svc-agent 0.21.0

An agent library.
# Changelog

## v0.15.0 (February 19, 2021)
### Changes
- Added version to multicasts ([366895a]

## v0.14.13 (December 3, 2020)
- Make publish_dump public again ([389ef0f]

## v0.14.12 (November 25, 2020)

### Fixes
- Yanked v0.14.11 from
- Counters hashmap now evicts keys after a while to avoid its bloat ([1f3dc9c]

## v0.14.11 (October 22, 2020)

### Fixes
- Fixed events aggregation in wrong queues in queue counter ([4fd2842]
- Changed counters behaviour from counter over time window to monotonically increasing counter ([9c90f4c]

## v0.14.10 (October 5, 2020)

### Changes
- Added metric tags parsed from mqtt user properties ([f3582ec]

## v0.14.9 (September 22, 2020)

### Fixes
- Always use tokio threaded scheduler ([3202574]

## v0.14.8 (September 22, 2020)

### Fixes
- Fix tokio runtime dropping too soon (fixes 4b9d630) ([acc943c]

## v0.14.7 (September 21, 2020)

### Features
- Allow starting Agent with already existing runtime ([4b9d630]
- Add sqlx support ([ff01a0e]

## v0.14.6 (September 7, 2020)

### Fixes
- Fix tokio runtime timer ([b718e7c]

## v0.14.5 (September 7, 2020)

### Features
- Pass EventLoopError to AgentNotification::Abort ([c09c0d4]
- Add TOKIO_THREAD_COUNT env setting ([2ac6f63]

## v0.14.4 (September 2, 2020)

### Changes
- Replaced unbounded requests channel with bounded ([cfe30a8]

## v0.14.3 (July 28, 2020)

### Changes
- Swapped `rumq_client` with `svc-rumq-client` ([d5649aa]

## v0.14.2 (July 22, 2020)

### Changes
- Added `local_tracking_label` setters on outgoing properties ([1bd3f30]

### Fixes
- Fixed reconnection not sending AgentNotification::Reconnection message ([49b853f]

## v0.14.1 (June 8, 2020)

### Changes
- MQTT notifications loop thread is now named for ease of debugging ([5ab4e13]

### Fixes
- Updated rumq with git version so it now accounts for max_packet_size option ([b3cef19]

## v0.14.0 (June 4, 2020)

### Breaking changes
- Switch MQTT libraries from rumqtt to rumq ([8c20c3c]

## v0.13.1 (May 28, 2020)

### Breaking changes

- Added Publish metadata to `AgentNotification::Message()` enum variant (now its `AgentNotification::Message(message, metadata)`) ([30a068c]

### Features

- Added `set_agent_id(AgentId)` method for `OutgoingEventProperties` ([f43580e]

## v0.13.0 (May 26, 2020)

### Breaking changes

- Reworked IncomingMessage and OutgoingMessage as enums ([96f3ab0]

### Features

- Added queue-counter feature ([d17357e]

## v0.12.1 (April 24, 2020)

### Features

- Multicast events ([d70d3963] and [fae57b9]

## v0.12.0 (April 21, 2020)

### Breaking changes
- Changed default value of AgentConfig::reconnect_interval from 10 seconds to never reconnect ([f02869f]

## v0.11.4 (April 17, 2020)

### Fixes
- Skip serializing empty timestamp ([785a657]

## v0.11.3 (April 17, 2020)

### Features
- Split up incoming & outgoing short term timings ([0acd988]

## v0.11.2 (March 3, 2020)

### Features
- Add `max_message_size` config option ([5a820c4]
- Add `OutgoingRequestProperties::set_local_timestamp` ([721ccf54]

## v0.11.1 (February 6, 2020)

### Features
- Add request dispatcher ([c6d7191]
- Make all incoming properties serializable ([3d033d8]
- Allow creating a subscription to an arbitrary topic  ([90de181]

## v0.11.0 (January 21, 2020)

### Changes
- Overhaul Publishable and related traits ([79c06e5], [7d682f0]

### Fixes
- Skip empty agent_id serialization ([af2f2fe]

## v0.10.0 (December 20, 2019)

### Features
- Upgrade to v2 connection ([991f2b4]
- Parametrize version in topics ([6feb43b]
- Separate API version from connection version ([49fc797]
- Derive `Clone` & `Serialize` for `IncomingEventProperties` ([da9c574]

