Crate tabwriter [] [src]

This crate provides an implementation of elastic tabstops. It is a minimal port of Go's tabwriter package. Namely, its main mode of operation is to wrap a Writer and implement elastic tabstops for the text written to the wrapped Writer.

This package is also bundled with a program, tabwriter, that exposes this functionality at the command line.

Here's an example that shows basic alignment:

 use std::io::Write;
 use tabwriter::TabWriter;

 let mut tw = TabWriter::new(Vec::new());
 write!(&mut tw, "
 Bruce Springsteen\tBorn to Run
 Bob Seger\tNight Moves
 The Boss\tDarkness on the Edge of Town

 let written = String::from_utf8(tw.unwrap()).unwrap();
 assert_eq!(&*written, "
 Bruce Springsteen  Born to Run
 Bob Seger          Night Moves
 Metallica          Black
 The Boss           Darkness on the Edge of Town

Note that flush must be called or else TabWriter may never write anything. This is because elastic tabstops requires knowing about future lines in order to align output. More precisely, all text considered in a single alignment must fit into memory.

Here's another example that demonstrates how only contiguous columns are aligned:

 use std::io::Write;
 use tabwriter::TabWriter;

 let mut tw = TabWriter::new(Vec::new()).padding(1);
 write!(&mut tw, "
fn foobar() {{
    let mut x = 1+1;\t// addition
    x += 1;\t// increment in place
    let y = x * x * x * x;\t// multiply!

    y += 1;\t// this is another group
    y += 2 * 2;\t// that is separately aligned

 let written = String::from_utf8(tw.unwrap()).unwrap();
 assert_eq!(&*written, "
fn foobar() {
    let mut x = 1+1;       // addition
    x += 1;                // increment in place
    let y = x * x * x * x; // multiply!

    y += 1;     // this is another group
    y += 2 * 2; // that is separately aligned



TabWriter wraps an arbitrary writer and aligns tabbed output.