tangram_tree 0.7.0

Tangram makes it easy for programmers to train, deploy, and monitor machine learning models.
use crate::{
	shap::{compute_shap_values_for_example, ComputeShapValuesForExampleOutput},
	Progress, TrainOptions, Tree,
use ndarray::prelude::*;
use num::{clamp, ToPrimitive};
use rayon::{self, prelude::*};
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use tangram_table::prelude::*;
use tangram_zip::{pzip, zip};

/// `MulticlasClassifier`s predict multiclass target values, for example which of several species a flower is.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MulticlassClassifier {
	/// The initial prediction of the model given no trained trees. The bias is calculated using the distribution of the unique values in target column in the training dataset. It has shape (n_classes).
	pub biases: Array1<f32>,
	/// The trees for this model. It has shape (n_rounds, n_classes) because for each round, we train n_classes trees.
	pub trees: Array2<Tree>,

/// This struct is returned by `MulticlassClassifier::train`.
pub struct MulticlassClassifierTrainOutput {
	/// This is the model you just trained.
	pub model: MulticlassClassifier,
	/// These are the loss values for each epoch.
	pub losses: Option<Vec<f32>>,
	/// These are the importances of each feature as measured by the number of times each feature was used in a branch node.
	pub feature_importances: Option<Vec<f32>>,

impl MulticlassClassifier {
	// Train a multiclass classifier.
	pub fn train(
		features: TableView,
		labels: EnumTableColumnView,
		train_options: &TrainOptions,
		progress: Progress,
	) -> MulticlassClassifierTrainOutput {
		let task = crate::train::Task::MulticlassClassification {
			n_classes: labels.variants().len(),
		let train_output = crate::train::train(
		match train_output {
			TrainOutput::MulticlassClassifier(train_output) => train_output,
			_ => unreachable!(),

	// Make predictions.
	pub fn predict(&self, features: ArrayView2<TableValue>, mut probabilities: ArrayViewMut2<f32>) {
		.for_each(|(mut logits, example)| {
			for trees in self.trees.axis_iter(Axis(0)) {
				for (logit, tree) in zip!(logits.iter_mut(), trees.iter()) {
					*logit += tree.predict(example.as_slice().unwrap());

	/// Compute SHAP values.
	pub fn compute_feature_contributions(
		features: ArrayView2<TableValue>,
	) -> Vec<Vec<ComputeShapValuesForExampleOutput>> {
			.map(|features| {
				zip!(self.trees.axis_iter(Axis(1)), self.biases.iter())
					.map(|(tree, bias)| {
						compute_shap_values_for_example(features.as_slice().unwrap(), tree, *bias)

	pub fn from_reader(
		multiclass_classifier: crate::serialize::MulticlassClassifierReader,
	) -> MulticlassClassifier {

	pub fn to_writer(
		writer: &mut buffalo::Writer,
	) -> buffalo::Position<crate::serialize::MulticlassClassifierWriter> {
		crate::serialize::serialize_multiclass_classifier(self, writer)

	pub fn from_bytes(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> MulticlassClassifier {
		let reader = buffalo::read::<crate::serialize::MulticlassClassifierReader>(bytes);

	pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
		// Create the writer.
		let mut writer = buffalo::Writer::new();
		self.to_writer(&mut writer);

/// This function is used by the common train function to update the logits after each round of trees is trained for multiclass classification.
pub fn update_logits(
	trees_for_round: &[TrainTree],
	binned_features: ArrayView2<TableValue>,
	mut predictions: ArrayViewMut2<f32>,
) {
	let features_rows = binned_features.axis_iter(Axis(0));
	let logits_rows = predictions.axis_iter_mut(Axis(1));
	for (features, mut logits) in zip!(features_rows, logits_rows) {
		for (logit, tree) in zip!(logits.iter_mut(), trees_for_round.iter()) {
			*logit += tree.predict(features.as_slice().unwrap());

/// This function is used by the common train function to compute the loss after each tree is trained for multiclass classification.
pub fn compute_loss(logits: ArrayView2<f32>, labels: ArrayView1<Option<NonZeroUsize>>) -> f32 {
	let mut loss = 0.0;
	for (label, logits) in zip!(labels.into_iter(), logits.axis_iter(Axis(0))) {
		let mut probabilities = logits.to_owned();
		for (index, &probability) in probabilities.indexed_iter() {
			let probability = clamp(probability, std::f32::EPSILON, 1.0 - std::f32::EPSILON);
			if index == (label.unwrap().get() - 1) {
				loss += -probability.ln();
	loss / labels.len().to_f32().unwrap()

/// This function is used by the common train function to compute the biases for multiclass classification.
pub fn compute_biases(
	labels: ArrayView1<Option<NonZeroUsize>>,
	n_trees_per_round: usize,
) -> Array1<f32> {
	let mut biases: Array1<f32> = Array::zeros(n_trees_per_round);
	for label in labels {
		let label = label.unwrap().get() - 1;
		biases[label] += 1.0;
	let n_examples = labels.len().to_f32().unwrap();
	for bias in biases.iter_mut() {
		let proba = *bias / n_examples;
		let clamped_proba = clamp(proba, std::f32::EPSILON, 1.0 - std::f32::EPSILON);
		*bias = clamped_proba.ln();

/// This function is used by the common train function to compute the gradients and hessian after each round.
pub fn compute_gradients_and_hessians(
	class_index: usize,
	// (n_examples)
	gradients: &mut [f32],
	// (n_examples)
	hessians: &mut [f32],
	// (n_examples)
	labels: &[Option<NonZeroUsize>],
	// (n_trees_per_round, n_examples)
	logits: ArrayView2<f32>,
) {
	pzip!(gradients, hessians, logits.axis_iter(Axis(0)), labels).for_each(
		|(gradient, hessian, logits, label)| {
			let max = logits.iter().fold(std::f32::MIN, |a, &b| f32::max(a, b));
			let mut sum = 0.0;
			for logit in logits.iter() {
				sum += (*logit - max).exp();
			let prediction = (logits[class_index] - max).exp() / sum;
			let label = label.unwrap().get() - 1;
			let label = if label == class_index { 1.0 } else { 0.0 };
			*gradient = prediction - label;
			*hessian = prediction * (1.0 - prediction);

fn softmax(logits: &mut [f32]) {
	let max = logits.iter().fold(std::f32::MIN, |a, &b| f32::max(a, b));
	for logit in logits.iter_mut() {
		*logit = (*logit - max).exp();
	let sum = logits.iter().sum::<f32>();
	for logit in logits.iter_mut() {
		*logit /= sum;