summavy-common 0.5.0

common traits and utility functions used by multiple tantivy subcrates
use std::ops::{Deref, Range, RangeBounds};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{fmt, io};

use async_trait::async_trait;
use ownedbytes::{OwnedBytes, StableDeref};

use crate::HasLen;

/// Objects that represents files sections in tantivy.
/// By contract, whatever happens to the directory file, as long as a FileHandle
/// is alive, the data associated with it cannot be altered or destroyed.
/// The underlying behavior is therefore specific to the `Directory` that
/// created it. Despite its name, a [`FileSlice`] may or may not directly map to an actual file
/// on the filesystem.

pub trait FileHandle: 'static + Send + Sync + HasLen + fmt::Debug {
    /// Reads a slice of bytes.
    /// This method may panic if the range requested is invalid.
    fn read_bytes(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> io::Result<OwnedBytes>;

    async fn read_bytes_async(&self, _byte_range: Range<usize>) -> io::Result<OwnedBytes> {
            "Async read is not supported.",

impl FileHandle for &'static [u8] {
    fn read_bytes(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> io::Result<OwnedBytes> {
        let bytes = &self[range];

    async fn read_bytes_async(&self, byte_range: Range<usize>) -> io::Result<OwnedBytes> {

impl<B> From<B> for FileSlice
where B: StableDeref + Deref<Target = [u8]> + 'static + Send + Sync
    fn from(bytes: B) -> FileSlice {

/// Logical slice of read only file in tantivy.
/// It can be cloned and sliced cheaply.
pub struct FileSlice {
    data: Arc<dyn FileHandle>,
    range: Range<usize>,

impl fmt::Debug for FileSlice {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "FileSlice({:?}, {:?})", &, self.range)

/// Takes a range, a `RangeBounds` object, and returns
/// a `Range` that corresponds to the relative application of the
/// `RangeBounds` object to the original `Range`.
/// For instance, combine_ranges(`[2..11)`, `[5..7]`) returns `[7..10]`
/// as it reads, what is the sub-range that starts at the 5 element of
/// `[2..11)` and ends at the 9th element included.
/// This function panics, if the result would suggest something outside
/// of the bounds of the original range.
fn combine_ranges<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(orig_range: Range<usize>, rel_range: R) -> Range<usize> {
    let start: usize = orig_range.start
        + match rel_range.start_bound().cloned() {
            std::ops::Bound::Included(rel_start) => rel_start,
            std::ops::Bound::Excluded(rel_start) => rel_start + 1,
            std::ops::Bound::Unbounded => 0,
    assert!(start <= orig_range.end);
    let end: usize = match rel_range.end_bound().cloned() {
        std::ops::Bound::Included(rel_end) => orig_range.start + rel_end + 1,
        std::ops::Bound::Excluded(rel_end) => orig_range.start + rel_end,
        std::ops::Bound::Unbounded => orig_range.end,
    assert!(end >= start);
    assert!(end <= orig_range.end);

impl FileSlice {
    /// Wraps a FileHandle.
    pub fn new(file_handle: Arc<dyn FileHandle>) -> Self {
        let num_bytes = file_handle.len();
        FileSlice::new_with_num_bytes(file_handle, num_bytes)

    /// Wraps a FileHandle.
    pub fn new_with_num_bytes(file_handle: Arc<dyn FileHandle>, num_bytes: usize) -> Self {
        FileSlice {
            data: file_handle,
            range: 0..num_bytes,

    /// Creates a fileslice that is just a view over a slice of the data.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `byte_range.end` exceeds the filesize.
    pub fn slice<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&self, byte_range: R) -> FileSlice {
        FileSlice {
            range: combine_ranges(self.range.clone(), byte_range),

    /// Creates an empty FileSlice
    pub fn empty() -> FileSlice {
        const EMPTY_SLICE: &[u8] = &[];

    /// Returns a `OwnedBytes` with all of the data in the `FileSlice`.
    /// The behavior is strongly dependent on the implementation of the underlying
    /// `Directory` and the `FileSliceTrait` it creates.
    /// In particular, it is  up to the `Directory` implementation
    /// to handle caching if needed.
    pub fn read_bytes(&self) -> io::Result<OwnedBytes> {

    pub async fn read_bytes_async(&self) -> io::Result<OwnedBytes> {

    /// Reads a specific slice of data.
    /// This is equivalent to running `file_slice.slice(from, to).read_bytes()`.
    pub fn read_bytes_slice(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> io::Result<OwnedBytes> {
            range.end <= self.len(),
            "end of requested range exceeds the fileslice length ({} > {})",
            .read_bytes(self.range.start + range.start..self.range.start + range.end)

    pub async fn read_bytes_slice_async(&self, byte_range: Range<usize>) -> io::Result<OwnedBytes> {
            self.range.start + byte_range.end <= self.range.end,
            "`to` exceeds the fileslice length"
                self.range.start + byte_range.start..self.range.start + byte_range.end,

