subrpcer 0.9.1

Minimal implementation of Substrate RPC APIs.
//! Minimal implementation of Substrate RPC APIs.
//! Formatting rule(s):
//! - All the APIs must be sorted in alphabetic order.


// TODO:
// This should be `no_run` eventually
/// Define a group of APIs.
/// Require [serde]( and [serde_json]( as the dependencies.
/// # Example
/// ```ignore
/// impl_apis! {
/// 	state {
/// 		call { params: [name, bytes], opt_params: [hash] }
/// 		get_keys { params: [prefix], opt_params: [hash] }
/// 		get_metadata { params: [], opt_params: [hash] }
/// 		get_pairs { params: [prefix], opt_params: [hash] }
/// 		get_read_proof { params: [keys], opt_params: [hash] }
/// 		get_runtime_version { params: [], opt_params: [hash] }
/// 		get_storage { params: [key], opt_params: [hash] }
/// 		get_storage_hash { params: [key], opt_params: [hash] }
/// 		get_storage_size { params: [key], opt_params: [hash] }
/// 		query_storage { params: [keys, block], opt_params: [hash] }
/// 		query_storage_at { params: [keys], opt_params: [at] }
/// 		subscribe_runtime_version { params: [], opt_params: [] }
/// 		subscribe_storage { params: [], opt_params: [keys] }
/// 		trace_block { params: [block], opt_params: [targets, storage_keys, methods] }
/// 		unsubscribe_runtime_version { params: [subscription_id], opt_params: [] }
/// 		unsubscribe_storage { params: [subscription_id], opt_params: [] }
/// 	}
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! impl_apis {
		$prefix:ident {
				$method:ident {
					params: [
					opt_params: [
	} => {
			affix::paste! {
				/// Check module's Substrate reference(s) for the detail.
				pub fn $method(
					id: usize,
					$($param: impl serde::Serialize,)*
					$($opt_param: Option<impl serde::Serialize>,)*
				) -> serde_json::Value {
						stringify!([<$prefix _ $method:camel>]),

				#[doc = concat!("Similar to [`", stringify!($method), "`], but return the method name and parameters directly.")]
				pub fn [<$method _raw>](
					$($param: impl serde::Serialize,)*
					$($opt_param: Option<impl serde::Serialize>,)*
				) -> (&'static str, serde_json::Value) {
						stringify!([<$prefix _ $method:camel>]),

pub mod author;
pub mod babe;
pub mod chain;
pub mod grandpa;
pub mod net;
pub mod offchain;
pub mod payment;
pub mod rpc;
pub mod state;
pub mod system;

#[cfg(any(feature = "reqwest-client", feature = "ureq-client"))] mod client;

// TODO: optimize the option param

use serde_json::Value;

/// Build a JSONRPC 2.0 call.
pub fn rpc(id: usize, method: &str, params: Value) -> Value {
		"jsonrpc": "2.0",
		"id": id,
		"method": method,
		"params": params

/// A debug wrapper for the RPC payload.
/// This will output a trace-level log about the RPC call detail.
#[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
pub fn debug(rpc: Value) -> Value {
