td_proto_rust 0.1.4

bin protocol for Rust


tickbh rust bin protocol

Build Status

suport type

base type is contain "u8", "i8", "u16", "i16", "u32", "i32", "float", "string", "raw", "map"

array type is contain "u8[]", "i8[]", "u16[]", "i16[]", "u32[]", "i32[]", "float[]", "string[]", "raw[]", "map[]"

data detail

data will be format like as Id, Type, Data store by little endian, Id is 2bytes, Type is 2bytes

  • "u8", "i8" -- 1bytes
  • "u16", "i16" -- 2bytes
  • "u32", "i32", "float" -- 4bytes, float decode with i32 div 1000
  • "string", "raw" -- 2bytes len, len bytes datas
  • map -- key always encode string, contains id, type, value is base value, end will key type is nil
  • array -- write base data, stop with id = 0, type = 0

example data u8

extern crate td_proto_rust;
use td_rp::{Value, Config, Buffer};

fn test_head_field(buffer : &mut Buffer, index : u16, t : u16) {
    // first index bytes
    let data: &mut [u8; 2] = &mut [0, 0];
    let size =;
    assert_eq!(size, 2);
    let val = u16::from_le(unsafe { mem::transmute::<[u8;2], u16>(*data) });
    assert_eq!(val, index);

    // first type bytes
    let size =;
    assert_eq!(size, 2);

    let val = u16::from_le(unsafe { mem::transmute::<[u8;2], u16>(*data) });
    assert_eq!(val, t);

fn test_encode_u8() {
    let config = Config::new_empty();
    let mut buffer = Buffer::new();
    let value = Value::from(1 as u8);
    td_rp::encode_field(&mut buffer, &config, &value).unwrap();
    td_rp::encode_field(&mut buffer, &config, &value).unwrap();

    // first read field
    test_head_field(&mut buffer, 0, td_rp::TYPE_U8);
    // after index type is data
    let data: &mut [u8; 2] = &mut [0, 0];
    let size =;
    assert_eq!(size, 2);
    assert_eq!(data[0], 1);
    assert_eq!(data[1], 0);

    // second read field
    let read = td_rp::decode_field(&mut buffer, &config).unwrap();
    match read {
        Value::U8(val) => assert_eq!(val, 1),
        _ => unreachable!("it will not read"),

    let size =;
    assert_eq!(size, 0);

the bytes is
[0, 0, 1, 0, 1] -- [0, 0] is id = 0, [1, 0] is type = 1 is TYPE_U8, [1] is data is 1u8

example proto

extern crate td_proto_rust;
use td_rp::{Value, Config, Buffer};

fn test_base_proto() {
    let config = td_rp::Config::new(" { \"name\" : { \"index\" :    1, \"pattern\" : \"string\" }, \
                                        \"index\" : { \"index\" :    2, \"pattern\" : \"u16\" },  \
                                        \"sub_name\" : { \"index\" :    3, \"pattern\" :\"string\" }   }",
        "{\"cmd_test_op\"        : { \"index\" :    1, \"args\" : [ \"map\" ] }}");
    let config = config.unwrap();
    let mut hash_value = HashMap::<String, Value>::new();
    hash_value.insert("name".to_string(), Value::from("I'm a chinese people".to_string()));
    hash_value.insert("sub_name".to_string(), Value::from("tickdream".to_string()));
    hash_value.insert("index".to_string(), Value::from(1 as u16));

        let mut buffer = td_rp::encode_proto(&config, &"cmd_test_op".to_string(), vec![Value::from(hash_value.clone())]).unwrap();
        // just read field
        let read = td_rp::decode_proto(&mut buffer, &config).unwrap();
        match read {
            (name, val) => {
                assert_eq!(name, "cmd_test_op".to_string());
                assert_eq!(val[0], Value::from(hash_value));

it will encode Vec accords to proto name like as "cmd_test_op" define args is [map]


it will ensure data decoded maximum

  • old protocol can decode the new protocol if new protocol not change the old field info, but it will miss some info
  • new protocol can decode the old protocol all datas