summa-unixfs 0.2.0

Implementation of unixfs for iroh
use std::collections::VecDeque;

use anyhow::Result;
use async_stream::try_stream;
use bytes::Bytes;
use cid::Cid;
use futures::{Stream, StreamExt, TryFutureExt, TryStreamExt};

use crate::builder::encode_unixfs_pb;
use crate::types::Block;
use crate::unixfs::{dag_pb, unixfs_pb, DataType, Node, UnixfsNode};

/// Default degree number for balanced tree, taken from unixfs specs
/// <>
pub const DEFAULT_DEGREE: usize = 174;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum TreeBuilder {
    /// TreeBuilder that builds a "balanced tree" with a max degree size of
    /// degree
    Balanced { degree: usize },

impl TreeBuilder {
    pub fn balanced_tree() -> Self {

    pub fn balanced_tree_with_degree(degree: usize) -> Self {
        assert!(degree > 1);
        TreeBuilder::Balanced { degree }

    pub fn stream_tree(
        chunks: impl Stream<Item = std::io::Result<Bytes>> + Send,
    ) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<Block>> {
        match self {
            TreeBuilder::Balanced { degree } => stream_balanced_tree(chunks, *degree),

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct LinkInfo {
    raw_data_len: u64,
    encoded_len: u64,

fn stream_balanced_tree(
    in_stream: impl Stream<Item = std::io::Result<Bytes>> + Send,
    degree: usize,
) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<Block>> {
    try_stream! {
        // degree = 8
        // VecDeque![ vec![] ]
        // ..
        // VecDeque![ vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] ]
        // VecDeque![ vec![8], vec![p0] ]

        // ..

        // VecDeque![ vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] vec![p0] ]
        // VecDeque![ vec![], vec![p0, p1]]

        // ..

        // VecDeque![ vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] vec![p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7], ]
        // VecDeque![ vec![], vec![p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7], vec![] ]
        // VecDeque![ vec![8], vec![p8], vec![pp0] ]
        // A vecdeque of vecs, the first vec representing the lowest layer of stem nodes
        // and the last vec representing the root node
        // Since we emit leaf and stem nodes as we go, we only need to keep track of the
        // most "recent" branch, storing the links to that node's children & yielding them
        // when each node reaches `degree` number of links
        let mut tree: VecDeque<Vec<(Cid, LinkInfo)>> = VecDeque::new();

        let hash_par: usize = 8;

        let in_stream = in_stream.err_into::<anyhow::Error>().map(|chunk| {
            tokio::task::spawn_blocking(|| {
                chunk.and_then(|chunk| TreeNode::Leaf(chunk).encode())
        }).buffered(hash_par).map(|x| x.and_then(|x| x));


        while let Some(chunk) = {
            let ((block, link_info)) = chunk?;
            let tree_len = tree.len();

            // check if the leaf node of the tree is full
            if tree[0].len() == degree {
                // if so, iterate through nodes
                for i in 0..tree_len {
                    // if we encounter any nodes that are not full, break
                    if tree[i].len() < degree {

                    // in this case we have a full set of links & we are
                    // at the top of the tree. Time to make a new layer.
                    if i == tree_len - 1 {

                    // create node, keeping the cid
                    let links = std::mem::replace(&mut tree[i], Vec::with_capacity(degree));
                    let (block, link_info) = TreeNode::Stem(links).encode()?;
                    let cid = *block.cid();
                    yield block;

                    // add link_info to parent node
                    tree[i+1].push((cid, link_info));
                // at this point the tree will be able to recieve new links
                // without "overflowing", aka the leaf node and stem nodes
                // have fewer than `degree` number of links

            // now that we know the tree is in a "healthy" state to
            // recieve more links, add the link to the tree
            tree[0].push((*block.cid(), link_info));
            yield block;
            // at this point, the leaf node may have `degree` number of
            // links, but no other stem node will

        // our stream had 1 chunk that we have already yielded
        if tree.len() == 1 && tree[0].len() == 1 {

        // clean up, aka yield the rest of the stem nodes
        // since all the stem nodes are able to recieve links
        // we don't have to worry about "overflow"
        while let Some(links) = tree.pop_front() {
            let (block, link_info) = TreeNode::Stem(links).encode()?;
            let cid = *block.cid();
            yield block;

            if let Some(front) = tree.front_mut() {
                front.push((cid, link_info));
            } else {
                // final root, nothing to do

fn create_unixfs_node_from_links(links: Vec<(Cid, LinkInfo)>) -> Result<UnixfsNode> {
    let blocksizes: Vec<u64> = links.iter().map(|l| l.1.raw_data_len).collect();
    let filesize: u64 = blocksizes.iter().sum();
    let links = links
        .map(|(cid, l)| dag_pb::PbLink {
            hash: Some(cid.to_bytes()),
            /// ALL "stem" nodes have `name: None`.
            /// In kubo, nodes that have links to `leaf` nodes have `name: Some("".to_string())`
            name: None,
            /// tsize has no strict definition
            /// Iroh's definiton of `tsize` is "the cumulative size of the encoded tree
            /// pointed to by this link", so not just the size of the raw content, but including
            /// all encoded dag nodes as well.
            /// In the `go-merkledag` package, the `merkledag.proto` file, states that tsize
            /// is the "cumulative size of the target object"
            /// (
            tsize: Some(l.encoded_len),

