taffy 0.3.0-alpha1

A flexible UI layout library
//! UI [`Node`] types and related data structures.
//! Layouts are composed of multiple nodes, which live in a tree-like data structure.
use slotmap::{DefaultKey, SlotMap, SparseSecondaryMap};

/// A node in a layout.
pub type Node = slotmap::DefaultKey;

use crate::error::{TaffyError, TaffyResult};
use crate::geometry::Size;
use crate::layout::{Cache, Layout};
use crate::prelude::LayoutTree;
use crate::style::{AvailableSpace, Style};
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
use crate::sys::Box;
use crate::sys::{new_vec_with_capacity, ChildrenVec, Vec};
use crate::{data::NodeData, error};

/// A function type that can be used in a [`MeasureFunc`]
/// This trait is automatically implemented for all types (including closures) that define a function with the appropriate type signature.
pub trait Measurable: Send + Sync + Fn(Size<Option<f32>>, Size<AvailableSpace>) -> Size<f32> {}
impl<F: Send + Sync + Fn(Size<Option<f32>>, Size<AvailableSpace>) -> Size<f32>> Measurable for F {}

/// A function that can be used to compute the intrinsic size of a node
pub enum MeasureFunc {
    /// Stores an unboxed function
    Raw(fn(Size<Option<f32>>, Size<AvailableSpace>) -> Size<f32>),

    /// Stores a boxed function
    #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
    Boxed(Box<dyn Measurable>),

/// A tree of UI [`Nodes`](`Node`), suitable for UI layout
pub struct Taffy {
    /// The [`NodeData`] for each node stored in this tree
    pub(crate) nodes: SlotMap<Node, NodeData>,

    /// The mapping from the Size<AvailableSpace> (in real units) to Size<f32> (in points) for this node
    pub(crate) measure_funcs: SparseSecondaryMap<Node, MeasureFunc>,

    /// The children of each node
    /// The indexes in the outer vector correspond to the position of the parent [`NodeData`]
    pub(crate) children: SlotMap<Node, ChildrenVec<Node>>,

    /// The parents of each node
    /// The indexes in the outer vector correspond to the position of the child [`NodeData`]
    pub(crate) parents: SlotMap<Node, Option<Node>>,

impl Default for Taffy {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl LayoutTree for Taffy {
    type ChildIter<'a> = std::slice::Iter<'a, DefaultKey>;

    fn children(&self, node: Node) -> Self::ChildIter<'_> {

    fn child_count(&self, node: Node) -> usize {

    fn is_childless(&self, node: Node) -> bool {

    fn parent(&self, node: Node) -> Option<Node> {

    fn style(&self, node: Node) -> &Style {

    fn layout(&self, node: Node) -> &Layout {

    fn layout_mut(&mut self, node: Node) -> &mut Layout {
        &mut self.nodes[node].layout

    fn mark_dirty(&mut self, node: Node) -> TaffyResult<()> {

    fn measure_node(
        node: Node,
        known_dimensions: Size<Option<f32>>,
        available_space: Size<AvailableSpace>,
    ) -> Size<f32> {
        match &self.measure_funcs[node] {
            MeasureFunc::Raw(measure) => measure(known_dimensions, available_space),

            #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "alloc"))]
            MeasureFunc::Boxed(measure) => (measure as &dyn Fn(_, _) -> _)(known_dimensions, available_space),

    fn needs_measure(&self, node: Node) -> bool {
        self.nodes[node].needs_measure && self.measure_funcs.get(node).is_some()

    fn cache_mut(&mut self, node: Node, index: usize) -> &mut Option<Cache> {
        &mut self.nodes[node].size_cache[index]

    fn child(&self, node: Node, id: usize) -> Node {

#[allow(clippy::iter_cloned_collect)] // due to no-std support, we need to use `iter_cloned` instead of `collect`
impl Taffy {
    /// Creates a new [`Taffy`]
    /// The default capacity of a [`Taffy`] is 16 nodes.
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    /// Creates a new [`Taffy`] that can store `capacity` nodes before reallocation
    pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self {
        Self {
            // TODO: make this method const upstream,
            // so constructors here can be const
            nodes: SlotMap::with_capacity(capacity),
            children: SlotMap::with_capacity(capacity),
            parents: SlotMap::with_capacity(capacity),
            measure_funcs: SparseSecondaryMap::with_capacity(capacity),

