swc-plugin-add-logging-dataset 0.1.2

swc plugin add dataset for logging
# add-logging-dataset

This plugin add dataset for logging
[published in crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/swc-plugin-add-logging-dataset)

- data-tossinvest-log for clickable and custom clickable
- data-section-name for custom section

How to publish it.

- change code and add test code to `/tests`
- npm test will run `cargo test`
- if everything work fine `npm run prepack` to build wasi
- check cargo prepublish validation with `npm run valid`
- to publish this plugin to npm change version in package.json `npm publish`
- if you want to publish to crate please contact jimmy maybe you don't need it

How to use it.

- In your next app version >= 12.2.0
- next.config.js to add belong
experimental: {
    swcPlugins: [
        '@tossinvest/swc-add-logging-dataset', {},