tagref 1.5.0

Tagref helps you refer to other locations in your codebase.
use ignore::{overrides::OverrideBuilder, WalkBuilder, WalkState};
use std::{
    path::{Path, PathBuf},
        atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},

// This function visits each file in the given directory and calls the given callback with the path
// and the file. It skips files which cannot be read (e.g., due to lack of permissions). It also
// skips over symlinks. The number of files traversed is returned.
pub fn walk<T: 'static + Clone + Send + FnMut(&Path, File)>(
    paths: &[PathBuf],
    callback: T,
) -> usize {
    // Keep track of the number of files traversed, and allow multiple threads to update it.
    let files_scanned = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));

    // Scan each of the given paths.
    for path in paths {
        // Traverse the filesystem in parallel.
                    .unwrap() // Safe by manual inspection
                    .unwrap() // Safe by manual inspection
            .run(|| {
                // These clones will be moved into the closure below, and that closure will be sent
                // to a new thread.
                let mut callback = callback.clone();
                let files_scanned = files_scanned.clone();

                // This closure will be sent to a new thread.
                Box::new(move |result| {
                    // Proceed if we have access to the path.
                    if let Ok(dir_entry) = result {
                        // Here, `file_type()` should always return a `Some`. It could only return
                        // `None` if the file represents STDIN, and that isn't the case here.
                        if dir_entry.file_type().unwrap().is_file() {
                            // Try to open the file.
                            let possible_file = File::open(dir_entry.path());
                            if let Ok(file) = possible_file {
                                // Process the file and increment the counter.
                                callback(dir_entry.path(), file);
                                files_scanned.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);

                    // Don't stop...believing!

    // Return the number of files traversed.