subxt 0.27.1

Submit extrinsics (transactions) to a substrate node via RPC
// Copyright 2019-2022 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is dual-licensed as Apache-2.0 or GPL-3.0.
// see LICENSE for license details.

//! Types representing the errors that can be returned.

use crate::metadata::Metadata;
use codec::Decode;
use core::fmt::Debug;
use scale_info::TypeDef;
use std::borrow::Cow;

// Re-expose the errors we use from other crates here:
pub use crate::metadata::{
pub use scale_value::scale::{

/// The underlying error enum, generic over the type held by the `Runtime`
/// variant. Prefer to use the [`Error<E>`] and [`Error`] aliases over
/// using this type directly.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
    /// Io error.
    #[error("Io error: {0}")]
    Io(#[from] std::io::Error),
    /// Codec error.
    #[error("Scale codec error: {0}")]
    Codec(#[from] codec::Error),
    /// Rpc error.
    #[error("Rpc error: {0}")]
    Rpc(#[from] RpcError),
    /// Serde serialization error
    #[error("Serde json error: {0}")]
    Serialization(#[from] serde_json::error::Error),
    /// Invalid metadata error
    #[error("Invalid Metadata: {0}")]
    InvalidMetadata(#[from] InvalidMetadataError),
    /// Invalid metadata error
    #[error("Metadata: {0}")]
    Metadata(#[from] MetadataError),
    /// Runtime error.
    #[error("Runtime error: {0:?}")]
    /// Error decoding to a [`crate::dynamic::Value`].
    #[error("Error decoding into dynamic value: {0}")]
    DecodeValue(#[from] DecodeError),
    /// Error encoding from a [`crate::dynamic::Value`].
    #[error("Error encoding from dynamic value: {0}")]
    EncodeValue(#[from] EncodeError<()>),
    /// Transaction progress error.
    #[error("Transaction error: {0}")]
    Transaction(#[from] TransactionError),
    /// Block related error.
    #[error("Block error: {0}")]
    Block(#[from] BlockError),
    /// An error encoding a storage address.
    #[error("Error encoding storage address: {0}")]
    StorageAddress(#[from] StorageAddressError),
    /// Other error.
    #[error("Other error: {0}")]

impl From<&str> for Error {
    fn from(error: &str) -> Self {

impl From<String> for Error {
    fn from(error: String) -> Self {

impl From<DispatchError> for Error {
    fn from(error: DispatchError) -> Self {

/// An RPC error. Since we are generic over the RPC client that is used,
/// the error is boxed and could be casted.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum RpcError {
    // Dev note: We need the error to be safely sent between threads
    // for `subscribe_to_block_headers_filling_in_gaps` and friends.
    /// Error related to the RPC client.
    #[error("RPC error: {0}")]
    ClientError(Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>),
    /// The RPC subscription dropped.
    #[error("RPC error: subscription dropped.")]

/// This is our attempt to decode a runtime DispatchError. We either
/// successfully decode it into a [`ModuleError`], or we fail and keep
/// hold of the bytes, which we can attempt to decode if we have an
/// appropriate static type to hand.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum DispatchError {
    /// An error was emitted from a specific pallet/module.
    #[error("Module error: {0}")]
    /// Some other error was emitted.
    #[error("Undecoded dispatch error: {0:?}")]

impl DispatchError {
    /// Attempt to decode a runtime DispatchError, returning either the [`ModuleError`] it decodes
    /// to, along with additional details on the error, or returning the raw bytes if it could not
    /// be decoded.
    pub fn decode_from<'a>(bytes: impl Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>, metadata: &Metadata) -> Self {
        let bytes = bytes.into();

        let dispatch_error_ty_id = match metadata.dispatch_error_ty() {
            Some(id) => id,
            None => {
                    "Can't decode error: sp_runtime::DispatchError was not found in Metadata"
                return DispatchError::Other(bytes.into_owned())

        let dispatch_error_ty = match metadata.types().resolve(dispatch_error_ty_id) {
            Some(ty) => ty,
            None => {
                tracing::warn!("Can't decode error: sp_runtime::DispatchError type ID doesn't resolve to a known type");
                return DispatchError::Other(bytes.into_owned())

        let variant = match dispatch_error_ty.type_def() {
            TypeDef::Variant(var) => var,
            _ => {
                    "Can't decode error: sp_runtime::DispatchError type is not a Variant"
                return DispatchError::Other(bytes.into_owned())

        let module_variant_idx = variant
            .find(|v| == "Module")
            .map(|v| v.index());
        let module_variant_idx = match module_variant_idx {
            Some(idx) => idx,
            None => {
                tracing::warn!("Can't decode error: sp_runtime::DispatchError does not have a 'Module' variant");
                return DispatchError::Other(bytes.into_owned())

