Crate submillisecond

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Submillisecond is a lunatic web framework.


First, add submillisecond as a dependency in Cargo.toml:

submillisecond = "0.1"

Then, add a .cargo/config.toml to configure the target and runner:

target = "wasm32-wasi"

runner = "lunatic"

Finally, define a handler and router, and run your application:

use submillisecond::{router, Application};

fn index() -> &'static str {
    "Hello from Submillisecond!"

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    Application::new(router! {
        GET "/" => index

The submillisecond repository has some more examples to help you get started.

High-level features

Submillisecond has some notable features including:

  • Router macro for performant router generated at compile-time.
  • Handlers: functions taking any number of extractors and returning any type that implements IntoResponse.
  • Extractors: types that parse the request to provide useful data.
  • Middleware: any handler which calls req.next_handler().
  • Guards: types that protect routes per request.


pub use headers;
pub use http;


Cookies layer and extractor.
Default responses for errors.
Types and traits for extracting data from requests.
Params are data from the request url.
Uri reader using a cursor.
Types and traits for http responses.
Session data stored in encrypted user cookie.
Application state stored in a long running process.


Macro for defining a router in submillisecond.
The static router can be used to serve static files within a folder.


An application containing a router for listening and handling incoming requests.
The request body.
Errors that can happen when using submillisecond.
Marker type for functions that satisfy ProcessSafeHandler.
Json can be used as an extractor, or response type.
Marker type for objects that satisfy ProcessSafeHandler.
Wrapper for http::Request containing params and cursor.
Extractor and response that works with typed header values from headers.


Types which implement Guard can be used to protect routes.
A handler is implemented for any function which takes any number of extractors, and returns any type that implements IntoResponse.
Implemented for process-safe Handlers.

Type Definitions

Alias for a type-erased error type.
Signature of router function generated by the router! macro.

Derive Macros

The NamedParam derive macro can be used to implement FromRequest for a struct.