swc_plugin_runner 0.85.8

Runner for swc plugins. This crate is INTERNAL crate and used by swc itself.
use wasmer::{LazyInit, Memory};

/// An external environment state imported (declared in host, injected into
/// guest) fn can access. This'll allow host to read from updated state from
/// guest.
/// This is `base` environment exposes guest's memory space only. For other
/// calls requires additional data to be set in the host, separate
/// hostenvironments are declared. Refer `CommentsHostEnvironment` for an
/// example.
/// ref: https://docs.wasmer.io/integrations/examples/host-functions#declaring-the-data
#[derive(wasmer::WasmerEnv, Clone)]
pub struct BaseHostEnvironment {
    pub memory: wasmer::LazyInit<Memory>,

impl BaseHostEnvironment {
    pub fn new() -> BaseHostEnvironment {
        BaseHostEnvironment {
            memory: LazyInit::new(),