task-mon 0.1.0

CLI to execute commands and log results to healthchecks.io
task-mon-0.1.0 is not a library.

Task Monitoring with Healthchecks.io

task-mon is a small binary for notifying Healthchecks.io when a command runs.

This serves a similar purpose to the curl-based patterns described in the Healthchecks documentation but provides more flexibility and ergonomics. Especially for shell scripts and cron jobs, delegating health management to a separate binary allows you to focus on the task at hand.

It supports Healthchecks' advanced optional features such as reporting failures, attaching logs, and monitoring execution time.


To execute a task and ping Healthchecks.io when it completes simply invoke task-mon with the check's UUID and the command to run:

$ task-mon --uuid 1234-abcd -- some_command --to --monitor
$ crontab -e
# m h dom mon dow command
  8 6 * * * /usr/local/cargo/bin/task-mon --uuid 1234-abcd -- some_command --to --monitor

task-mon will run the command and ping Healthchecks.io when it completes, reporting the exit status and the last 10K of output from the process.


$ task-mon --help
task-mon 0.1.0
Execute commands and log results to healthchecks.io

    task-mon [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --uuid <UUID> [--] <command>...

        --detailed      Include execution details in the information POST-ed (by default just sends stdout/err)
        --env           Also POSTs the process environment; requires --detailed
    -h, --help          Prints help information
        --head          POST the first 10k bytes instead of the last
        --ping_only     Don't POST any output from the command
    -t, --time          Ping when the program starts as well as completes
        --user_agent    Customize the user-agent string sent to the Healthchecks.io server
    -V, --version       Prints version information
        --verbose       Write debugging details to stderr

        --base_url <base_url>    Base URL of the Healthchecks.io server to ping [default: https://hc-ping.com]
    -k, --uuid <UUID>            Healthchecks.io UUID to ping

    <command>...    The command to run

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