    /// Creates and adds a new unattached leaf node to the tree, and returns the [`NodeId`] of the new node
    pub fn new_leaf(&mut self, layout: Style) -> TaffyResult<Node> {
        let id = self.nodes.insert(NodeData::new(layout));
        let _ = self.children.insert(new_vec_with_capacity(0));
        let _ = self.parents.insert(None);


    /// Creates and adds a new unattached leaf node to the tree, and returns the [`NodeId`] of the new node
    /// Creates and adds a new leaf node with a supplied [`MeasureFunc`]
    pub fn new_leaf_with_measure(&mut self, layout: Style, measure: MeasureFunc) -> TaffyResult<Node> {
        let mut data = NodeData::new(layout);
        data.needs_measure = true;

        let id = self.nodes.insert(data);
        self.measure_funcs.insert(id, measure);

        let _ = self.children.insert(new_vec_with_capacity(0));
        let _ = self.parents.insert(None);


    /// Creates and adds a new node, which may have any number of `children`
    pub fn new_with_children(&mut self, layout: Style, children: &[Node]) -> TaffyResult<Node> {
        let id = self.nodes.insert(NodeData::new(layout));

        for child in children {
            self.parents[*child] = Some(id);

        let _ = self.children.insert(children.iter().copied().collect::<_>());
        let _ = self.parents.insert(None);


    /// Removes all nodes
    /// All associated [`Id`] will be rendered invalid.
    pub fn clear(&mut self) {

    /// Remove a specific [`Node`] from the tree
    /// Its [`Id`] is marked as invalid. Returns the id of the node removed.
    pub fn remove(&mut self, node: Node) -> TaffyResult<Node> {
        if let Some(parent) = self.parents[node] {
            if let Some(children) = self.children.get_mut(parent) {
                children.retain(|f| *f != node);

        let _ = self.children.remove(node);
        let _ = self.parents.remove(node);
        let _ = self.nodes.remove(node);


    /// Sets the [`MeasureFunc`] of the associated node
    pub fn set_measure(&mut self, node: Node, measure: Option<MeasureFunc>) -> TaffyResult<()> {
        if let Some(measure) = measure {
            self.nodes[node].needs_measure = true;
            self.measure_funcs.insert(node, measure);
        } else {
            self.nodes[node].needs_measure = false;



    /// Adds a `child` [`Node`] under the supplied `parent`
    pub fn add_child(&mut self, parent: Node, child: Node) -> TaffyResult<()> {
        self.parents[child] = Some(parent);


    /// Directly sets the `children` of the supplied `parent`
    pub fn set_children(&mut self, parent: Node, children: &[Node]) -> TaffyResult<()> {
        // Remove node as parent from all its current children.
        for child in &self.children[parent] {
            self.parents[*child] = None;

        // Build up relation node <-> child
        for child in children {
            self.parents[*child] = Some(parent);

        self.children[parent] = children.iter().copied().collect::<_>();



    /// Removes the `child` of the parent `node`
    /// The child is not removed from the tree entirely, it is simply no longer attached to its previous parent.
    pub fn remove_child(&mut self, parent: Node, child: Node) -> TaffyResult<Node> {
        let index = self.children[parent].iter().position(|n| *n == child).unwrap();
        self.remove_child_at_index(parent, index)

