tailscale-localapi 0.4.0

Client for the Tailscale local API


This is a rust crate designed to interact with the Tailscale local API. On Linux and other Unix-like systems, this is through a unix socket. On macOS and Windows, this is through a local TCP port and a password. The Tailscale localapi is large but so far this crate does:

  1. Get the status of the node and the tailnet (similar to tailscale status)
  2. Get a certificate and key for the node (similar to tailscale cert)
  3. Get whois information for a given IP address in the tailnet


This crate uses hyper and requires tokio and async rust.


let socket_path = "/var/run/tailscale/tailscaled.sock";
let client = tailscale_localapi::LocalApi::new_with_socket_path(socket_path);