extern crate inflate;
extern crate nom;
extern crate num_traits;
extern crate swf_fixed;
extern crate swf_tree;

pub mod parsers {
  pub mod basic_data_types;
  pub mod button;
  pub mod display;
  pub mod gradient;
  pub mod header;
  pub mod image;
  pub mod morph_shape;
  pub mod movie;
  pub mod shape;
  pub mod sound;
  pub mod tags;
  pub mod text;

pub mod state;

mod parser_tests {
  use std::io::Read;
  use std::path::Path;

  use ::swf_tree::Movie;

  use ::test_generator::test_expand_paths;

  use crate::parsers::movie::parse_movie;

  test_expand_paths! { test_parse_movie; "../tests/open-flash-db/standalone-movies/*/" }
  fn test_parse_movie(path: &str) {
    let path: &Path = Path::new(path);
    let name = path.components().last().unwrap().as_os_str().to_str().expect("Failed to retrieve sample name");
    match name {
      "homestuck-beta-1" | "homestuck-beta-2" => return,
      _ => (),
    let movie_path = path.join("main.swf");
    let mut movie_file = ::std::fs::File::open(movie_path).expect("Failed to open movie");
    let mut movie_bytes: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
    movie_file.read_to_end(&mut movie_bytes).expect("Failed to read movie");

    let (_remaining_input, actual_movie) = parse_movie(&movie_bytes).expect("Failed to parse movie");

    let actual_ast_path = path.join("");
    let actual_ast_file = ::std::fs::File::create(actual_ast_path).expect("Failed to create actual AST file");
    let actual_ast_writer = ::std::io::BufWriter::new(actual_ast_file);
    serde_json::to_writer_pretty(actual_ast_writer, &actual_movie).expect("Failed to write actual AST");

    // assert_eq!(remaining_input, &[] as &[u8]);

    let ast_path = path.join("ast.json");
    let ast_file = ::std::fs::File::open(ast_path).expect("Failed to open AST");
    let ast_reader = ::std::io::BufReader::new(ast_file);
    let expected_movie = serde_json::from_reader::<_, Movie>(ast_reader).expect("Failed to read AST");

    assert_eq!(actual_movie, expected_movie);