taffy 0.3.0-alpha1

A flexible UI layout library
//! Geometric primitives useful for layout

use crate::style::{Dimension, FlexDirection};
use core::ops::Add;

#[cfg(feature = "experimental_grid")]
use crate::axis::AbstractAxis;

/// An axis-aligned UI rectangle
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(default))]
pub struct Rect<T> {
    /// This can represent either the x-coordinate of the starting edge,
    /// or the amount of padding on the starting side.
    /// The starting edge is the left edge when working with LTR text,
    /// and the right edge when working with RTL text.
    pub left: T,
    /// This can represent either the x-coordinate of the ending edge,
    /// or the amount of padding on the ending side.
    /// The ending edge is the right edge when working with LTR text,
    /// and the left edge when working with RTL text.
    pub right: T,
    /// This can represent either the y-coordinate of the top edge,
    /// or the amount of padding on the top side.
    pub top: T,
    /// This can represent either the y-coordinate of the bottom edge,
    /// or the amount of padding on the bottom side.
    pub bottom: T,

impl<T: Default> Default for Rect<T> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Rect {
            left: Default::default(),
            right: Default::default(),
            top: Default::default(),
            bottom: Default::default(),

impl<T> Rect<T> {
    /// Applies the function `f` to all four sides of the rect
    /// When applied to the left and right sides, the width is used
    /// as the second parameter of `f`.
    /// When applied to the top or bottom sides, the height is used instead.
    pub(crate) fn zip_size<R, F, U>(self, size: Size<U>, f: F) -> Rect<R>
        F: Fn(T, U) -> R,
        U: Copy,
        Rect {
            left: f(self.left, size.width),
            right: f(self.right, size.width),
            top: f(self.top, size.height),
            bottom: f(self.bottom, size.height),

    /// Applies the function `f` to the left, right, top, and bottom properties
    /// This is used to transform a `Rect<T>` into a `Rect<R>`.
    pub fn map<R, F>(self, f: F) -> Rect<R>
        F: Fn(T) -> R,
        Rect { top: f(self.top), bottom: f(self.bottom), left: f(self.left), right: f(self.right) }

    /// Returns a Line<T> representing the left and right properties of the Rect
    pub fn horizontal_components(self) -> Line<T> {
        Line { start: self.left, end: self.right }

    /// Returns a Line<T> containing the top and bottom properties of the Rect
    pub fn vertical_components(self) -> Line<T> {
        Line { start: self.top, end: self.bottom }

impl<T, U> Rect<T>
    T: Add<Output = U> + Copy + Clone,
    /// The sum of [`Rect.start`](Rect) and [`Rect.end`](Rect)
    /// This is typically used when computing total padding.
    /// **NOTE:** this is *not* the width of the rectangle.
    pub(crate) fn horizontal_axis_sum(&self) -> U {
        self.left + self.right

    /// The sum of [`Rect.top`](Rect) and [`Rect.bottom`](Rect)
    /// This is typically used when computing total padding.
    /// **NOTE:** this is *not* the height of the rectangle.
    pub(crate) fn vertical_axis_sum(&self) -> U {
        self.top + self.bottom

    /// Both horizontal_axis_sum and vertical_axis_sum as a Size<T>
    /// **NOTE:** this is *not* the width/height of the rectangle.
    #[allow(dead_code)] // Fixes spurious clippy warning: this function is used!
    pub(crate) fn sum_axes(&self) -> Size<U> {
        Size { width: self.horizontal_axis_sum(), height: self.vertical_axis_sum() }

    /// The sum of the two fields of the [`Rect`] representing the main axis.
    /// This is typically used when computing total padding.
    /// If the [`FlexDirection`] is [`FlexDirection::Row`] or [`FlexDirection::RowReverse`], this is [`Rect::horizontal`].
    /// Otherwise, this is [`Rect::vertical`].
    pub(crate) fn main_axis_sum(&self, direction: FlexDirection) -> U {
        if direction.is_row() {
        } else {

