swayipc-async 2.0.2

A library for controlling sway through its IPC interface
# swayipc-async   [![Action Badge]][actions] [![Version Badge]][crates.io] [![License Badge]][license] [![Docs Badge]][docs]

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[Action Badge]: https://github.com/JayceFayne/swayipc-rs/workflows/Rust/badge.svg
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[license]: https://github.com/JayceFayne/swayipc-rs/blob/master/LICENSE.md
[Docs Badge]: https://docs.rs/swayipc-async/badge.svg
[docs]: https://docs.rs/swayipc-async

A Rust library for controlling swaywm through its [IPC interface](https://github.com/swaywm/sway/blob/master/sway/sway-ipc.7.scd). This library is executor agnostic and can be used with any async executor!

## Usage

Examples of how to use the library can be found [here](../examples).

## i3 compatibility

[i3](https://github.com/i3/i3) compatibility is kept if possible even though this library primarily targets sway.

## Versioning

This library targets the latest stable release of [sway](https://github.com/swaywm/sway).

## Contributing

 If you find any errors in swayipc or just want to add a new feature feel free to [submit a PR](https://github.com/jaycefayne/swayipc-rs/pulls).