switchyard 0.3.0

Real-time compute focused async executor
use crate::{util::SenderSyncer, Priority, Queue, Shared, ThreadLocalQueue};
use futures_task::ArcWake;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use slotmap::DefaultKey;
use std::{
    hash::{Hash, Hasher},
    sync::{atomic::Ordering, Arc},

pub(crate) enum Job<TD> {
    Local(Box<dyn FnOnce(Arc<TD>) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()>>> + Send>),

impl<TD> Job<TD> {
    fn to_address(&self) -> usize {
        // SAFETY: These addresses are `Pin`, and we won't be removing them from their boxes, so this
        // should be valid to use for ParitalEq and Hash.
        match self {
            Self::Future(fut) => fut.future_address,
            Self::Local(func) => &**func as *const _ as *const () as usize,

impl<TD> PartialEq for Job<TD> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.to_address() == other.to_address()

impl<TD> Eq for Job<TD> {}

impl<TD> Hash for Job<TD> {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {

pub(crate) enum ThreadLocalJob<TD> {

impl<TD> ThreadLocalJob<TD> {
    fn to_address(&self) -> usize {
        // SAFETY: These addresses are `Pin`, and we won't be removing them from their boxes, so this
        // should be valid to use for PartialEq and Hash.
        match self {
            Self::Future(fut) => fut.future_address,

impl<TD> PartialEq for ThreadLocalJob<TD> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.to_address() == other.to_address()

impl<TD> Eq for ThreadLocalJob<TD> {}

impl<TD> Hash for ThreadLocalJob<TD> {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {

pub(crate) struct StoredFuture {
    pub inner: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send>>,
    // Future has returned Ready(T) and future polls should be ignored
    pub completed: bool,
impl StoredFuture {
    pub fn new(future: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send>>) -> Self {
        Self {
            inner: future,
            completed: false,

pub(crate) struct Task<TD> {
    pub shared: Arc<Shared<TD>>,
    pub future: Mutex<StoredFuture>,
    pub future_address: usize,
    pub priority: Priority,
impl<TD> Task<TD>
    TD: 'static,
    pub fn new<Fut>(shared: Arc<Shared<TD>>, future: Fut, priority: Priority) -> Arc<Self>
        Fut: Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static,
        let fut_box = Box::pin(future);
        Arc::new(Self {
            future_address: &*fut_box as *const _ as usize,
            future: Mutex::new(StoredFuture::new(fut_box)),

    pub fn poll(self: Arc<Self>) {
        let (raw_waker, key) = Waker::from_task(&self);
        let waker = futures_task::waker(raw_waker);
        let mut ctx = Context::from_waker(&waker);

        let mut guard = self.future.lock();

        if guard.completed {
            // This future is finished

        let poll_value = guard.inner.as_mut().poll(&mut ctx);

        if poll_value.is_ready() {
            // Removing from the waiting queue is often enough, but if the task
            // is re-awoken _during_ the call to poll which returns Ready(T), we
            // still need to prevent it from running again

            let mut slot_guard = self.shared.queue.waiting.lock();

            guard.completed = true;

impl<TD> Drop for Task<TD> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        self.shared.job_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::AcqRel);

pub(crate) struct Waker<TD> {
    pub shared: Arc<Shared<TD>>,
    pub future_key: DefaultKey,
    pub priority: Priority,

impl<TD> Waker<TD> {
    fn from_task(task: &Arc<Task<TD>>) -> (Arc<Self>, DefaultKey) {
        let queue: &Queue<TD> = &task.shared.queue;

        let mut waiting_lock = queue.waiting.lock();
        let future_key = waiting_lock.insert(Arc::clone(task));

            Arc::new(Self {
                shared: Arc::clone(&task.shared),
                priority: task.priority,

impl<TD> Drop for Waker<TD> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // We're the last waker, clean up our task
        let queue: &Queue<TD> = &self.shared.queue;

        let mut waiting_lock = queue.waiting.lock();
        let _ = waiting_lock.remove(self.future_key);

impl<TD> ArcWake for Waker<TD> {
    fn wake_by_ref(arc_self: &Arc<Self>) {
        let queue: &Queue<TD> = &arc_self.shared.queue;

        let mut waiting_lock = queue.waiting.lock();
        let future_opt = waiting_lock.remove(arc_self.future_key);

        let future = match future_opt {
            // Someone got to this task first
            None => return,
            // We're the first to awaken it
            Some(fut) => fut,

        let mut queue_guard = queue.inner.lock();
        queue_guard.push(Job::Future(future), arc_self.priority);

pub(crate) struct StoredThreadLocalFuture {
    pub inner: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()>>>,
    // Future has returned Ready(T) and future polls should be ignored
    pub completed: bool,
impl StoredThreadLocalFuture {
    pub fn new(future: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()>>>) -> Self {
        Self {
            inner: future,
            completed: false,

