swc_css_ast 0.134.13

AST definitions of css

//! AST definitions for CSS.
pub use self::{at_rule::*, base::*, selector::*, token::*, value::*};

mod at_rule;
mod base;
mod selector;
mod token;
mod value;

/// Returns true if the given value matches one of the given patterns.
/// The type of value and patterns should be identical.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use swc_atoms::JsWord;
/// use swc_atoms::js_word;
/// use swc_css_ast::*;
/// assert!(matches_eq_ignore_ascii_case!(JsWord::from("A"), js_word!("a")));
/// assert!(matches_eq_ignore_ascii_case!("A", "a"));
/// ```
macro_rules! matches_eq_ignore_ascii_case {
    ($value:expr, $($pat:expr),*) => {{
            $value.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&$pat) ||
        )* false

/// Returns true if the given value matches one of the given patterns.
/// The type of value and patterns should be identical.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use swc_atoms::JsWord;
/// use swc_atoms::js_word;
/// use swc_css_ast::*;
/// assert!(matches_eq!(JsWord::from("a"), js_word!("a")));
/// assert!(matches_eq!("a", "a"));
/// ```
macro_rules! matches_eq {
    ($value:expr, $($pat:expr),*) => {{
            $value == $pat ||
        )* false