## v0.9.5 (November 21, 2019)

### Fixes
- Skip serializing empty local tracking label ([42a51c4]

## v0.9.5 (November 21, 2019)

### Fixes
- Fix tracking id ([2150339]

## v0.9.4 (November 21, 2019)

### Features
- Add tracking ([2fe8b8c]

## v0.9.3 (November 12, 2019)

### Fixes
- Support negative durations ([cff7b99]

## v0.9.2 (November 8, 2019)

### Fixes
- Skip serializing empty timing properties ([fbf4662]

## v0.9.1 (November 1, 2019)

### Fixes
- Serialize timestamps & durations as strings ([0a647f4]

## v0.9.0 (October 29, 2019)

### Features
- Add timing ([b338621]

## v0.8.5 (October 2, 2019)

### Features
- Update rumqtt version to 0.31 ([c3d02ea]

## v0.8.4 (September 30, 2019)

### Changes
- Add broker properties to `IncomingRequest` ([ad40e63]

## v0.8.3 (September 20, 2019)

### Fixes
- Skip response topic (de)serialization ([b057a28]

## v0.8.2 (September 19, 2019)

### Changes
- Add getters & deserialization for Connection ([36cb194]
- Send response to request's response topic ([9a1cf6f]
- Make incoming event's label optional ([20f93f7]

## v0.8.1 (September 12, 2019)

### Features
- Add `label` to `IncomingEvent` ([2c454c2]

## v0.8.0 (September 10, 2019)

### Changes
- Implement `Publishable` on `OutgoingMessage`, remove `Publish` trait ([4968cdf]
- Implement `DestinationTopic` on `AgentId` ([04020b0]
- Remove `response_topic` field from `OutgoingResponse` ([c797b44]
- Replace `to_bytes` with `into_bytes` in `Publishable` trait ([9b0df11]

## v0.7.3 (August 14, 2019)

### Changes
- Serialize `status` as string for MQTT v5 user properties compatibility ([3fb1d31]

## v0.7.2 (June 28, 2019)

### Features
- Add connection type and incoming message properties ([d65bda8]
- Add support for observer mode ([65f12fa]

## v0.7.1 (June 5, 2019)

### Features
- Add password and username to the configuration ([0d80f45]

## v0.7.0 (June 3, 2019)

### Changes
- Change default connection version to `v1` ([1a6eb4f]

## v0.6.1 (May 18, 2019)

### Features
-  Add `properties` function to `OutgoingMessage` ([0a9d445]

## v0.6.0 (May 7, 2019)

### Changes
-  Use `QoS::AtMostOnce` for requests and `QoS::AtLeastOnce` for responses and events ([61834f0]

## v0.5.1 (Apr 24, 2019)

### Features
- Add `keep_alive_interval`, `reconnect_interval`, `outgoing_message_queue_size`, and `incoming_message_queue_size` configuration options ([3ba5a4d]

### Changes
- Make `clean_session` configuration option optional ([3ba5a4d]

## v0.5.0 (Apr 18, 2019)

### Features
- Add additional subscription functions ([3a2f2ab5]

### Changes
- Replace `OutgoingResponseStatus` with `ResponseStatus` ([a6453f]

## v0.4.1 (Apr 17, 2019)

### Features
- Implement `Deserialize` for `OutgoingResponseStatus` ([296173b]

## v0.4.0 (Apr 5, 2019)

### Features
- Add `Error` type ([f76c694]
- Implement `Clone` for `Agent` ([511d01c]

## v0.3.1 (Mar 5, 2019)

### Features
- Add `clean_session` configuration option ([5efa53c]

## v0.3.0 (Mar 1, 2019)

### Features
- Implement `Eq`, `Hash`, `Serialize` and `Deserialize` for `AgentId` and `SharedGroup` ([4a5fe76]
- Add `Service` connection mode

### Changes
- Replace `Agent` connection mode with `Default`

## v0.2.0 (Feb 14, 2019)

### Features
- Add `Addressable` trait ([39d5faa]

### Changes
- Change arguments of `OutgoingRequestProperties` constructor ([cba56a9]
- Replace `agent_id` with `as_agent_id` ([39d5faa]

## v0.1.0 (Feb 12, 2019)

Initial release