tcod-sys 3.0.1

Raw FFI bindings & build script to link against libtcod.
use std::{env, fs};
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::Command;

fn main() {
    let src_dir = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap();
    let dst_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();

    let src = Path::new(&src_dir);
    let dst = Path::new(&dst_dir);

    let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap();
    let makefile = if target.contains("linux") {
    } else if target.contains("darwin") {
    } else if target.contains("windows") {
    } else {
        panic!("Don't know how to handle target {} yet.", target);

    let libtcod_dir = src.join("libtcod");

    let mut make = Command::new("make");

    match make.output() {
        Ok(ref output) if output.status.success() => {
            println!("`make` succeeded.");
        Ok(ref output) => {
            println!("STDOUT: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout));
            println!("STDERR: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr));
            panic!("`make` returned: {}", output.status);
        Err(ref e) => panic!("`make` failed: {}", e),

    // TODO(shadower): there's a bunch of name special-casing I came across
    // testing this in my linux and windows setups. I have no idea why these are
    // required, so right now we just produce the compiled binary in all the
    // names necessary. There's probably a better way to deal with this.
    if target.contains("linux") {
        fs::copy(&libtcod_dir.join(""), &dst.join("")).unwrap();
        // NOTE(shadower): this is what the executables seem to expect:
        fs::copy(&libtcod_dir.join(""), &dst.join("")).unwrap();
    } else if target.contains("darwin") {
        fs::copy(&libtcod_dir.join("libtcod.dylib"), &dst.join("libtcod.dylib")).unwrap();
    } else if target.contains("windows") {
        // NOTE: this seems to be needed by MinGW's gcc:
        fs::copy(&libtcod_dir.join("libtcod-mingw.dll"), &dst.join("libtcod.dll")).unwrap();
        // NOTE: this seems to be what the executable using tcod seems to expect:
        fs::copy(&libtcod_dir.join("libtcod-mingw.dll"), &dst.join("libtcod-mingw.dll")).unwrap();
        // NOTE: this is shipped with libtcod and Windows executables expect it:
        fs::copy(&libtcod_dir.join("SDL.dll"), &dst.join("SDL.dll")).unwrap();

    // TODO: can we (optionally?) produce a static copy? It'd probably be more
    // work, but would be easier for the end users.
    println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", dst.display());