stuart_core 0.2.3

A Blazingly-Fast Static Site Generator.
//! Provides the built-in functions and traits to create custom ones.

/// Contains all the built-in function parsers.
pub mod parsers {
    mod begin;
    mod dateformat;
    mod r#else;
    mod end;
    mod excerpt;
    mod r#for;
    mod ifdefined;
    mod import;
    mod insert;
    mod timetoread;

    pub use begin::BeginParser as Begin;
    pub use dateformat::DateFormatParser as DateFormat;
    pub use end::EndParser as End;
    pub use excerpt::ExcerptParser as Excerpt;
    pub use ifdefined::IfDefinedParser as IfDefined;
    pub use import::ImportParser as Import;
    pub use insert::InsertParser as Insert;
    pub use r#else::ElseParser as Else;
    pub use r#for::ForParser as For;
    pub use timetoread::TimeToReadParser as TimeToRead;

    mod r#if;

        ifeq, IfEq, ==;
        ifne, IfNe, !=;
        ifgt, IfGt, >;
        ifge, IfGe, >=;
        iflt, IfLt, <;
        ifle, IfLe, <;

use crate::error::ProcessError;
use crate::parse::{ParseError, RawFunction};
use crate::process::Scope;
use crate::TracebackError;

use humphrey_json::Value;

use std::fmt::Debug;

/// Represents a function parser.
/// A function parser is an object which is capable of parsing a raw function into an executable function object,
///   the inner workings of which are hidden from Stuart through the [`Function`] trait. The parser should also
///   define a name, which is used to identify the function when parsing a file. The name of the function parser
///   **must** be the same as that of the returned function.
pub trait FunctionParser: Send + Sync {
    /// Returns the name of the function which the parser can parse.
    /// This **must** return the same value as the `name` method of the returned function.
    fn name(&self) -> &'static str;

    /// Attempts to parse the raw function into an executable function object.
    fn parse(&self, raw: RawFunction) -> Result<Box<dyn Function>, ParseError>;

    /// Returns `true` if the raw function can be parsed by this function parser.
    fn can_parse(&self, raw: &RawFunction) -> bool { ==

/// Represents an executable function.
/// When the function is executed, it is given a [`Scope`] object, which contains information about the current state
///   of the program, including variables, stack frames and more.
pub trait Function: Debug + Send + Sync {
    /// Returns the name of the function.
    fn name(&self) -> &'static str;

    /// Executes the function in the given scope.
    fn execute(&self, scope: &mut Scope) -> Result<(), TracebackError<ProcessError>>;

/// Represents an input into a function.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum Input {
    /// A variable name.
    /// A string literal.
    /// An integer literal.

impl Input {
    /// If the input is a variable, converts it to its value in the given scope.
    /// If the input is not a variable, returns the input unchanged.
    fn evaluate_variable(&self, scope: &mut Scope) -> Option<Self> {
        match self {
            Input::Variable(name) => match scope.get_variable(name) {
                Some(Value::String(s)) => Some(Input::String(s)),
                Some(Value::Number(i)) => Some(Input::Integer(i as i32)),
                _ => None,
            x => Some(x.clone()),

impl PartialEq for Input {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        match (self, other) {
            (Self::Variable(l0), Self::Variable(r0)) => l0 == r0,
            (Self::String(l0), Self::String(r0)) => l0 == r0,
            (Self::Integer(l0), Self::Integer(r0)) => l0 == r0,
            _ => false,

impl PartialOrd for Input {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
        match (self, other) {
            (Self::Variable(_), Self::Variable(_)) => None,
            (Self::String(_), Self::String(_)) => None,
            (Self::Integer(i), Self::Integer(j)) => i.partial_cmp(j),
            _ => None,

impl ToString for Input {
    fn to_string(&self) -> String {
        match self {
            Input::Variable(v) => v.clone(),
            Input::String(s) => s.clone(),
            Input::Integer(i) => i.to_string(),

/// A macro which counts its arguments.
macro_rules! count {
    () => { 0_usize };
    ($head:tt $($tail:tt)*) => { 1_usize + count!($($tail)*) };

/// Defines the functions available in the program by way of a global variable.
macro_rules! define_functions {
    ($($name:expr,)*) => {
        const FUNCTION_COUNT: usize = count!($($name)*);

        ::lazy_static::lazy_static! {
            static ref FUNCTION_PARSERS: [Box<dyn $crate::functions::FunctionParser>; FUNCTION_COUNT] = [

/// Quietly asserts that the given condition is true.
/// If the condition is false, this macro will not panic, and will instead return an error.
macro_rules! quiet_assert {
    ($cond:expr) => {
        match $cond {
            true => Ok(()),
            false => Err($crate::parse::ParseError::AssertionError(

/// Returns true if the string is an identifier of a function.
pub fn is_ident(s: &str) -> bool {
    crate::FUNCTION_PARSERS.iter().any(|f| == s)