structre_proc_macros 0.0.3

Static-checked parsing of regexes into structs (helper crate)

Statically-checked regex parsing into structs.

This avoids common regex pitfalls like

  • Off by one capture indexes
  • Trying to get nonexistent captures
  • Desync of capture names in regex and the names used to fetch fields


cargo add structre


Define a structure and use this macro to generate a parser helper struct:

#[structre("(?P<key>[^:]+): (?P<value>\\d+)")]
struct KV {
    key: String,
    value: usize,

Instantiate the parser and use it like:

let kv_parser = KV::parser();
let m: KV = kv_parser.parse("hi: 39393")?;

The structre::Error::Field result only occurs if a field's from_str method fails - if all of your fields are strings, you can only get Error::NoMatch.

The parser type is suffixed with FromRegex: KVFromRegex.

Supported types

The parsed data can be a structure with named fields or a tuple.

If it has named fields:

  • Every field must have an associated named capture
  • Every named capture must have an associated field
  • There must be no unnamed captures
  • Nested structures and tuples within structures aren't supported since there's no clear correct way to handle it.

If it's a tuple:

  • The number of captures must equal the number of tuple elements
  • There must be no named captures
  • Nested tuples are okay

Any field that implements std::str::FromStr will work.

Note: the static analysis stops at any non-inline type (ex: struct MyData(SomeOtherData); - so if SomeOtherData is a tuple or has fields, these will not be checked and SomeOtherData will be parsed with FromStr from a single capture).


As noted above, not much type available so only the structure above can be checked. Externally defined types will not be inspected.

I was hoping to be able to ensure that the regex has valid characters for numbers, but due to the above and the difficulty of reasoning about the contents of regex ASTs I had to scrap that.

Non-unicode parsing isn't currently supported. I couldn't find an ascii float parsing library. If this is important and you have a vision of how it could work please raise an issue!