swarm-bot 0.3.4

A autonomous bot launcher for Minecraft
use std::time::Instant;

use crossterm::style::Stylize;
use float_ord::FloatOrd;
use interfaces::types::BlockLocation;
use itertools::Itertools;

use crate::{
        state::{global::GlobalState, local::LocalState},
            compound::CompoundTask, eat::EatTask, fall_bucket::FallBucketTask, mine::MineTask,
            navigate::BlockTravelTask, Task, TaskTrait,
    protocol::{EventQueue, Face, InterfaceOut},

/// The current [`Task`] we are trying to achieve. If we are not aiming at
/// achieving a task, this is [`None`].
pub struct ActionState {
    /// the task. In the future, this might change to be a priority queue of
    /// tasks
    task: Option<Task>,

impl ActionState {
    /// schedule a task
    pub fn schedule<T: Into<Task>>(&mut self, task: T) {
        self.task = Some(task.into());
    /// clear the task list
    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
        self.task = None;

/// The bot instance we are dealing with
pub struct Bot<Queue: EventQueue, Out: InterfaceOut> {
    /// the [`LocalState`] of the bot (i.e., things that are part of its mind
    /// but not shared by other bots)
    pub state: LocalState,
    /// The state of actions ([`ActionState`]) of the bot
    pub actions: ActionState,

    /// TODO: idk what this is
    pub queue: Queue,
    /// The [`InterfaceOut`] we use to communicate with the world
    pub out: Out,

impl<Queue: EventQueue, Out: InterfaceOut> Bot<Queue, Out> {
    pub fn run_sync(&mut self, global: &mut GlobalState) {
        match self.actions.task.as_mut() {
            None => {}
            Some(task) => {
                if task.tick(&mut self.out, &mut self.state, global) {
                    self.actions.task = None;
        let actions = self
            .tick(&mut global.blocks, &self.state.inventory);
        let physics = &self.state.physics;
            .teleport_and_look(physics.location(), physics.direction(), physics.on_ground());

        // if self.actions.task.is_none() {
        //     // let mut vel = self.state.physics.velocity();
        //     // vel.dy = 0.;
        //     // if vel.mag2() > 0.01 {
        //     //     vel *= -1.;
        //     //     self.state.physics.look(Direction::from(vel));
        //     //     self.state.physics.speed(Speed::SPRINT);
        //     //     self.state.physics.line(Line::Forward);
        //     // }
        // }
        if let Some(place) = actions.block_placed.as_ref() {
            self.out.place_block(place.location, place.face);

        // this should be after everything else as actions depend on the previous
        // location

        self.state.ticks += 1;

/// Always returns None.
pub fn process_command(
    name: &str,
    args: &[&str],
    local: &mut LocalState,
    global: &mut GlobalState,
    actions: &mut ActionState,
    out: &mut impl InterfaceOut,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    macro_rules! msg {
        () => {{
        ($($msg: expr),*) => {{
            let to_print_raw = format!($($msg),*);
            let to_print = to_print_raw.bold().to_string();
            println!("{}", to_print);

    match name {
        // "pillar" => {
        //     if let [a] = args {
        //         let y = a.parse()?;
        //         actions.schedule(PillarTask::new(y));
        //     }
        // }
        // "bridge" => {
        //     if let [a] = args {
        //         let amount = a.parse()?;
        //         actions.schedule(BridgeTask::new(amount, CardinalDirection::North, local));
        //     }
        // }
        // "block" => {
        //     local.inventory.switch_block(out);
        // }
        // "gotoc" => { // goto chunk
        //     if let [a, b] = args {
        //         let x = a.parse()?;
        //         let z = b.parse()?;
        //         let goal = ChunkLocation(x, z);
        //         actions.schedule(ChunkTravelTask::new(goal, local));
        //     }
        // }
        // "jump" => {
        //     local.physics.jump();
        // }
        "health" => {
            println!("Health: {}, Food: {}", local.health, local.food);
        "follow" => {
            local.follow_closest = true;
        // "kys" => {
        //     // TODO: try to kill themself by fall damage/lava/etc
        // }
        "eat" => {
            let eat_task = EatTask::default();
            actions.task = Some(eat_task.into());
        "slot" => {
            if let [number] = args {
                let number: u8 = number.parse().unwrap();
                local.inventory.change_slot(number, out);
        "fall" => {
            let below = BlockLocation::from(local.physics.location()).below();

            let mine = MineTask::new(below, out, local, global);
            let fall = FallBucketTask::default();
            let mut compound = CompoundTask::default();
        "drop" => {
        "goto" => {
            if let [a, b, c] = args {
                let x = a.parse()?;
                let y = b.parse()?;
                let z = c.parse()?;
                let dest = BlockLocation::new(x, y, z);
                actions.schedule(BlockTravelTask::new(dest, local));
        "stop" => {
            actions.task = None;
        "loc" => {
                "My location is {} in {}",
        "state" => {
            if let [name] = args {
                if name == &local.info.username {
                    msg!("location {}", local.physics.location());
                    msg!("on ground {}", local.physics.on_ground());
                    let below_loc =
                        BlockLocation::from(local.physics.location() - Displacement::EPSILON_Y);
                    msg!("below kind {:?}", global.blocks.get_block_kind(below_loc));
                    msg!("inventory slots {:?}", local.inventory.hotbar());
        "get" => {
            if let [a, b, c] = args {
                let x = a.parse()?;
                let y = b.parse()?;
                let z = c.parse()?;
                let location = BlockLocation::new(x, y, z);

                msg!("The block is {:?}", global.blocks.get_block(location));
        "place" => {
            if let [a, b, c] = args {
                let x = a.parse()?;
                let y = b.parse()?;
                let z = c.parse()?;

                let origin = local.physics.location() + Displacement::EYE_HEIGHT;

                let location = BlockLocation::new(x, y, z);
                let faces = location.faces();
                let best_loc_idx = IntoIterator::into_iter(faces)
                    .position_min_by_key(|loc| FloatOrd(loc.dist2(origin)))

                out.place_block(location, Face::from(best_loc_idx as u8));
        // "mine" => {
        //     let origin = local.physics.location() + Displacement::EYE_HEIGHT;
        //     let closest = global.blocks.closest_in_chunk(origin.into(), |state|
        // state.kind().mineable(&global.block_data));
        //     if let Some(closest) = closest {
        //         let mine_task = MineTask::new(closest, local, global);
        //         actions.schedule(mine_task);
        //     }
        // }
        _ => {}


pub fn run_threaded(
    _: &rayon::Scope,
    local: &mut LocalState,
    actions: &mut ActionState,
    global: &GlobalState,
    end_by: Instant,
) {
    if let Some(task) = actions.task.as_mut() {
        task.expensive(end_by, local, global);