    /// The sum of the two fields of the [`Rect`] representing the cross axis.
    /// If the [`FlexDirection`] is [`FlexDirection::Row`] or [`FlexDirection::RowReverse`], this is [`Rect::vertical`].
    /// Otherwise, this is [`Rect::horizontal`].
    pub(crate) fn cross_axis_sum(&self, direction: FlexDirection) -> U {
        if direction.is_row() {
        } else {

impl<T> Rect<T>
    T: Copy + Clone,
    /// The `start` or `top` value of the [`Rect`], from the perspective of the main layout axis
    pub(crate) fn main_start(&self, direction: FlexDirection) -> T {
        if direction.is_row() {
        } else {

    /// The `end` or `bottom` value of the [`Rect`], from the perspective of the main layout axis
    pub(crate) fn main_end(&self, direction: FlexDirection) -> T {
        if direction.is_row() {
        } else {

    /// The `start` or `top` value of the [`Rect`], from the perspective of the cross layout axis
    pub(crate) fn cross_start(&self, direction: FlexDirection) -> T {
        if direction.is_row() {
        } else {

    /// The `end` or `bottom` value of the [`Rect`], from the perspective of the main layout axis
    pub(crate) fn cross_end(&self, direction: FlexDirection) -> T {
        if direction.is_row() {
        } else {

impl Rect<f32> {
    /// Creates a new Rect with `0.0` as all parameters
    pub const ZERO: Rect<f32> = Self { left: 0.0, right: 0.0, top: 0.0, bottom: 0.0 };

    /// Creates a new Rect
    pub const fn new(start: f32, end: f32, top: f32, bottom: f32) -> Self {
        Self { left: start, right: end, top, bottom }

/// An abstract "line". Represents any type that has a start and an end
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(default))]
pub struct Line<T> {
    /// The start position of a line
    pub start: T,
    /// The end position of a line
    pub end: T,

impl<T> Line<T> {
    /// Applies the function `f` to both the width and height
    /// This is used to transform a `Line<T>` into a `Line<R>`.
    pub fn map<R, F>(self, f: F) -> Line<R>
        F: Fn(T) -> R,
        Line { start: f(self.start), end: f(self.end) }

impl<T: Add + Copy> Line<T> {
    /// Adds the start and end values together and returns the result
    pub fn sum(&self) -> <T as Add>::Output {
        self.start + self.end

/// The width and height of a [`Rect`]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(default))]
pub struct Size<T> {
    /// The x extent of the rectangle
    pub width: T,
    /// The y extent of the rectangle
    pub height: T,

impl<T: Default> Default for Size<T> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Size { width: Default::default(), height: Default::default() }

// Generic Add impl for Size<T> + Size<U> where T + U has an Add impl
impl<U, T: Add<U>> Add<Size<U>> for Size<T> {
    type Output = Size<<T as Add<U>>::Output>;

    fn add(self, rhs: Size<U>) -> Self::Output {
        Size { width: self.width + rhs.width, height: self.height + rhs.height }

impl<T> Size<T> {
    /// Applies the function `f` to both the width and height
    /// This is used to transform a `Size<T>` into a `Size<R>`.
    pub fn map<R, F>(self, f: F) -> Size<R>
        F: Fn(T) -> R,
        Size { width: f(self.width), height: f(self.height) }

    /// Applies the function `f` to the width
    pub fn map_width<F>(self, f: F) -> Size<T>
        F: Fn(T) -> T,
        Size { width: f(self.width), height: self.height }

    /// Applies the function `f` to the height
    pub fn map_height<F>(self, f: F) -> Size<T>
        F: Fn(T) -> T,
        Size { width: self.width, height: f(self.height) }

