subsrch 0.1.0

Find maximal or minimal subsets that succeed a given command
extern crate structopt;
extern crate structopt_derive;

macro_rules! set {
    ($($item:expr),*) => {{
        let mut s = HashSet::new();

mod indices;

mod maximal;
use self::maximal::*;

mod minimal;
use self::minimal::*;

mod range;

mod searcher;
use self::searcher::*;

use std::iter::*;
use std::io::*;
use structopt::StructOpt;

#[structopt(name = "subsrch", about = "Find subsets that pass the given test.")]
enum SubSrch {
    #[structopt(name = "maximal", about = "Find the largest subset that passes the test.")]
    Maximal {
        #[structopt(help = "Test command.")] test_command: Vec<String>,
    #[structopt(name = "minimal", about = "Find the smallest subset that passes the test.")]
    Minimal {
        #[structopt(help = "Test command.")] test_command: Vec<String>,

fn main() {
    let sub_search = SubSrch::from_args();

    let lines = {
        let stdin = stdin();
        let result = BufReader::new(stdin.lock())
            .expect("failed to read from stdin");

    let result = match sub_search {
        SubSrch::Maximal { test_command: c } => {
        SubSrch::Minimal { test_command: c } => {

    for line in result.expect("no viable subsets found") {
        println!("{}", line);