// TODO: Are any of these threads just passthrough to the waker
pub(crate) struct ThreadLocalTask<TD> {
    pub shared: Arc<Shared<TD>>,
    pub return_queue: Arc<ThreadLocalQueue<TD>>,
    pub future: SenderSyncer<Mutex<StoredThreadLocalFuture>>,
    pub future_address: usize,
    pub priority: Priority,
    pub queue_local_idx: usize,
impl<TD> ThreadLocalTask<TD>
    TD: 'static,
    pub fn new<Fut>(
        shared: Arc<Shared<TD>>,
        return_queue: Arc<ThreadLocalQueue<TD>>,
        future: Fut,
        priority: Priority,
        queue_local_idx: usize,
    ) -> Arc<Self>
        Fut: Future<Output = ()> + 'static,
        let fut_box = Box::pin(future);
        Arc::new(Self {
            future_address: &*fut_box as *const _ as usize,
            future: unsafe { SenderSyncer::new(Mutex::new(StoredThreadLocalFuture::new(fut_box))) },

    /// # Safety
    /// - This function can only be called on the thread that `new` was called on.
    pub unsafe fn poll(self: Arc<Self>) {
        let (raw_waker, key) = ThreadLocalWaker::from_task(&self);
        let waker = futures_task::waker(raw_waker);
        let mut ctx = Context::from_waker(&waker);

        let mut guard = self.future.inner_ref().lock();

        if guard.completed {

        let poll_value = guard.inner.as_mut().poll(&mut ctx);

        if poll_value.is_ready() {
            // Removing from the waiting queue is often enough, but if the task
            // is re-awoken _during_ the call to poll which returns Ready(T), we
            // still need to prevent it from running again

            let mut slot_guard = self.return_queue.waiting.lock();

            guard.completed = true;

impl<TD> Drop for ThreadLocalTask<TD> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        self.shared.job_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::AcqRel);

pub(crate) struct ThreadLocalWaker<TD> {
    pub shared: Arc<Shared<TD>>,
    pub return_queue: Arc<ThreadLocalQueue<TD>>,
    pub future_key: DefaultKey,
    pub priority: Priority,
    pub queue_local_idx: usize,

impl<TD> ThreadLocalWaker<TD> {
    fn from_task(task: &Arc<ThreadLocalTask<TD>>) -> (Arc<Self>, DefaultKey) {
        let queue: &ThreadLocalQueue<TD> = &task.return_queue;

        let mut waiting_lock = queue.waiting.lock();
        let future_key = waiting_lock.insert(Arc::clone(task));

            Arc::new(Self {
                shared: Arc::clone(&task.shared),
                return_queue: Arc::clone(&task.return_queue),
                priority: task.priority,
                queue_local_idx: task.queue_local_idx,

impl<TD> Drop for ThreadLocalWaker<TD> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // We're the last waker, clean up our task
        let local_queue: &ThreadLocalQueue<TD> = &self.return_queue;

        let mut waiting_lock = local_queue.waiting.lock();
        let _ = waiting_lock.remove(self.future_key);

impl<TD> ArcWake for ThreadLocalWaker<TD> {
    fn wake_by_ref(arc_self: &Arc<Self>) {
        let global_queue: &Queue<TD> = &arc_self.shared.queue;
        let local_queue: &ThreadLocalQueue<TD> = &arc_self.return_queue;

        let mut waiting_lock = local_queue.waiting.lock();
        let future_opt = waiting_lock.remove(arc_self.future_key);

        let future = match future_opt {
            // Someone got to this task first
            None => return,
            // We're the first to awaken it
            Some(fut) => fut,

        // Always grab global -> local

        // Lock global mutex for condvar
        let global_guard = global_queue.inner.lock();
        // Lock local mutex for modification
        let mut local_guard = local_queue.inner.lock();
        local_guard.push(ThreadLocalJob::Future(future), arc_self.priority);

impl<TD> ThreadLocalTask<TD> {
    fn to_address(&self) -> usize {
        // SAFETY: These tasks are put in an arc then never removed.
        self as *const _ as *const () as usize

impl<TD> PartialEq for ThreadLocalTask<TD> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.to_address() == other.to_address()

impl<TD> Eq for ThreadLocalTask<TD> {}

impl<TD> Hash for ThreadLocalTask<TD> {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {