synthizer 0.5.4

bindings to Synthizer, a library for 3D audio and effects
use crate::internal_prelude::*;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::RwLock;

// Lock to let parts of the Rust bindings enforce that Synthizer can't
// deinitialize.  The contained bool records whether initialization has happened
// yet or not.
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
    static ref WITNESS_LOCK: RwLock<bool> = RwLock::new(false);

/// An `InitializationGuard` shuts Synthizer down when dropped, and must be kept
/// alive for the duration of your program.
pub struct InitializationGuard();

impl InitializationGuard {
    fn new_init() -> InitializationGuard {

impl Drop for InitializationGuard {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let mut guard = WITNESS_LOCK.write().expect("Mutex Poisoned");
        *guard = false;
        unsafe { syz_shutdown() };

/// Initialize Synthizer, returning a `InitializationGuard` which must be kept
/// alive for the duration of your program.
pub fn initialize() -> Result<InitializationGuard> {
    let mut guard = WITNESS_LOCK.write().expect("Mutex poisoned");
    check_error(unsafe { syz_initialize() })?;
    *guard = true;

/// A builder to configure Synthizer initialization with non-default values.  To
/// initialize, call `.initialize()`.
pub struct LibraryConfig {
    config: syz_LibraryConfig,
    // Keep the Libsndfile string around until after initialization.
    libsndfile_path_string: Option<std::ffi::CString>,

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Debug)]
pub enum LogLevel {
    Error = SYZ_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR as i32,
    Warn = SYZ_LOG_LEVEL_WARN as i32,
    Info = SYZ_LOG_LEVEL_INFO as i32,
    Debug = SYZ_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG as i32,

impl LibraryConfig {
    pub fn new() -> LibraryConfig {
        let mut out = LibraryConfig {
            config: Default::default(),
            libsndfile_path_string: None,
        unsafe { syz_libraryConfigSetDefaults(&mut out.config as *mut syz_LibraryConfig) };

    /// Configure the log level.
    pub fn log_level(&mut self, level: LogLevel) {
        self.config.log_level = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(level) };

    /// Log to STDERR.
    pub fn log_to_stderr(&mut self) {
        self.config.logging_backend = SYZ_LOGGING_BACKEND_STDERR;

    /// Load Libsndfile from the specified path. Errors if the path isn't valid
    /// UTF8.
    pub fn load_libsndfile<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<()> {
        let c_str = std::ffi::CString::new(
                .ok_or_else(|| Error::rust_error("Path isn't valid UTF-8"))?,
        .map_err(|_| Error::rust_error("Unable to convert path to C string"))?;
        self.config.libsndfile_path = c_str.as_ptr();
        self.libsndfile_path_string = Some(c_str);

    /// Initialize Synthizer.
    pub fn initialize(self) -> Result<InitializationGuard> {
        let mut guard = WITNESS_LOCK.write().expect("Mutex poisoned");
        check_error(unsafe { syz_initializeWithConfig(&self.config as *const syz_LibraryConfig) })?;
        *guard = true;

impl Default for LibraryConfig {
    fn default() -> LibraryConfig {

/// Call a provided closure with the "witness lock", which ensures that
/// Synthizer was initialized at the start of the call and remains initialized
/// for the entire sequence of operations.  This holds the read-side of an
/// RwLock which is written to by library initialization.  It won't call the
/// closure unless the library is known to be initialized.  Most Synthizer calls
/// already handle this check, but things like userdata also need to ensure that
/// return values from Synthizer calls remain valid until they are converted
/// into Rust values again.
pub(crate) fn with_witness<T>(closure: impl FnOnce() -> Result<T>) -> Result<T> {
    let guard ="Mutex Poisoned");
    if !*guard {
        return Err(Error::rust_error("Synthizer is not initialized"));
