! { can_error() => print_error };
let variant = terror! { can_io_error() => CustomError::Io };
# Ok(1)
# }

// Equivalent using `?`:
# fn g() -> Result<i32, CustomError> {
let handled = can_error().map_err(print_error)?;
let variant = can_io_error().map_err(CustomError::Io)?;
# Ok(2)
# }

Early loop continue with `twist!`:
# use tear::extra::*;
# struct Regex {}
# impl Regex {
#     fn new(_ :&str) -> Result<Regex, ()> { Err(()) }
# }
# let regexes_strings = vec![ "a", "b" ];
for re in regexes_strings {
    // Skip iteration if the regex fails to compile
    let re = twist! { Regex::new(re) => |_| next!() };

    // Use regex...
# }

Keyword-like early returns with `tear_if!`:
# use tear::prelude::*;
fn divide_i32 (num: i32, denom: i32) -> Option<f32> {
    // Return early if dividing by 0
    tear_if! { denom == 0, None };

    // Compute quotient...
    # None
# }

Typed returns with `tear!`:
# use tear::prelude::*;
// Tells the calling function to return early on failure
fn get_value_or_return() -> ValRet<String, i32> { Ret(-1) }

fn status_code() -> i32 {
    let v = tear! { get_value_or_return() };

    // Process value...
    # 1
# }

# See also

- [Error Handling in Rust §The real `try!` macro / `?` operator](https://blog.burntsushi.net/rust-error-handling/#the-real-try-macro-operator)
- [guard](https://docs.rs/crate/guard), a crate implementing "guard" expressions,
  the opposite of `tear_if!`.

Finally, please star the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/tqdv/tear) if you found this crate useful.
It helps developer ego !

# Module documentation

Most things are public to allow easy modification. However, things intended only for module
development are marked as `(dev)`. A breaking change in those symbols *is not* a breaking change
in public API. Nonetheless, they will be documented in the changelog

In this module, we define in order
- ValRet, its implementation, and its associated trait Return
- Moral, its implementation, and its associated trait Judge
- tear!, tear_if! and terror! macros
#![no_std] // But we use std for tests
#![warn(missing_docs)] // Documentation lints
#![allow(clippy::tabs_in_doc_comments)] // Clippy ignore

// Optional features
#![cfg_attr(feature = "experimental", feature(try_trait))]

// Modules
pub mod overview; // For documentation
pub mod prelude;
pub mod extra;
pub mod trait_impl; // Move the trait implementations as they are quite noisy
pub mod twist_impl; // Currently only for `twist!`
#[macro_use] pub mod util; // Utility macros that aren't the main focus. To reduce file size.

// Reexports for macros and convenience
pub use twist_impl::BreakValError;
pub use twist_impl::Looping;
pub use util::gut;
pub use trait_impl::Maru;
pub use core::convert::From;

// For convenience, also used in prelude
use ValRet::*;
use Moral::*;
#[cfg(feature = "combinators")] use either::Either::{self, *};

/** Represents a usable value or an early return. Use with [`tear!`]

# Description

The idea is to type an early return. The early return either evaluates to something (Val) or
returns early (Ret).
#[must_use = "Suggestion: use tear! to handle it"]
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum ValRet<V, R> {
	/// The usable value
	/// The return value

**NB**: Other combinators such as `and`, `and_then`, `or`, `map_val`
aren't implemented because I didn't need them, not because they aren't useful.

Examples will all use the following two variables
# use tear::prelude::*;
let ok:    ValRet<&str, &str> = Val("ok");
let error: ValRet<&str, &str> = Ret("error");
impl<V, R> ValRet<V, R> {
	/* Accessors */

	/// Gets the `Val(V)` variant as `Option<V>`
	pub fn val (self) -> Option<V> { maybe_match! { self, Val(v) => v } }
	/// Gets the `Ret(R)` variant as `Option<R>`
	pub fn ret (self) -> Option<R> { maybe_match! { self, Ret(r) => r } }

/// Convert into [`ValRet`]
pub trait Return where Self :Sized {
	/// The Val in ValRet
	type Value;
	/// The Ret in ValRet
	type Returned;
	/// Convert itself to a ValRet
	fn into_valret (self) -> ValRet<Self::Value, Self::Returned>;

/// A notion of good and bad for the [`terror!`] macro
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Moral<Y, N> {
	/// The good
	/// And the bad

impl<Y, N> Moral<Y, N> {
	/* Accessors */

	/// Gets the `Good(Y)` variant as `Option<Y>`
	pub fn good (self) -> Option<Y> { maybe_match! { self, Good(v) => v } }
	/// Gets the `Bad(N)` variant as `Option<N>`
	pub fn bad (self) -> Option<N> { maybe_match! { self, Bad(v) => v } }

