sweeper 1.0.0-rc3

A foundation for Minesweeper implementations in Rust
//! A foundation for Minesweeper implementations in Rust.
//! The purpose of such a crate is to have Minesweeper implementations depend on a common crate, i.e. for them to share the basic code related to managing a Minesweeper session and only bother writing the code for the UI, sound effects, input and such. Such implementations can be seen as frontends to this library.
//! # Feature gates
//! - `std` — enable a dependency on the hosted standard library (**enabled by default**)
//!   Without this feature, the crate only depends on `core` and `alloc` (meaning that usage in an environment without even a memory allocator is impossible), allowing it to run in a freestanding environment, allowing one to implement Minesweeper on a microcontroller, meaning Arduino Minesweeper, ESP32 Minesweeper, OSDev Minesweeper... you name it.
//! - `generation` — enable random generation (**enabled by default**)
//!   Enables the dependency on `rand`, used for generating random fields. Disable to remove said dependency if you'd like to use your own random field generator.
//! - `serialization` — enable support for field serialization (**enabled by default**, disable to speed up compilation)
//!   Enables the dependency on `serde` and its derive macros, which allows one to serialize and deserialize a field to store it on the hard drive, send it over the network or otherwise perform a certain operation which requires having the field in a consistent (platform-independent) format. See the `serde` crate for more.
//! - `track_caller` — use `track_caller` attributes
//!   Places the `track_caller` attribute on indexing operators and other panicking methods, improving panic messages. **Requires a nightly compiler as of Rust 1.43.0**.

#![warn(clippy::pedantic, clippy::cargo, clippy::nursery)]
    clippy::module_name_repetitions, // We have private reexported modules for convenience, so no.
    clippy::if_not_else, // Dumb lint. Sometimes it's more readable to have ifn't than to swap if and else.
    clippy::doc_markdown, // It reacted to "OSDev", bruh?
    clippy::inline_always, // Shut up ik how to optimize stuff
    clippy::must_use_candidate, // no

#![cfg_attr(feature = "track_caller", feature(track_caller))]
// Copypaste the following to enable this on specific methods:
//  #[cfg_attr(feature = "track_caller", track_caller)]

// Copypaste to derive Serde traits on specific methods:
// #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialization", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
// Copypaste to enable certain items when Serde is enabled:
// #[cfg(feature = "serialization")]
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
extern crate alloc;

mod field;
pub use field::*;
pub mod iter;
pub use iter::*;
mod tile;
pub use tile::*;