stylish-stringlike 0.2.0

API for string-like objects that have styles applied.
This crate provides a string-like API for styled text objects,
and widgets for displaying those styled text objects specifically
oriented towards terminal output.

## usage

Add this to you `Cargo.toml`:

stylish-stringlike = "0.2.0"

### Example

``` rust
use std::borrow::Cow;
use stylish_stringlike::text::{Joinable, Paintable, Pushable, Replaceable, Sliceable, Span, Spans, Tag};
use stylish_stringlike::widget::{HBox, TextWidget, TruncationStyle};

let italic = Tag::new("<i>", "</i>");
let bold = Tag::new("<b>", "</b>");
let underline = Tag::new("<u>", "</u>");

let foo: Span<Tag> = Span::new(Cow::Borrowed(&italic), Cow::Borrowed("foo"));
let bar: Span<Tag> = Span::new(Cow::Borrowed(&bold), Cow::Borrowed("bar"));

// Spans of different styles can be joined together.
let foobar = foo.join(&bar);
assert_eq!(format!("{}", foobar), "<i>foo</i><b>bar</b>");

// Perform literal string replacement with the `replace` method.
let foobaz = foobar.replace("bar", "baz");
assert_eq!(format!("{}", foobaz), "<i>foo</i><b>baz</b>");

let mut buz: Spans<Tag> = Default::default();
buz.push(&Span::new(Cow::Borrowed(&underline), Cow::Borrowed("buz")));

// Replace text with styled text objects instead of string literals.
let foobuz = foobar.replace("bar", &buz);
assert_eq!(format!("{}", foobuz), "<i>foo</i><u>buz</u>");

// Use the `slice` method to slice on bytes.
let foob = foobar.slice(..4).unwrap();
assert_eq!(format!("{}", foob), "<i>foo</i><b>b</b>");

// Use the `HBox` widget to truncate multiple spans of text to fit in a desired width.
fn make_spans(style: &Tag, text: &str) -> Spans<Tag> {
    let mut spans: Spans<Tag> = Default::default();
    let span: Span<Tag> = Span::new(Cow::Borrowed(style), Cow::Borrowed(text));
    spans = spans.join(&span);
let truncation = TruncationStyle::Inner(Some(Span::new(
let first_spans = make_spans(&italic, "abcdefg");
let second_spans = make_spans(&bold, "12345678");
let first_segment = TextWidget::new(&first_spans, &truncation);
let second_segment = TextWidget::new(&second_spans, &truncation);

let mut hbox: HBox<Spans<Tag>> = Default::default();
    format!("{}", hbox.truncate(10)),