	/* Conversions */

	/** Convert to ValRet

	Maps Good to Val and Bad to Ret.
	pub fn into_valret (self) -> ValRet<Y, N> {
		match self {
			Good(v) => Val(v),
			Bad(v) => Ret(v),

	/** Convert to Result. Use [`Judge::result`] instead

	Maps Good to Ok and Bad to Err.
	pub fn into_result (self) -> Result<Y, N> {
		match self {
			Good(v) => Ok(v),
			Bad(v) => Err(v),

	/** Convert to Either. Use [`Judge::side`] instead

	Maps Good to Right and Bad to Left.
	#[cfg(feature = "combinators")]
	pub fn into_either (self) -> Either<N, Y> {
		match self {
			Good(v) => Right(v),
			Bad(v) => Left(v),
	/* Special conversions */

	/** (dev) Convert to a [`Looping`] by mapping Good to Resume, and Bad through a function

	The function `f` takes the bad value and maps it to a `Looping` value.

	Used in the `twist!` macro with the mapping (`=>`) syntax. See [`twist!`] documentation.
	pub fn resume_or_else<B> (self, f :impl FnOnce(N) -> Looping<Y, B>) -> Looping<Y, B> {
		match self {
			Good(v) => Looping::Resume(v),
			Bad(v) => f(v),

/** Convert from and to [`Moral`]. Used for the macro map syntax.

This mirrors the [`ops::Try`](`core::ops::Try`) trait.

It is used for the `=>` mapping syntax of macros, to differentiate the value we want to keep from
the value we want to map through the function.
pub trait Judge :Sized {
	/// This is considered Good
	type Positive;
	/// This is considered Bad
	type Negative;
	/// Convert to Moral
	fn into_moral (self) -> Moral<Self::Positive, Self::Negative>;
	/** Wraps a good value into itself
	For example `Result::Ok(v)` and `Judge::from_good(v)` are equivalent. Useful for converting types.
	fn from_good (v :Self::Positive) -> Self;
	/** Wraps a bad value into itself
	For example `Result::Err(e)` and `Judge::from_bad(e)` are equivalent. Useful for converting types.
	fn from_bad (v :Self::Negative) -> Self;

	/* Supplied methods */

	/** Convert to result */
	fn result (self) -> Result<Self::Positive, Self::Negative> {

	/** Convert to Either */
	#[cfg(feature = "combinators")]
	fn side (self) -> Either<Self::Negative, Self::Positive> {

/** Turns a [`ValRet`] into a value or an early return

It also coerces its argument to a `ValRet` ([`Return`] trait).

# Description

let x = tear! { $e };

If $e is `Val(v)`, then v is assigned to x. Otherwise it is `Ret(r)`, in which case
the function immediately returns with a value of r.

This macro is useful when you have functions that return ValRet.

let x = tear! { $e => $f }

Same as the previous form, but the return value `r` is first mapped through $f before returning.
In short, we return `$f(r)`.

Additionally, both forms make use of the [`convert::From`](`core::convert::From`) trait to automatically convert
the value when returning it. This behaviour is the same as the try operator `?`.
You may need to be more specific with type annotations so that the compiler can infer the right types.

# Examples

tear! with Val and Ret.

# #[macro_use] extern crate tear;
# use tear::prelude::*;
// "Ian" is assigned to name
let name = tear! { Val::<_, ()>("Ian") };
# assert_eq![ name, "Ian" ];

# fn func () -> i32 {
// The function immediately returns -1
let _ = tear! { Ret(-1) };
# 0
# }
# let r = func();
# assert_eq![ r, -1 ];

tear! with a function returning ValRet

# #[macro_use] extern crate tear;
# use tear::prelude::*;
fn get_name () -> ValRet<String, i32> {
    // or Ret(0)

fn func () -> i32 {
    // Will either assign the value to name, or return immediately
    let name = tear! { get_name() };
    name.len() as i32
# let x = func();
# assert_eq![ x, 5 ];

Mapping the return value

# #[macro_use] extern crate tear;
# use std::ffi::OsString;
fn string_id(s: OsString) -> String {
    let s: String = tear! { s.into_string() => |_| "No ID".to_string() };
    let id = s.len().to_string();
# assert_eq![ string_id(OsString::from("ROOT")), "4" ];

Automatic conversion with `convert::From`

# use tear::prelude::*;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct MyInt(u8);
impl std::convert::From<u8> for MyInt {
    fn from(x :u8) -> Self { Self(x) }

fn five_as_myint() -> MyInt {
    tear! { Ret(5) }

assert_eq![ five_as_myint(), MyInt(5) ];

