submillisecond 0.3.0

A lunatic web framework for Rust.
//! Types and traits for extracting data from requests.
//! Many of the types and implementations were taken from [Axum](

pub use path::Path;
#[cfg(feature = "query")]
pub use query::Query;
pub use splat::Splat;

pub mod path;
pub mod rejection;

mod body;
mod header_map;
#[cfg(feature = "json")]
mod json;
mod method;
mod params;
#[cfg(feature = "query")]
mod query;
mod request;
mod route;
mod splat;
mod state;
mod string;
mod vec;

use crate::response::IntoResponse;
use crate::RequestContext;

/// Types that can be created from a request. Also known as 'extractors'.
pub trait FromRequest: Sized {
    /// If the extractor fails it'll use this "rejection" type. A rejection is
    /// a kind of error that can be converted into a response.
    type Rejection: IntoResponse;

    /// Perform the extraction.
    fn from_request(req: &mut RequestContext) -> Result<Self, Self::Rejection>;

/// Types that can be created from an owned instance of the request. This can be
/// used to avoid unnecessary clones.
pub trait FromOwnedRequest: Sized {
    /// If the extractor fails it'll use this "rejection" type. A rejection is
    /// a kind of error that can be converted into a response.
    type Rejection: IntoResponse;

    /// Extract from an owned instance of the request.
    /// The first extractor in handlers will use this method, and can help avoid
    /// cloning in many cases.
    fn from_owned_request(req: RequestContext) -> Result<Self, Self::Rejection>;

impl<T> FromOwnedRequest for T
    T: FromRequest,
    type Rejection = <T as FromRequest>::Rejection;

    fn from_owned_request(mut req: RequestContext) -> Result<Self, Self::Rejection> {
        T::from_request(&mut req)