    /// Removes the child at the given `index` from the `parent`
    /// The child is not removed from the tree entirely, it is simply no longer attached to its previous parent.
    pub fn remove_child_at_index(&mut self, parent: Node, child_index: usize) -> TaffyResult<Node> {
        let child_count = self.children[parent].len();
        if child_index >= child_count {
            return Err(error::TaffyError::ChildIndexOutOfBounds { parent, child_index, child_count });

        let child = self.children[parent].remove(child_index);
        self.parents[child] = None;



    /// Replaces the child at the given `child_index` from the `parent` node with the new `child` node
    /// The child is not removed from the tree entirely, it is simply no longer attached to its previous parent.
    pub fn replace_child_at_index(&mut self, parent: Node, child_index: usize, new_child: Node) -> TaffyResult<Node> {
        let child_count = self.children[parent].len();
        if child_index >= child_count {
            return Err(error::TaffyError::ChildIndexOutOfBounds { parent, child_index, child_count });

        self.parents[new_child] = Some(parent);
        let old_child = core::mem::replace(&mut self.children[parent][child_index], new_child);
        self.parents[old_child] = None;



    /// Returns the child [`Node`] of the parent `node` at the provided `child_index`
    pub fn child_at_index(&self, parent: Node, child_index: usize) -> TaffyResult<Node> {
        let child_count = self.children[parent].len();
        if child_index >= child_count {
            return Err(error::TaffyError::ChildIndexOutOfBounds { parent, child_index, child_count });


    /// Returns the number of children of the `parent` [`Node`]
    pub fn child_count(&self, parent: Node) -> TaffyResult<usize> {

    /// Returns a list of children that belong to the [`Parent`]
    pub fn children(&self, parent: Node) -> TaffyResult<Vec<Node>> {

    /// Sets the [`Style`] of the provided `node`
    pub fn set_style(&mut self, node: Node, style: Style) -> TaffyResult<()> {
        self.nodes[node].style = style;

    /// Gets the [`Style`] of the provided `node`
    pub fn style(&self, node: Node) -> TaffyResult<&Style> {

    /// Return this node layout relative to its parent
    pub fn layout(&self, node: Node) -> TaffyResult<&Layout> {

    /// Marks the layout computation of this node and its children as outdated
    /// Performs a recursive depth-first search up the tree until the root node is reached
    /// WARNING: this will stack-overflow if the tree contains a cycle
    fn mark_dirty_internal(&mut self, node: Node) -> TaffyResult<()> {
        /// WARNING: this will stack-overflow if the tree contains a cycle
        fn mark_dirty_recursive(
            nodes: &mut SlotMap<Node, NodeData>,
            parents: &SlotMap<Node, Option<Node>>,
            node_id: Node,
        ) {

            if let Some(Some(node)) = parents.get(node_id) {
                mark_dirty_recursive(nodes, parents, *node);

        mark_dirty_recursive(&mut self.nodes, &self.parents, node);


    /// Indicates whether the layout of this node (and its children) need to be recomputed
    pub fn dirty(&self, node: Node) -> TaffyResult<bool> {
        Ok(self.nodes[node].size_cache.iter().all(|entry| entry.is_none()))

    /// Updates the stored layout of the provided `node` and its children
    pub fn compute_layout(&mut self, node: Node, available_space: Size<AvailableSpace>) -> Result<(), TaffyError> {
        crate::compute::compute_layout(self, node, available_space)

mod tests {

    use super::*;
    use crate::style::{Dimension, Display, FlexDirection};
    use crate::style_helpers::*;
    use crate::sys;

    fn new_should_allocate_default_capacity() {
        const DEFAULT_CAPACITY: usize = 16; // This is the capacity defined in the `impl Default`
        let taffy = Taffy::new();

        assert!(taffy.children.capacity() >= DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
        assert!(taffy.parents.capacity() >= DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
        assert!(taffy.nodes.capacity() >= DEFAULT_CAPACITY);

    fn test_with_capacity() {
        const CAPACITY: usize = 8;
        let taffy = Taffy::with_capacity(CAPACITY);

        assert!(taffy.children.capacity() >= CAPACITY);
        assert!(taffy.parents.capacity() >= CAPACITY);
        assert!(taffy.nodes.capacity() >= CAPACITY);

    fn test_new_leaf() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();

        let res = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default());
        let node = res.unwrap();