# Naming

The name "tear" comes from the image of tearing apart the the usable value from the early return.
It also happens to be that "tear" looks like "ret(urn)" backwards.
macro_rules! tear {
	// `tear! { $e }`
	( $e:expr ) => {
		match $crate::Return::into_valret($e) {
			$crate::ValRet::Val(v) => v,
			$crate::ValRet::Ret(r) => return $crate::From::from(r),
	// With a mapping function eg. `tear! { $e => |v| v }` or `tear! { $e => func }`
	( $e:expr => $f:expr ) => {
			match $crate::Judge::into_moral($e) {
				$crate::Moral::Good(v) => v,
				$crate::Moral::Bad(v) => return $crate::From::from($f(v)),

/** Explicit `if` statement with early return 

# Description

tear_if! { cond,  // <- NB: it's a comma
    v             // Return value

If cond is true, it executes the statements in its body and returns its value (v here).
It's basically an early return without the return statement at the end.

tear_if! { let pat = expr,

You can also use the pattern matching `if let`.

# Examples

Early return a value: recursively computing the length of a slice.
# #[macro_use] extern crate tear;
fn len (v: &[i32]) -> usize {
    // Base case
    tear_if! { v.is_empty(), 0 as usize }
    // Recursion
    1 + len(&v[1..])
# assert_eq![ len(&[1, 2, 3]), 3 ];

Handle simple cases: printing help in a command line utility
# #[macro_use] extern crate tear;
use std::env;

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    tear_if! { args.contains(&String::from("--help")),
        println!("No help available.")
    println!("Greetings, human!");

Use patterns like `if let`
# #[macro_use] extern crate tear;
fn add_five(x: Option<i32>) -> i32 {
    tear_if! { let None = x, 0 }
    x.unwrap() + 5

assert_eq![ add_five(Some(2)), 7 ];
assert_eq![ add_five(None), 0 ];
macro_rules! tear_if {
	// Normal tear_if! { $cond, $block }
	( $c:expr $( , $($b:tt)* )? ) => {
		$crate::tear! {
			if $c {
				$crate::ValRet::Ret({ $($($b)*)? })
			} else {
	// Handle tear_if! { let … }
	( let $p:pat = $e:expr $( , $($b:tt)* )? ) => {
		$crate::tear! {
			if let $p = $e {
				$crate::ValRet::Ret({ $($($b)*)? })
			} else {

/** [`try!`]-like error-handling macro

`terror!` is like `tear!`, but stronger and more righteous.
It automatically converts the Bad value to the return type Bad value ([`Judge`] trait).

# Description

let x = terror! { $e };

If $e is a good value, it is assigned to x. Otherwise, $e is `Bad(value)`, we return `from_bad(value)`.
This form is equivalent to the `?` operator.

let x = terror! { $e => $f };

Same as the previous form, but the bad `value` is first mapped through $f before returning.
In short, we return `from_bad($f(value))`.

Both forms make use of the [`convert::From`](`core::convert::From`) trait to convert the bad value,
making it fully compatible with `try!` and the `?` operator.

# Explanation using examples

The description is especially terse on purpose: it is really hard to explain what `terror!` does without using examples.

## Simple examples

### Ripping Good and Bad values

`even_number` is assigned 2 because `Good(2)` is Good.

# #[macro_use] extern crate tear;
# use tear::extra::*;
fn return_two() -> Result<i32, String> {
    let even_number: i32 = terror! { Good::<i32, String>(2) };
    # assert_eq![ even_number, 2 ];
    # Ok(even_number)

`error_five` returns early with `Err("five".to_string())` because `Bad("five".to_string())` is Bad.

# #[macro_use] extern crate tear;
# use tear::extra::*;
fn error_five() -> Result<i32, String> {
    let another_number: i32 = terror! { Bad("five".to_string()) };
    # Ok(5)
# assert_eq![ error_five(), Err("five".to_string()) ];

### Handling errors

Forwarding errors: If `s.into_string` is `Ok(v)`, the `String` v is assigned to s. If it is `Err(e)` with e being an `OsString`, we return `Err(e)`.

# #[macro_use] extern crate tear;
# use std::ffi::OsString;
fn len(s: OsString) -> Result<usize, OsString> {
    //        ┌─────────────────┐         │
    //        │        Result<String, OsString>
    //        │         └───────────┐
    let s: String = terror! { s.into_string() };

# assert_eq![ len(OsString::from("aa")), Ok(2) ];

Using a mapping function: we converts the error to the return type error

# #[macro_use] extern crate tear;
# use std::string::FromUtf8Error;
fn to_string(b: Vec<u8>) -> Result<String, String> {
    let s = terror! { String::from_utf8(b) => |e: FromUtf8Error| e.utf8_error().to_string() };

# assert_eq![ to_string(b"Zach".to_vec()), Ok("Zach".to_string()) ];

## The first form: `terror! { $e }`

# #[macro_use] extern crate tear;
# use std::num::ParseIntError;
fn parse_number (s :String) -> Result<i64, ParseIntError> {
    // Early return on error
    let n: i32 = terror! { s.parse() };
    Ok(n as i64)
# assert_eq![ parse_number("2".to_string()), Ok(2) ];

In this example, `s.parse()` returns a `Result<i32, ParseIntError>`. The good value is `i32`,
and the bad value is `ParseIntError`.

