svlint 0.4.6

SystemVerilog linter
# svlint

SystemVerilog linter

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## Installation

### Download binary

Download from [release page](, and extract to the directory in PATH.

### snapcraft

You can install from [snapcraft](

sudo snap install svlint

### Cargo

You can install by [cargo](

cargo install svlint

## Usage

### Configuration

First of all, you must put a configuration file `.svlint.toml` to specify enabled rules.
Configuration file is searched to the upper directory until `/`.
So you can put configuration file (`.svlint.toml`) on the repository root like `.gitignore`.

The example of configuration file is below:

exclude_paths = ["ip/.*"]

non_ansi_module = true
wire_reg = true

The complete example can be generated by `svlint --example`

#### `[option]` section

`exclude_paths` is a list of regular expression. If a file path is matched with the list, the file is skipped to check.

#### `[rules]` section

By default, all rules are disabled. If you want to enable some rules, `true` can be specified.

#### Configuration update

If svlint is updated, `.svlint.toml` can be updated to the latest version by `svlint --update`.

### Rules

All rules are [here](./
Suggesting a new rule through [Issues]( or [Pull requests]( is welcome.

### Plugin

svlint supports rule plugin. A sample project is below:

### Filelist

svlint supports filelist like major EDA tools.
The following features are supported.

* Substitute environment variables
* Specify include directories by `+incdir`
* Define Verilog define by `+define`
* Include other filelists by `-f`

An example is below:

-f other.f

### Option

svlint 0.2.12

    svlint [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <files>...

        --example    Prints config example
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -s, --silent     Suppresses message
    -1               Prints results by single line
        --update     Updates config
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Prints verbose message

    -c, --config <config>           Config file [default: .svlint.toml]
    -d, --define <defines>...       Define
    -f, --filelist <filelist>...    File list
    -i, --include <includes>...     Include path
    -p, --plugin <plugins>...       Plugin file

    <files>...    Source file