syn-rsx 0.7.0

syn-powered parser for JSX-like TokenStreams
//! [`syn`]-powered parser for JSX-like [`TokenStream`]s, aka RSX. The parsed result is a
//! nested [`Node`] structure, similar to the browser DOM, where node name and
//! value are syn expressions to support building proc macros.
//! ```rust
//! use quote::quote;
//! use syn_rsx::parse2;
//! let tokens = quote! { <hello world>"hi"</hello> };
//! let nodes = parse2(tokens).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(nodes[0].name_as_string().unwrap(), "hello");
//! assert_eq!(nodes[0].attributes[0].name_as_string().unwrap(), "world");
//! assert_eq!(nodes[0].children[0].value_as_string().unwrap(), "hi");
//! ```
//! ## Features
//! - **Not opinionated**
//!   Every tag or attribute name is valid
//!   ```rust
//!   # use quote::quote;
//!   # use syn_rsx::parse2;
//!   # parse2(quote! {
//!   <hello world />
//!   # }).unwrap();
//!   ```
//! - **Text nodes**
//!   Support for [unquoted text is planned] (currently requires Rust nightly)
//!   ```rust
//!   # use quote::quote;
//!   # use syn_rsx::parse2;
//!   # parse2(quote! {
//!   <div>"String literal"</div>
//!   # }).unwrap();
//!   ```
//! - **Node names separated by dash or colon**
//!   ```rust
//!   # use quote::quote;
//!   # use syn_rsx::parse2;
//!   # parse2(quote! {
//!   <tag-name attribute-key="value" />
//!   <tag:name attribute:key="value" />
//!   # }).unwrap();
//!   ```
//! - **Node names as [mod style path]**
//!   ```rust
//!   # use quote::quote;
//!   # use syn_rsx::parse2;
//!   # parse2(quote! {
//!   <tag::path attribute::path="value" />
//!   # }).unwrap();
//!   ```
//! - **Node names with reserved keywords**
//!   ```rust
//!   # use quote::quote;
//!   # use syn_rsx::parse2;
//!   # parse2(quote! {
//!   <input type="submit" />
//!   # }).unwrap();
//!   ```
//! - **Attribute values can be any valid syn expression without requiring braces**
//!   ```rust
//!   # use quote::quote;
//!   # use syn_rsx::parse2;
//!   # parse2(quote! {
//!   <div key=some::value() />
//!   # }).unwrap();
//!   ```
//! - **Braced blocks are parsed as arbitrary Rust code**
//!   ```rust
//!   # use quote::quote;
//!   # use syn_rsx::parse2;
//!   # parse2(quote! {
//!   <div>{ let block = "in node position"; }</div>
//!   <div { let block = "in attribute position"; } />
//!   <div key={ let block = "in attribute value position"; } />
//!   # }).unwrap();
//!   ```
//! - **Customization**
//!   A [`ParserConfig`] to customize parsing behavior is available, so if you have
//!   slightly different requirements for parsing and it's not yet customizable
//!   feel free to open an issue or pull request to extend the configuration.
//! [`syn`]: /syn
//! [`TokenStream`]:
//! [`Node`]: struct.Node.html
//! [`ParserConfig`]: struct.ParserConfig.html
//! [mod style path]:
//! [unquoted text is planned]:

extern crate proc_macro;

use syn::{
    parse::{ParseStream, Parser as _},

mod node;
mod parser;

pub mod punctuation {
    //! Custom syn punctuations
    use syn::custom_punctuation;

    custom_punctuation!(Dash, -);

pub use node::{Node, NodeName, NodeType};
pub use parser::{Parser, ParserConfig};

/// Parse the given [`proc-macro::TokenStream`] into a [`Node`] tree
/// [`proc-macro::TokenStream`]:
/// [`Node`]: struct.Node.html
pub fn parse(tokens: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> Result<Vec<Node>> {
    let parser = move |input: ParseStream| Parser::new(ParserConfig::default()).parse(input);


/// Parse the given [`proc-macro::TokenStream`] into a [`Node`] tree with custom [`ParserConfig`]
/// [`proc-macro::TokenStream`]:
/// [`Node`]: struct.Node.html
/// [`ParserConfig`]: struct.ParserConfig.html
pub fn parse_with_config(
    tokens: proc_macro::TokenStream,
    config: ParserConfig,
) -> Result<Vec<Node>> {
    let parser = move |input: ParseStream| Parser::new(config).parse(input);


/// Parse the given [`proc-macro2::TokenStream`] into a [`Node`] tree
/// [`proc-macro2::TokenStream`]:
/// [`Node`]: struct.Node.html
pub fn parse2(tokens: proc_macro2::TokenStream) -> Result<Vec<Node>> {
    let parser = move |input: ParseStream| Parser::new(ParserConfig::default()).parse(input);


/// Parse the given [`proc-macro2::TokenStream`] into a [`Node`] tree with custom [`ParserConfig`]
/// [`proc-macro2::TokenStream`]:
/// [`Node`]: struct.Node.html
/// [`ParserConfig`]: struct.ParserConfig.html
pub fn parse2_with_config(
    tokens: proc_macro2::TokenStream,
    config: ParserConfig,
) -> Result<Vec<Node>> {
    let parser = move |input: ParseStream| Parser::new(config).parse(input);