If we parsed the string succesfully, `terror!` evaluates to the parsed `i32` and
it is assigned to `n`.

But if fails, the ParseIntError is returned *as an error*. This means that
our `Err::<i32, ParseIntError>` is converted to a `Err::<i64, ParseIntError>` and then returned.

This form of `terror!` is especially useful when you just want to forward the error from
a function call to the function return value. Exactly like the `?` operator.

## The second form: `terror! { $e => $f }`

# #[macro_use] extern crate tear;
# use std::num::ParseIntError;
# use std::io;
# #[derive(Debug)]
enum Error {

# fn parse_number (s :String) -> Result<i64, ParseIntError> {
#     // Early return on error
#     let n: i32 = terror! { s.parse() };
#     Ok(n as i64)
# }
fn square (s: String) -> Result<String, Error> {
    // If parse_number fails, convert the ParseIntError into our Error type and return early
    let number: i64 = terror! { parse_number(s) => Error::Parse };
    // Square the number and convert it to string
    let squared = (number * number).to_string();
# assert_eq![ square("1".to_string()).unwrap(), "1".to_string() ];

We now know that `parse_number` returns a `Result<i64, ParseIntError>`.

We would now like to wrap that `ParseIntError` error into our our custom `Error` error type.
To do so, we extract the `ParseIntError`, and wrap it into our custom error with `Error::Parse`.

That is the role of the function following the `=>` arrow: it converts the error type of
the left statement, into the function return error type.

### Automatic conversion just like `?`

Since `terror!` mimics `?`, it also supports autoconversion using the `convert::From` trait.

# use tear::prelude::*;
# use std::io;
# macro_rules! assert_match {
#     ( $e:expr, $($p:pat)|+ ) => {
#         match $e {
#             $($p)|+ => (),
#             ref e => panic!("assertion failed: `{:?}` does not match `{}`", e, stringify!($($p)|+)),
#         }
#     }
# }
# #[derive(Debug)]
enum CustomError {

impl std::convert::From<io::Error> for CustomError {
    fn from(x :io::Error) -> Self {

# fn fail_with_io_error() -> io::Result<()> {
#     Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "oh no!"))
# }
fn auto_convert() -> Result<bool, CustomError> {
    terror! { fail_with_io_error() };

assert_match![ auto_convert(), Err(CustomError::IOError(_)) ];

# `terror!` vs. `?` when moving into closures

The only difference between `terror!` and `?` is that since `terror!` is a macro,
you can move variables into the closure without the borrow checker yelling at you.

In this example, we want to return an error built from `path` using the `?` operator.

# use std::{fs::File, path::PathBuf};
# enum Error {
#     OpenF(PathBuf),
# }
fn open_file(path: PathBuf) -> Result<(), Error> {
    let file = File::open(&path).map_err(|_| Error::OpenF(path))?;
    // Do stuff with path and file
    # drop(path); drop(file);
    # Ok(())

However, it  fails to compile with the message `` error[E0382]: use of moved value: `path` ``.
This is because the borrow checker can't tell that when the closure is called,
it immediately returns. It sees that `path` is moved into the closure, and refuses
to let you use it in the rest of the function.

But if works if we use `terror!`. That's because since it's a macro, it expands into
code that tells the compiler that we immediately return after calling the closure.

# #[macro_use] extern crate tear;
# use std::{fs::File, path::PathBuf};
# enum Error {
#     OpenF(PathBuf),
# }
fn open_file(path: PathBuf) -> Result<(), Error> {
    let file = terror! { File::open(&path) => |_| Error::OpenF(path) };
    // Do stuff with path and file
    # drop(path); drop(file);
    # Ok(())

# Naming

The name terror comes from "return error" and "tear! error".
The mnemonic was "When you need to scream an error from the inside" because of how closures worked (see §`terror!` vs. `?` when moving into closures).
macro_rules! terror {
	// `terror! { $e }`
	( $e:expr ) => {
		match $crate::Judge::into_moral($e) {
			$crate::Moral::Good(v) => v,
			$crate::Moral::Bad(v) => return $crate::Judge::from_bad($crate::From::from(v)),
	// With a mapping function eg. `terror! { $e => |v| v }` or `terror! { $e => func }`
	( $e:expr => $f:expr ) => {
			match $crate::Judge::into_moral($e) {
				$crate::Moral::Good(v) => v,
				$crate::Moral::Bad(v) => return $crate::Judge::from_bad($crate::From::from($f(v))),