sycamore-core 0.8.2

Core functionality for the SycamoreS
# Sycamore

[![GitHub contributors](](

Sycamore is a _reactive_ library for creating web apps in **Rust** and **WebAssembly**.


fn Hello<G: Html>(cx: Scope) -> View<G> {
    view! { cx,
        p { "Hello World!" }

- **Lightning Speed**: Sycamore harnesses the full power of [Rust] via
  [WebAssembly], giving you full control over performance.
- **Ergonomic and Intuitive**: Write code that feels natural. Everything is built on
  [reactive primitives] without a cumbersome
  virtual DOM.
- **No JavaScript**: Had enough of JavaScript? So have we. Create apps using Sycamore without
  touching a single line of JS.

## Documentation

Sycamore is extensively documented:

- [Getting Started] How to write
  your first Sycamore app.
- [Reactivity] Find out how to use
  Sycamore's powerful reactive primitives.
- [API Documentation] rustdocs for the `sycamore` crate.

**Still have questions?** Don't hesitate to stop by our friendly
[Discord server](

## Examples

Sycamore has many examples for your reference in the
[`examples/`]( directory. Be sure to
check them out!

### Viewing on ``

All the examples are hosted under `<example_name>` with
`<example_name>` being the name of the example you want to view. For instance, the `todomvc` example
is hosted on

### Building Locally

All the examples can also be built locally using [Trunk]( For instance, the
following command builds and serves the `todomvc` example:

cd examples/todomvc
trunk serve

Now open up `localhost:8080` in your browser to see "Hello World!".

## Perseus

[Perseus]( is a fullstack framework built with Sycamore.
Think [NextJS]( or [SvelteKit]( but with no JavaScript.
Everything from backend to frontend is built with pure Rust!

## Alternatives?

Don't think Sycamore is for you? Thankfully, there are plenty of alternatives!

- **[SolidJS] A declarative, efficient and flexible JavaScript
  library for building user interfaces** <br /> Solid is a JavaScript library which greatly inspired
  Sycamore. Many concepts such as fine-grained reactivity and components as factory functions were
  borrowed from Solid. If you don't mind working with JavaScript (or TypeScript), go check it out!
- **[Yew] Rust / Wasm framework for building client web apps**
  <br /> Yew was also a big inspiration for Sycamore. Yew employs a VDOM and has a MVU (Elm)
  architecture. If you think that's for you, take a look!
- **[MoonZoon] Rust Fullstack Framework** <br /> MoonZoon
  also champions the no VDOM paradigm and uses [dominator]
  as its underlying DOM layer. MoonZoon is a fullstack framework making it easier to combine
  frontend and backend code with minimal boilerplate.

## Contributing

- Report issues on our [issue tracker]
- We love Pull Requests! For more information, check out the
  [section on contributing] in the

Sycamore would not have been possible without the wonderful contributions from the community. Thank

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