    // PBNode.Data
    let inner = unixfs_pb::Data {
        r#type: DataType::File as i32,
        // total size of the raw data this node points to
        filesize: Some(filesize),
        // sizes of the raw data pointed to by each link in this node

    // create PBNode
    let outer = encode_unixfs_pb(&inner, links)?;

    // create UnixfsNode
    Ok(UnixfsNode::File(Node { inner, outer }))

// Leaf and Stem nodes are the two types of nodes that can exist in the tree
// Leaf nodes encode to `UnixfsNode::Raw`
// Stem nodes encode to `UnixfsNode::File`
enum TreeNode {
    Stem(Vec<(Cid, LinkInfo)>),

impl TreeNode {
    fn encode(self) -> Result<(Block, LinkInfo)> {
        match self {
            TreeNode::Leaf(bytes) => {
                let len = bytes.len();
                let node = UnixfsNode::Raw(bytes);
                let block = node.encode()?;
                let link_info = LinkInfo {
                    // in a leaf the raw data len and encoded len are the same since our leaf
                    // nodes are raw unixfs nodes
                    raw_data_len: len as u64,
                    encoded_len: len as u64,
                Ok((block, link_info))
            TreeNode::Stem(links) => {
                let mut encoded_len: u64 = links.iter().map(|(_, l)| l.encoded_len).sum();
                let node = create_unixfs_node_from_links(links)?;
                let block = node.encode()?;
                encoded_len += as u64;
                let raw_data_len = node
                    .expect("UnixfsNode::File will have a filesize");
                    LinkInfo {

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use bytes::BytesMut;
    use futures::StreamExt;

    // chunks are just a single usize integer
    const CHUNK_SIZE: u64 = std::mem::size_of::<usize>() as u64;

    fn test_chunk_stream(num_chunks: usize) -> impl Stream<Item = std::io::Result<Bytes>> {
        futures::stream::iter((0..num_chunks).map(|n| Ok(n.to_be_bytes().to_vec().into())))

    async fn build_expect_tree(num_chunks: usize, degree: usize) -> Vec<Vec<Block>> {
        let chunks = test_chunk_stream(num_chunks);
        let mut tree = vec![vec![]];
        let mut links = vec![vec![]];

        if num_chunks / degree == 0 {
            let chunk =;
            let leaf = TreeNode::Leaf(chunk);
            let (block, _) = leaf.encode().unwrap();
            return tree;

        while let Some(chunk) = {
            let chunk = chunk.unwrap();
            let leaf = TreeNode::Leaf(chunk);
            let (block, link_info) = leaf.encode().unwrap();
            links[0].push((*block.cid(), link_info));

        while tree.last().unwrap().len() > 1 {
            let prev_layer = links.last().unwrap();
            let count = prev_layer.len() / degree;
            let mut tree_layer = Vec::with_capacity(count);
            let mut links_layer = Vec::with_capacity(count);
            for links in prev_layer.chunks(degree) {
                let stem = TreeNode::Stem(links.to_vec());
                let (block, link_info) = stem.encode().unwrap();
                links_layer.push((*block.cid(), link_info));

    async fn build_expect_vec_from_tree(
        tree: Vec<Vec<Block>>,
        num_chunks: usize,
        degree: usize,
    ) -> Vec<Block> {
        let mut out = vec![];

        if num_chunks == 1 {
            return out;

        let mut counts = vec![0; tree.len()];

        for leaf in tree[0].iter() {
            counts[0] += 1;
            let mut push = counts[0] % degree == 0;
            for (num_layer, count) in counts.iter_mut().enumerate() {
                if num_layer == 0 {
                if !push {
                *count += 1;
                if *count % degree != 0 {
                    push = false;

        for (num_layer, count) in counts.into_iter().enumerate() {
            if num_layer == 0 {
            let layer = tree[num_layer].clone();
            for node in layer.into_iter().skip(count) {


    async fn build_expect(num_chunks: usize, degree: usize) -> Vec<Block> {
        let tree = build_expect_tree(num_chunks, degree).await;
        build_expect_vec_from_tree(tree, num_chunks, degree).await