        // node should be in the taffy tree and have no children
        assert!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap() == 0);

    fn new_leaf_with_measure() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();

        let res = taffy.new_leaf_with_measure(Style::default(), MeasureFunc::Raw(|_, _| Size::ZERO));
        let node = res.unwrap();

        // node should be in the taffy tree and have no children
        assert!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap() == 0);

    /// Test that new_with_children works as expected
    fn test_new_with_children() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();
        let child0 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let child1 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let node = taffy.new_with_children(Style::default(), &[child0, child1]).unwrap();

        // node should have two children
        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 2);
        assert_eq!(taffy.children(node).unwrap()[0], child0);
        assert_eq!(taffy.children(node).unwrap()[1], child1);

    fn remove_node_should_remove() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();

        let node = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();

        let _ = taffy.remove(node).unwrap();

    fn remove_node_should_detach_herarchy() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();

        // Build a linear tree layout: <0> <- <1> <- <2>
        let node2 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let node1 = taffy.new_with_children(Style::default(), &[node2]).unwrap();
        let node0 = taffy.new_with_children(Style::default(), &[node1]).unwrap();

        // Both node0 and node1 should have 1 child nodes
        assert_eq!(taffy.children(node0).unwrap().as_slice(), &[node1]);
        assert_eq!(taffy.children(node1).unwrap().as_slice(), &[node2]);

        // Disconnect the tree: <0> <2>
        let _ = taffy.remove(node1).unwrap();

        // Both remaining nodes should have no child nodes

    fn remove_last_node() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();

        let parent = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let child = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        taffy.add_child(parent, child).unwrap();


    fn set_measure() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();
        let node = taffy
            .new_leaf_with_measure(Style::default(), MeasureFunc::Raw(|_, _| Size { width: 200.0, height: 200.0 }))
        taffy.compute_layout(node, Size::MAX_CONTENT).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.layout(node).unwrap().size.width, 200.0);

        taffy.set_measure(node, Some(MeasureFunc::Raw(|_, _| Size { width: 100.0, height: 100.0 }))).unwrap();
        taffy.compute_layout(node, Size::MAX_CONTENT).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.layout(node).unwrap().size.width, 100.0);

    fn set_measure_of_previously_unmeasured_node() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();
        let node = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        taffy.compute_layout(node, Size::MAX_CONTENT).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.layout(node).unwrap().size.width, 0.0);

        taffy.set_measure(node, Some(MeasureFunc::Raw(|_, _| Size { width: 100.0, height: 100.0 }))).unwrap();
        taffy.compute_layout(node, Size::MAX_CONTENT).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.layout(node).unwrap().size.width, 100.0);

    /// Test that adding `add_child()` works
    fn add_child() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();
        let node = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 0);

        let child0 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        taffy.add_child(node, child0).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 1);

        let child1 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        taffy.add_child(node, child1).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 2);

    fn set_children() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();

        let child0 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let child1 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let node = taffy.new_with_children(Style::default(), &[child0, child1]).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 2);
        assert_eq!(taffy.children(node).unwrap()[0], child0);
        assert_eq!(taffy.children(node).unwrap()[1], child1);

        let child2 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let child3 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        taffy.set_children(node, &[child2, child3]).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 2);
        assert_eq!(taffy.children(node).unwrap()[0], child2);
        assert_eq!(taffy.children(node).unwrap()[1], child3);

