subrpcer 0.9.1

Minimal implementation of Substrate RPC APIs.
//! State related methods.
//! Substrate reference(s):
//! - [State API(s)](

impl_apis! {
	state {
		call { params: [name, bytes], opt_params: [hash] }
		get_keys { params: [prefix], opt_params: [hash] }
		get_metadata { params: [], opt_params: [hash] }
		get_pairs { params: [prefix], opt_params: [hash] }
		get_read_proof { params: [keys], opt_params: [hash] }
		get_runtime_version { params: [], opt_params: [hash] }
		get_storage { params: [key], opt_params: [hash] }
		get_storage_hash { params: [key], opt_params: [hash] }
		get_storage_size { params: [key], opt_params: [hash] }
		query_storage { params: [keys, block], opt_params: [hash] }
		query_storage_at { params: [keys], opt_params: [at] }
		subscribe_runtime_version { params: [], opt_params: [] }
		subscribe_storage { params: [], opt_params: [keys] }
		trace_block { params: [block], opt_params: [targets, storage_keys, methods] }
		unsubscribe_runtime_version { params: [subscription_id], opt_params: [] }
		unsubscribe_storage { params: [subscription_id], opt_params: [] }

// TODO: because weird `Option` type order, this will break the macro rules.
/// Check module's Substrate reference(s) for the detail.
pub fn get_keys_paged(
	id: usize,
	prefix: Option<impl serde::Serialize>,
	count: impl serde::Serialize,
	start_key: Option<impl serde::Serialize>,
	hash: Option<impl serde::Serialize>,
) -> serde_json::Value {
	crate::rpc(id, "state_getKeysPaged", serde_json::json!([prefix, count, start_key, hash]))
/// Similar to [`get_keys_paged`], but return the method name and parameters directly.
pub fn get_keys_paged_raw(
	prefix: Option<impl serde::Serialize>,
	count: impl serde::Serialize,
	start_key: Option<impl serde::Serialize>,
	hash: Option<impl serde::Serialize>,
) -> (&'static str, serde_json::Value) {
	("state_getKeysPaged", serde_json::json!([prefix, count, start_key, hash]))