        // If the error bytes don't correspond to a ModuleError, just return the bytes.
        // This is perfectly reasonable and expected, so no logging.
        if bytes[0] != module_variant_idx {
            return DispatchError::Other(bytes.into_owned())

        // The remaining bytes are the module error, all being well:
        let bytes = &bytes[1..];

        // The oldest and second oldest type of error decode to this shape:
        struct LegacyModuleError {
            index: u8,
            error: u8,

        // The newer case expands the error for forward compat:
        struct CurrentModuleError {
            index: u8,
            error: [u8; 4],

        // try to decode into the new shape, or the old if that doesn't work
        let err = match CurrentModuleError::decode(&mut &*bytes) {
            Ok(e) => e,
            Err(_) => {
                let old_e = match LegacyModuleError::decode(&mut &*bytes) {
                    Ok(err) => err,
                    Err(_) => {
                        tracing::warn!("Can't decode error: sp_runtime::DispatchError does not match known formats");
                        return DispatchError::Other(bytes.to_vec())
                CurrentModuleError {
                    index: old_e.index,
                    error: [old_e.error, 0, 0, 0],

        let error_details = match metadata.error(err.index, err.error[0]) {
            Ok(details) => details,
            Err(_) => {
                tracing::warn!("Can't decode error: sp_runtime::DispatchError::Module details do not match known information");
                return DispatchError::Other(bytes.to_vec())

        DispatchError::Module(ModuleError {
            pallet: error_details.pallet().to_string(),
            error: error_details.error().to_string(),
            error_data: ModuleErrorData {
                pallet_index: err.index,
                error: err.error,

/// Block error
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, thiserror::Error, PartialEq)]
pub enum BlockError {
    /// The block
        "Could not find a block with hash {0} (perhaps it was on a non-finalized fork?)"

impl BlockError {
    /// Produce an error that a block with the given hash cannot be found.
    pub fn block_hash_not_found(hash: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> BlockError {
        let hash = format!("0x{}", hex::encode(hash));

/// Transaction error.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, thiserror::Error, PartialEq)]
pub enum TransactionError {
    /// The finality subscription expired (after ~512 blocks we give up if the
    /// block hasn't yet been finalized).
    #[error("The finality subscription expired")]
    /// The block hash that the transaction was added to could not be found.
    /// This is probably because the block was retracted before being finalized.
    #[error("The block containing the transaction can no longer be found (perhaps it was on a non-finalized fork?)")]

/// Details about a module error that has occurred.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("{pallet}: {error}\n\n{}", .description.join("\n"))]
pub struct ModuleError {
    /// The name of the pallet that the error came from.
    pub pallet: String,
    /// The name of the error.
    pub error: String,
    /// A description of the error.
    pub description: Vec<String>,
    /// A byte representation of the error.
    pub error_data: ModuleErrorData,

/// The error details about a module error that has occurred.
/// **Note**: Structure used to obtain the underlying bytes of a ModuleError.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("Pallet index {pallet_index}: raw error: {error:?}")]
pub struct ModuleErrorData {
    /// Index of the pallet that the error came from.
    pub pallet_index: u8,
    /// Raw error bytes.
    pub error: [u8; 4],

impl ModuleErrorData {
    /// Obtain the error index from the underlying byte data.
    pub fn error_index(&self) -> u8 {
        // Error index is utilized as the first byte from the error array.

/// Something went wrong trying to encode a storage address.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum StorageAddressError {
    /// Storage map type must be a composite type.
    #[error("Storage map type must be a composite type")]
    /// Storage lookup does not have the expected number of keys.
    #[error("Storage lookup requires {expected} keys but got {actual} keys")]
    WrongNumberOfKeys {
        /// The actual number of keys needed, based on the metadata.
        actual: usize,
        /// The number of keys provided in the storage address.
        expected: usize,
    /// Storage lookup requires a type that wasn't found in the metadata.
        "Storage lookup requires type {0} to exist in the metadata, but it was not found"
    /// This storage entry in the metadata does not have the correct number of hashers to fields.
        "Storage entry in metadata does not have the correct number of hashers to fields"
    WrongNumberOfHashers {
        /// The number of hashers in the metadata for this storage entry.
        hashers: usize,
        /// The number of fields in the metadata for this storage entry.
        fields: usize,