tabwriter 0.1.25

Elastic tabstops.
tabwriter is a crate that implements
[elastic tabstops]( It
provides both a library for wrapping Rust `Writer`s and a small program that
exposes the same functionality at the command line.

[![Build status](](

Dual-licensed under MIT or the [UNLICENSE](

### Simple example of library

use std::io::MemWriter;
use tabwriter::TabWriter;

let mut tw = TabWriter::new(MemWriter::new());
Bruce Springsteen\tBorn to Run
Bob Seger\tNight Moves
The Boss\tDarkness on the Edge of Town

let written = String::from_utf8(tw.unwrap().unwrap()).unwrap();

assert_eq!(written.as_slice(), "
Bruce Springsteen  Born to Run
Bob Seger          Night Moves
Metallica          Black
The Boss           Darkness on the Edge of Town

You can see an example of *real* use in my
[CSV toolkit](

### Simple example of command line utility

[andrew@Liger tabwriter] cat sample | sed 's/   /\\t/g'
abcmnoxyz\tmore text

[andrew@Liger tabwriter] ./target/tabwriter < sample
a          b           c
abc        mnopqrstuv  xyz
abcmnoxyz  more text

a   b   c

Notice that once a column block is broken, alignment starts over again.

### Documentation

The API is fully documented with some examples:

### Installation

This crate works with Cargo. Assuming you have Rust and
[Cargo]( installed, simply check out the source and run

git checkout git://
cd tabwriter
cargo test

You can also add `tabwriter` as a dependency to your project's `Cargo.toml`:

tabwriter = "0.1"

### Dealing with ANSI escape codes

If you want `tabwriter` to be aware of ANSI escape codes, then compile it with
the `ansi_formatting` feature enabled.