subprocess 0.1.20

Execution of child processes and pipelines, inspired by Python's subprocess module, with Rust-specific extensions.
# subprocess

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The `subprocess` library provides facilities for execution of and
interaction with external processes and pipelines.  It is inspired by
Python's `subprocess` module, adding a Rust spin on top.  `subprocess`
is [hosted on](, with
[API Documentation on](

## Features

The following features are available:

* Launching external processes with optional redirection of standard
  input, output, and error.

* Connecting multiple commands into OS-level pipelines.

* Builder-style API for building and executing commands and pipelines.

* The `communicate` method for deadlock-free reading of output while
  simultaneously providing input to the subprocess.

* Waiting for the process to finish and polling its status: `poll`,
  `wait`, and `wait_timeout`.

* Redirecting standard streams to arbitrary files, and merging of
  output and error, the equivalent of `2>&1` and `1>&2`.

The crate has minimal dependencies to third-party crates, only
requiring `libc` on POSIX and `crossbeam` and Win32 crates on Windows.
It is intended to work on Unix-like platforms as well as on reasonably
recent Windows.  It is regularly tested on Linux, MacOS and Windows,
and occasionally on FreeBSD.

## API Overview

The API is separated in two parts: the low-level `Popen` API similar
to Python's `subprocess.Popen`, and the higher-level API for
convenient creation of commands and pipelines.  The two can be mixed,
so it is possible to use builder to create `Popen` instances, and then
to continue working with them directly.

The `Popen` type offers some functionality currently missing from the
Rust standard library.  It provides methods for polling the process,
waiting with timeout, and the `communicate` method, useful enough to
have been [created
While the design follows Python's [`subprocess`
it is not a literal translation.  Some of the changes accommodate the
differences between the languages, such as the lack of default and
keyword arguments in Rust, and others take advantage of Rust's more
advanced type system, or of additional capabilities such as the
ownership system and the `Drop` trait.  Python's utility functions
such as `` are not included because they have better
alternatives in the form of the builder API.

The builder API offers a more Rustic process creation interface, along
with convenience methods for capturing output and building pipelines.

## Examples

Note: the examples assume they run in a function returning a
`subprocess::Result` or equivalent. If you are pasting them to a
function that doesn't return a `Result`, replace `?` with
`.expect("informative message")`.

### Commands

Execute an command and wait for it to complete:

let exit_status = Exec::cmd("umount").arg(dirname).join()?;

To prevent quoting issues and injection attacks, subprocess will not
spawn a shell unless explicitly requested.  To execute a command using
the OS shell, like C's `system`, use `Exec::shell`:

Exec::shell("shutdown -h now").join()?;

Start a subprocess and obtain its output as a `Read` trait object,
like C's `popen`:

let stream = Exec::cmd("ls").stream_stdout()?;
// call stream.read_to_string, construct io::BufReader(stream), etc.

Capture the output of a command:

let out = Exec::cmd("ls")

Redirect standard error to standard output, and capture them in a string:

let out_and_err = Exec::cmd("ls")

Provide some input to the command and read its output:

let out = Exec::cmd("sort")
assert!(out == "a\nb\nc\n");

Connecting `stdin` to an open file would have worked as well.

### Pipelines

`Popen` objects support connecting input and output to arbitrary open
files, including other `Popen` objects.  This can be used to form
pipelines of processes.  The builder API will do it automatically with
the `|` operator on `Exec` objects.

Execute a pipeline and return the exit status of the last command:

let exit_status =
  (Exec::shell("ls *.bak") | Exec::cmd("xargs").arg("rm")).join()?;

Capture the pipeline's output:

let dir_checksum = {
    Exec::shell("find . -type f") | Exec::cmd("sort") | Exec::cmd("sha1sum")

### Low-level Popen type

let mut p = Popen::create(&["command", "arg1", "arg2"], PopenConfig {
    stdout: Redirection::Pipe, ..Default::default()

// Since we requested stdout to be redirected to a pipe, the parent's
// end of the pipe is available as p.stdout.  It can either be read
// directly, or processed using the communicate() method:
let (out, err) = p.communicate(None)?;

// check if the process is still alive
if let Some(exit_status) = p.poll() {
  // the process has finished
} else {
  // it is still running, terminate it

### Interacting with subprocess

Check whether a previously launched process is still running:

let mut p = Exec::cmd("sleep").arg("2").popen()?;
thread::sleep(Duration::new(1, 0))
if p.poll().is_none() {
    // poll() returns Some(exit_status) if the process has completed
    println!("process is still running");

Give the process 1 second to run, and kill it if it didn't complete by

let mut p = Exec::cmd("sleep").arg("2").popen()?;
if let Some(status) = p.wait_timeout(Duration::new(1, 0))? {
    println!("process finished as {:?}", status);
} else {
    println!("process killed");

## License

`subprocess` is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license
and the Apache License (Version 2.0).  See
details.  Contributing changes is assumed to signal agreement with
these licensing terms.