    /// Applies the function `f` to both the width and height
    /// of this value and another passed value
    pub fn zip_map<Other, Ret, Func>(self, other: Size<Other>, f: Func) -> Size<Ret>
        Func: Fn(T, Other) -> Ret,
        Size { width: f(self.width, other.width), height: f(self.height, other.height) }

    /// Sets the extent of the main layout axis
    /// Whether this is the width or height depends on the `direction` provided
    pub(crate) fn set_main(&mut self, direction: FlexDirection, value: T) {
        if direction.is_row() {
            self.width = value
        } else {
            self.height = value

    /// Sets the extent of the cross layout axis
    /// Whether this is the width or height depends on the `direction` provided
    pub(crate) fn set_cross(&mut self, direction: FlexDirection, value: T) {
        if direction.is_row() {
            self.height = value
        } else {
            self.width = value

    /// Gets the extent of the main layout axis
    /// Whether this is the width or height depends on the `direction` provided
    pub(crate) fn main(self, direction: FlexDirection) -> T {
        if direction.is_row() {
        } else {

    /// Gets the extent of the cross layout axis
    /// Whether this is the width or height depends on the `direction` provided
    pub(crate) fn cross(self, direction: FlexDirection) -> T {
        if direction.is_row() {
        } else {

    /// Gets the extent of the specified layout axis
    /// Whether this is the width or height depends on the `GridAxis` provided
    #[cfg(feature = "experimental_grid")]
    pub(crate) fn get(self, axis: AbstractAxis) -> T {
        match axis {
            AbstractAxis::Inline => self.width,
            AbstractAxis::Block => self.height,

    /// Sets the extent of the specified layout axis
    /// Whether this is the width or height depends on the `GridAxis` provided
    #[cfg(feature = "experimental_grid")]
    pub(crate) fn set(&mut self, axis: AbstractAxis, value: T) {
        match axis {
            AbstractAxis::Inline => self.width = value,
            AbstractAxis::Block => self.height = value,

impl Size<f32> {
    /// A [`Size`] with zero width and height
    pub const ZERO: Size<f32> = Self { width: 0.0, height: 0.0 };

impl Size<Option<f32>> {
    /// A [`Size`] with `None` width and height
    pub const NONE: Size<Option<f32>> = Self { width: None, height: None };

    /// A [`Size<Option<f32>>`] with `Some(width)` and `Some(height)` as parameters
    pub const fn new(width: f32, height: f32) -> Self {
        Size { width: Some(width), height: Some(height) }

impl<T> Size<Option<T>> {
    /// Performs Option::unwrap_or on each component separately
    pub fn unwrap_or(self, alt: Size<T>) -> Size<T> {
        Size { width: self.width.unwrap_or(alt.width), height: self.height.unwrap_or(alt.height) }

    /// Performs Option::or on each component separately
    pub fn or(self, alt: Size<Option<T>>) -> Size<Option<T>> {
        Size { width: self.width.or(alt.width), height: self.height.or(alt.height) }

impl Size<Dimension> {
    /// Generates a [`Size<Dimension>`] using [`Dimension::Points`] values
    pub const fn from_points(width: f32, height: f32) -> Self {
        Size { width: Dimension::Points(width), height: Dimension::Points(height) }

    /// Generates a [`Size<Dimension>`] using [`Dimension::Percent`] values
    pub const fn from_percent(width: f32, height: f32) -> Self {
        Size { width: Dimension::Percent(width), height: Dimension::Percent(height) }

/// A 2-dimensional coordinate.
/// When used in association with a [`Rect`], represents the bottom-left corner.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Point<T> {
    /// The x-coordinate
    pub x: T,
    /// The y-coordinate
    pub y: T,

impl Point<f32> {
    /// A [`Point`] with values (0,0), representing the origin
    pub const ZERO: Point<f32> = Self { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 };

/// Generic struct which holds a "min" value and a "max" value
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct MinMax<Min, Max> {
    /// The value representing the minimum
    pub min: Min,
    /// The value representing the maximum
    pub max: Max,