swc_common 0.9.0

Common utilities for the swc project.
use crate::syntax_pos::{BytePos, SourceFile};
use std::str;

pub type SourceFileInput<'a> = StringInput<'a>;

/// Implementation of [Input].
pub struct StringInput<'a> {
    start_pos: BytePos,
    last_pos: BytePos,
    /// Current cursor
    iter: str::CharIndices<'a>,
    orig: &'a str,
    /// Original start position.
    orig_start: BytePos,

impl<'a> StringInput<'a> {
    /// `start` and `end` can be arbitrary value, but start should be less than
    /// or equal to end.
    /// `swc` get this value from [SourceMap] because code generator depends on
    /// some methods of [SourceMap].
    /// If you are not going to use methods from
    /// [SourceMap], you may use any value.
    pub fn new(src: &'a str, start: BytePos, end: BytePos) -> Self {
        assert!(start <= end);

        StringInput {
            start_pos: start,
            last_pos: start,
            orig: src,
            iter: src.char_indices(),
            orig_start: start,

/// Creates an [Input] from [SourceFile]. This is an alias for
/// ```ignore
///    StringInput::new(&fm.src, fm.start_pos, fm.end_pos)
/// ```
impl<'a> From<&'a SourceFile> for StringInput<'a> {
    fn from(fm: &'a SourceFile) -> Self {
        StringInput::new(&fm.src, fm.start_pos, fm.end_pos)

impl<'a> Input for StringInput<'a> {
    fn cur(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
        self.iter.clone().nth(0).map(|i| i.1)

    fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
        self.iter.clone().nth(1).map(|i| i.1)

    fn peek_ahead(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
        self.iter.clone().nth(2).map(|i| i.1)

    fn bump(&mut self) {
        if let Some((i, c)) = self.iter.next() {
            self.last_pos = self.start_pos + BytePos((i + c.len_utf8()) as u32);
        } else {
            unreachable!("bump should not be called when cur() == None");

    fn is_at_start(&self) -> bool {
        self.orig_start == self.last_pos

    fn cur_pos(&mut self) -> BytePos {
            .map(|(p, _)| self.start_pos + BytePos(p as u32))

    fn last_pos(&self) -> BytePos {

    fn slice(&mut self, start: BytePos, end: BytePos) -> &str {
        assert!(start <= end, "Cannot slice {:?}..{:?}", start, end);
        let s = self.orig;

        let start_idx = (start - self.orig_start).0 as usize;
        let end_idx = (end - self.orig_start).0 as usize;

        let ret = &s[start_idx..end_idx];

        self.iter = s[end_idx..].char_indices();
        self.last_pos = end;
        self.start_pos = end;


    fn uncons_while<F>(&mut self, mut pred: F) -> &str
        F: FnMut(char) -> bool,
        let s = self.iter.as_str();
        let mut last = 0;

        for (i, c) in s.char_indices() {
            if pred(c) {
                last = i + c.len_utf8();
            } else {
        let ret = &s[..last];

        self.last_pos = self.last_pos + BytePos(last as _);
        self.start_pos = self.last_pos;
        self.iter = s[last..].char_indices();


    fn find<F>(&mut self, mut pred: F) -> Option<BytePos>
        F: FnMut(char) -> bool,
        let s = self.iter.as_str();
        let mut last = 0;

        for (i, c) in s.char_indices() {
            if pred(c) {
                last = i + c.len_utf8();
        if last == 0 {
            return None;

        self.last_pos = self.last_pos + BytePos(last as _);
        self.start_pos = self.last_pos;
        self.iter = s[last..].char_indices();


    fn reset_to(&mut self, to: BytePos) {
        let orig = self.orig;
        let idx = (to - self.orig_start).0 as usize;

        let s = &orig[idx..];
        self.iter = s.char_indices();
        self.start_pos = to;
        self.last_pos = to;

pub trait Input: Clone {
    fn cur(&mut self) -> Option<char>;
    fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<char>;
    fn peek_ahead(&mut self) -> Option<char>;
    fn bump(&mut self);

    fn is_at_start(&self) -> bool;

    fn cur_pos(&mut self) -> BytePos;

    fn last_pos(&self) -> BytePos;

    fn slice(&mut self, start: BytePos, end: BytePos) -> &str;