    fn make_leaf(data: usize) -> (Block, LinkInfo) {

    fn make_stem(links: Vec<(Cid, LinkInfo)>) -> (Block, LinkInfo) {

    async fn test_build_expect() {
        // manually build tree made of 7 chunks (11 total nodes)
        let (leaf_0, len_0) = make_leaf(0);
        let (leaf_1, len_1) = make_leaf(1);
        let (leaf_2, len_2) = make_leaf(2);
        let (stem_0, stem_len_0) = make_stem(vec![
            (*leaf_0.cid(), len_0),
            (*leaf_1.cid(), len_1),
            (*leaf_2.cid(), len_2),
        let (leaf_3, len_3) = make_leaf(3);
        let (leaf_4, len_4) = make_leaf(4);
        let (leaf_5, len_5) = make_leaf(5);
        let (stem_1, stem_len_1) = make_stem(vec![
            (*leaf_3.cid(), len_3),
            (*leaf_4.cid(), len_4),
            (*leaf_5.cid(), len_5),
        let (leaf_6, len_6) = make_leaf(6);
        let (stem_2, stem_len_2) = make_stem(vec![(*leaf_6.cid(), len_6)]);
        let (root, _root_len) = make_stem(vec![
            (*stem_0.cid(), stem_len_0),
            (*stem_1.cid(), stem_len_1),
            (*stem_2.cid(), stem_len_2),

        let expect_tree = vec![
            vec![stem_0.clone(), stem_1.clone(), stem_2.clone()],
        let got_tree = build_expect_tree(7, 3).await;
        assert_eq!(expect_tree, got_tree);

        let expect_vec = vec![
            leaf_0, leaf_1, leaf_2, stem_0, leaf_3, leaf_4, leaf_5, stem_1, leaf_6, stem_2, root,
        let got_vec = build_expect_vec_from_tree(got_tree, 7, 3).await;
        assert_eq!(expect_vec, got_vec);

    async fn ensure_equal(
        expect: Vec<Block>,
        got: impl Stream<Item = Result<Block>>,
        expected_filesize: u64,
    ) {
        let mut i = 0;
        let mut got_filesize = 0;
        let mut expected_tsize = 0;
        let mut got_tsize = 0;
        while let Some(node) = {
            let (expect_cid, expect_bytes, _) = expect
                .expect("too many nodes in balanced tree stream")
            let node = node.expect("unexpected error in balanced tree stream");
            let (got_cid, got_bytes, _) = node.into_parts();
            let len = got_bytes.len() as u64;
            println!("node index {i}");
            assert_eq!(expect_cid, got_cid);
            assert_eq!(expect_bytes, got_bytes);
            i += 1;
            let expect_node = UnixfsNode::decode(&expect_cid, expect_bytes.to_owned()).unwrap();
            let got_node = UnixfsNode::decode(&got_cid, got_bytes.clone()).unwrap();
            if let Some(DataType::File) = got_node.typ() {
            assert_eq!(expect_node, got_node);
            if expect.len() == i {
                let node = UnixfsNode::decode(&got_cid, got_bytes).unwrap();
                got_tsize = node.links().map(|l| l.unwrap().tsize.unwrap()).sum();
                got_filesize = got_node.filesize().unwrap();
            } else {
                expected_tsize += len;
        if expect.len() != i {
                "expected at {} nodes of the stream, got {}",
        assert_eq!(expected_filesize, got_filesize);
        assert_eq!(expected_tsize, got_tsize);

    async fn balanced_tree_test_leaf() {
        let num_chunks = 1;
        let expect = build_expect(num_chunks, 3).await;
        let got = stream_balanced_tree(test_chunk_stream(1), 3);
        ensure_equal(expect, got, num_chunks as u64 * CHUNK_SIZE).await;

    async fn balanced_tree_test_height_one() {
        let num_chunks = 3;
        let degrees = 3;
        let expect = build_expect(num_chunks, degrees).await;
        let got = stream_balanced_tree(test_chunk_stream(num_chunks), degrees);
        ensure_equal(expect, got, num_chunks as u64 * CHUNK_SIZE).await;

    async fn balanced_tree_test_height_two_full() {
        let degrees = 3;
        let num_chunks = 9;
        let expect = build_expect(num_chunks, degrees).await;
        let got = stream_balanced_tree(test_chunk_stream(num_chunks), degrees);
        ensure_equal(expect, got, num_chunks as u64 * CHUNK_SIZE).await;

    async fn balanced_tree_test_height_two_not_full() {
        let degrees = 3;
        let num_chunks = 10;
        let expect = build_expect(num_chunks, degrees).await;
        let got = stream_balanced_tree(test_chunk_stream(num_chunks), degrees);
        ensure_equal(expect, got, num_chunks as u64 * CHUNK_SIZE).await;

    async fn balanced_tree_test_height_three() {
        let num_chunks = 125;
        let degrees = 5;
        let expect = build_expect(num_chunks, degrees).await;
        let got = stream_balanced_tree(test_chunk_stream(num_chunks), degrees);
        ensure_equal(expect, got, num_chunks as u64 * CHUNK_SIZE).await;

    async fn balanced_tree_test_large() {
        let num_chunks = 780;
        let degrees = 11;
        let expect = build_expect(num_chunks, degrees).await;
        let got = stream_balanced_tree(test_chunk_stream(num_chunks), degrees);
        ensure_equal(expect, got, num_chunks as u64 * CHUNK_SIZE).await;