    /// Test that removing a child works
    fn remove_child() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();
        let child0 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let child1 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let node = taffy.new_with_children(Style::default(), &[child0, child1]).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 2);

        taffy.remove_child(node, child0).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 1);
        assert_eq!(taffy.children(node).unwrap()[0], child1);

        taffy.remove_child(node, child1).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 0);

    fn remove_child_at_index() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();
        let child0 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let child1 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let node = taffy.new_with_children(Style::default(), &[child0, child1]).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 2);

        taffy.remove_child_at_index(node, 0).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 1);
        assert_eq!(taffy.children(node).unwrap()[0], child1);

        taffy.remove_child_at_index(node, 0).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 0);

    fn replace_child_at_index() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();

        let child0 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let child1 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();

        let node = taffy.new_with_children(Style::default(), &[child0]).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 1);
        assert_eq!(taffy.children(node).unwrap()[0], child0);

        taffy.replace_child_at_index(node, 0, child1).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.child_count(node).unwrap(), 1);
        assert_eq!(taffy.children(node).unwrap()[0], child1);
    fn test_child_at_index() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();
        let child0 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let child1 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let child2 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let node = taffy.new_with_children(Style::default(), &[child0, child1, child2]).unwrap();

        assert!(if let Ok(result) = taffy.child_at_index(node, 0) { result == child0 } else { false });
        assert!(if let Ok(result) = taffy.child_at_index(node, 1) { result == child1 } else { false });
        assert!(if let Ok(result) = taffy.child_at_index(node, 2) { result == child2 } else { false });
    fn test_child_count() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();
        let child0 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let child1 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let node = taffy.new_with_children(Style::default(), &[child0, child1]).unwrap();

        assert!(if let Ok(count) = taffy.child_count(node) { count == 2 } else { false });
        assert!(if let Ok(count) = taffy.child_count(child0) { count == 0 } else { false });
        assert!(if let Ok(count) = taffy.child_count(child1) { count == 0 } else { false });

    fn test_children() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();
        let child0 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let child1 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let node = taffy.new_with_children(Style::default(), &[child0, child1]).unwrap();

        let mut children: sys::Vec<Node> = sys::Vec::new();

        let children_result = taffy.children(node).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(children_result, children);

    fn test_set_style() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();

        let node = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.style(node).unwrap().display, Display::Flex);

        taffy.set_style(node, Style { display: Display::None, ..Style::default() }).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.style(node).unwrap().display, Display::None);
    fn test_style() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();

        let style = Style { display: Display::None, flex_direction: FlexDirection::RowReverse, ..Default::default() };

        let node = taffy.new_leaf(style.clone()).unwrap();

        let res = taffy.style(node);
        assert!(res.unwrap() == &style);
    fn test_layout() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();
        let node = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();

        // TODO: Improve this test?
        let res = taffy.layout(node);

    fn test_mark_dirty() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();
        let child0 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let child1 = taffy.new_leaf(Style::default()).unwrap();
        let node = taffy.new_with_children(Style::default(), &[child0, child1]).unwrap();

        taffy.compute_layout(node, Size::MAX_CONTENT).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(taffy.dirty(child0).unwrap(), false);
        assert_eq!(taffy.dirty(child1).unwrap(), false);
        assert_eq!(taffy.dirty(node).unwrap(), false);

        assert_eq!(taffy.dirty(child0).unwrap(), false);
        assert_eq!(taffy.dirty(child1).unwrap(), false);
        assert_eq!(taffy.dirty(node).unwrap(), true);

        taffy.compute_layout(node, Size::MAX_CONTENT).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(taffy.dirty(child0).unwrap(), true);
        assert_eq!(taffy.dirty(child1).unwrap(), false);
        assert_eq!(taffy.dirty(node).unwrap(), true);

    fn compute_layout_should_produce_valid_result() {
        let mut taffy = Taffy::new();
        let node_result = taffy.new_leaf(Style {
            size: Size { width: Dimension::Points(10f32), height: Dimension::Points(10f32) },
        let node = node_result.unwrap();
        let layout_result = taffy.compute_layout(
            Size { width: AvailableSpace::Definite(100.), height: AvailableSpace::Definite(100.) },

    fn measure_func_is_send_and_sync() {
        fn is_send_and_sync<T: Send + Sync>() {}