    /// Takes items from stream, testing each one with predicate. returns the
    /// range of items which passed predicate.
    fn uncons_while<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &str
        F: FnMut(char) -> bool;

    /// This method modifies [last_pos()] and [cur_pos()].
    fn find<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> Option<BytePos>
        F: FnMut(char) -> bool;

    fn reset_to(&mut self, to: BytePos);

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{FileName, FilePathMapping, SourceMap};
    use std::sync::Arc;

    fn with_test_sess<F>(src: &str, f: F)
        F: FnOnce(StringInput<'_>),
        let cm = Arc::new(SourceMap::new(FilePathMapping::empty()));
        let fm = cm.new_source_file(FileName::Real("testing".into()), src.into());


    fn src_input_slice_1() {
        let _ = with_test_sess("foo/d", |mut i| {
            assert_eq!(i.slice(BytePos(0), BytePos(1)), "f");
            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(1));
            assert_eq!(i.start_pos, BytePos(1));
            assert_eq!(i.cur(), Some('o'));

            assert_eq!(i.slice(BytePos(1), BytePos(3)), "oo");
            assert_eq!(i.slice(BytePos(0), BytePos(3)), "foo");
            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(3));
            assert_eq!(i.start_pos, BytePos(3));
            assert_eq!(i.cur(), Some('/'));

    fn src_input_reset_to_1() {
        let _ = with_test_sess("foad", |mut i| {
            assert_eq!(i.slice(BytePos(0), BytePos(2)), "fo");
            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(2));
            assert_eq!(i.start_pos, BytePos(2));
            assert_eq!(i.cur(), Some('a'));

            assert_eq!(i.cur(), Some('f'));
            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(0));
            assert_eq!(i.start_pos, BytePos(0));

    fn src_input_smoke_01() {
        let _ = with_test_sess("foo/d", |mut i| {
            assert_eq!(i.cur_pos(), BytePos(0));
            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(0));
            assert_eq!(i.start_pos, BytePos(0));
            assert_eq!(i.uncons_while(|c| c.is_alphabetic()), "foo");

            // assert_eq!(i.cur_pos(), BytePos(4));
            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(3));
            assert_eq!(i.start_pos, BytePos(3));
            assert_eq!(i.cur(), Some('/'));

            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(4));
            assert_eq!(i.cur(), Some('d'));

            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(5));
            assert_eq!(i.cur(), None);

    fn src_input_find_01() {
        let _ = with_test_sess("foo/d", |mut i| {
            assert_eq!(i.cur_pos(), BytePos(0));
            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(0));
            assert_eq!(i.start_pos, BytePos(0));

            assert_eq!(i.find(|c| c == '/'), Some(BytePos(4)));
            assert_eq!(i.start_pos, BytePos(4));
            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(4));
            assert_eq!(i.cur(), Some('d'));

    //    #[test]
    //    fn src_input_smoke_02() {
    //        let _ = crate::with_test_sess("℘℘/℘℘", | mut i| {
    //            assert_eq!(i.iter.as_str(), "℘℘/℘℘");
    //            assert_eq!(i.cur_pos(), BytePos(0));
    //            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(0));
    //            assert_eq!(i.start_pos, BytePos(0));
    //            assert_eq!(i.uncons_while(|c| c.is_ident_part()), "℘℘");
    //            assert_eq!(i.iter.as_str(), "/℘℘");
    //            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(6));
    //            assert_eq!(i.start_pos, BytePos(6));
    //            assert_eq!(i.cur(), Some('/'));
    //            i.bump();
    //            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(7));
    //            assert_eq!(i.start_pos, BytePos(6));
    //            assert_eq!(i.iter.as_str(), "℘℘");
    //            assert_eq!(i.uncons_while(|c| c.is_ident_part()), "℘℘");
    //            assert_eq!(i.last_pos, BytePos(13));
    //            assert_eq!(i.start_pos, BytePos(13));
    //            Ok(())
    //        });
    //    }