    /// Splits the FileSlice at the given offset and return two file slices.
    /// `file_slice[..split_offset]` and `file_slice[split_offset..]`.
    /// This operation is cheap and must not copy any underlying data.
    pub fn split(self, left_len: usize) -> (FileSlice, FileSlice) {
        let left = self.slice_to(left_len);
        let right = self.slice_from(left_len);
        (left, right)

    /// Splits the file slice at the given offset and return two file slices.
    /// `file_slice[..split_offset]` and `file_slice[split_offset..]`.
    pub fn split_from_end(self, right_len: usize) -> (FileSlice, FileSlice) {
        let left_len = self.len() - right_len;

    /// Like `.slice(...)` but enforcing only the `from`
    /// boundary.
    /// Equivalent to `.slice(from_offset, self.len())`
    pub fn slice_from(&self, from_offset: usize) -> FileSlice {

    /// Returns a slice from the end.
    /// Equivalent to `.slice(self.len() - from_offset, self.len())`
    pub fn slice_from_end(&self, from_offset: usize) -> FileSlice {
        self.slice(self.len() - from_offset..self.len())

    /// Like `.slice(...)` but enforcing only the `to`
    /// boundary.
    /// Equivalent to `.slice(0, to_offset)`
    pub fn slice_to(&self, to_offset: usize) -> FileSlice {

impl FileHandle for FileSlice {
    fn read_bytes(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> io::Result<OwnedBytes> {

    async fn read_bytes_async(&self, byte_range: Range<usize>) -> io::Result<OwnedBytes> {

impl HasLen for FileSlice {
    fn len(&self) -> usize {

impl FileHandle for OwnedBytes {
    fn read_bytes(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> io::Result<OwnedBytes> {

    async fn read_bytes_async(&self, range: Range<usize>) -> io::Result<OwnedBytes> {

mod tests {
    use std::io;
    use std::ops::Bound;
    use std::sync::Arc;

    use super::{FileHandle, FileSlice};
    use crate::file_slice::combine_ranges;
    use crate::HasLen;

    fn test_file_slice() -> io::Result<()> {
        let file_slice = FileSlice::new(Arc::new(b"abcdef".as_ref()));
        assert_eq!(file_slice.len(), 6);
        assert_eq!(file_slice.slice_from(2).read_bytes()?.as_slice(), b"cdef");
        assert_eq!(file_slice.slice_to(2).read_bytes()?.as_slice(), b"ab");
            let (left, right) = file_slice.clone().split(0);
            assert_eq!(left.read_bytes()?.as_slice(), b"");
            assert_eq!(right.read_bytes()?.as_slice(), b"abcdef");
            let (left, right) = file_slice.clone().split(2);
            assert_eq!(left.read_bytes()?.as_slice(), b"ab");
            assert_eq!(right.read_bytes()?.as_slice(), b"cdef");
            let (left, right) = file_slice.clone().split_from_end(0);
            assert_eq!(left.read_bytes()?.as_slice(), b"abcdef");
            assert_eq!(right.read_bytes()?.as_slice(), b"");
            let (left, right) = file_slice.split_from_end(2);
            assert_eq!(left.read_bytes()?.as_slice(), b"abcd");
            assert_eq!(right.read_bytes()?.as_slice(), b"ef");

    fn test_file_slice_trait_slice_len() {
        let blop: &'static [u8] = b"abc";
        let owned_bytes: Box<dyn FileHandle> = Box::new(blop);
        assert_eq!(owned_bytes.len(), 3);

    fn test_slice_simple_read() -> io::Result<()> {
        let slice = FileSlice::new(Arc::new(&b"abcdef"[..]));
        assert_eq!(slice.len(), 6);
        assert_eq!(slice.read_bytes()?.as_ref(), b"abcdef");
        assert_eq!(slice.slice(1..4).read_bytes()?.as_ref(), b"bcd");

    fn test_slice_read_slice() -> io::Result<()> {
        let slice_deref = FileSlice::new(Arc::new(&b"abcdef"[..]));
        assert_eq!(slice_deref.read_bytes_slice(1..4)?.as_ref(), b"bcd");

    #[should_panic(expected = "end of requested range exceeds the fileslice length (10 > 6)")]
    fn test_slice_read_slice_invalid_range_exceeds() {
        let slice_deref = FileSlice::new(Arc::new(&b"abcdef"[..]));

    fn test_combine_range() {
        assert_eq!(combine_ranges(1..3, 0..1), 1..2);
        assert_eq!(combine_ranges(1..3, 1..), 2..3);
        assert_eq!(combine_ranges(1..4, ..2), 1..3);
        assert_eq!(combine_ranges(3..10, 2..5), 5..8);
        assert_eq!(combine_ranges(2..11, 5..=7), 7..10);
            combine_ranges(2..11, (Bound::Excluded(5), Bound::Unbounded)),

    fn test_combine_range_panics() {
        let _ = combine_ranges(3..5, 1..4);