structmap 0.1.5

Procedural macro library for converting between Rust structs and associative containers
# structmap

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Procedural macro crate for converting between Rust `struct` types and associative containers.

// converting between a struct like ...
struct SomeData {
    key: String

// ... and a BTreeMap like ...
let somedata_hm = BTreeMap::new();

This removes the need to pattern match on attributes and keys when making a conversion.

This was largely inspired by [previous work]( done by [@Ameobea](,
but extends on it much further to support conversion both ways, generic value types, and Rust 2018 conventions.

## Usage

In your `Cargo.toml` file, include the crate as so:

structmap = "0.1"

Now let's demonstrate conversion! Note that your `struct` type should extend the `Default` trait for type conversion to account for uninitialized attributes.

__structmap__ supports conversion between two types of map aliases:

1. `StringMap` - Strings for both keys and values. Conversion is supported only one-way at the moment from struct to BTreeMap, but not the other way around.
2. `GenericMap` - Generic [serde] `Value`s as values. Conversion is supported both ways, but limited.

### Map to Struct

use structmap::FromMap;
use structmap_derive::FromMap;

struct TestStruct {
    name: String,
    value: i32,

impl Default for TestStruct {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            name: String::new()
            value: 0

fn main() {
	// create a hashmap with key-value pairs
    let mut hm = GenericMap::new();

    // `Value` is an enum wrapper to support genericized types, to support structs
    // with varying types for their fields.
    hm.insert(String::from("name"), Value::new(String::from("example")));
    hm.insert(String::from("value"), Value::new(0));

    // convert hashmap to struct, and check attributes
    let test: TestStruct = TestStruct::from_genericmap(hm);
    assert!( == "example");
    assert!(test.value == 0);

### Struct to Map

use structmap::ToMap;
use structmap_derive::ToMap;

struct TestStruct {
    name: String,
    value: i32,

// impl Default ...

fn main() {
    let test_struct = TestStruct {
        name: String::from("example"),
        value: 0,

    // convert struct to generic map, and check attributes
    let hm: BTreeMap<String, Value> = TestStruct::to_genericmap(test_struct);
    assert!(hm.get("name").unwrap().string().unwrap() == "example");
    assert!(hm.get("value").unwrap().i32().unwrap() == 0);

    // convert struct to string map, and check attributes
    let hm: BTreeMap<String, Value> = TestStruct::to_stringmap(test_struct);
    assert!(hm.get("name").unwrap().to_string().unwrap() == "example");
    assert!(hm.get("value").unwrap().to_string().unwrap() == "some_value");

Need a different key name when converting from a `struct` to a map container? Use `#[rename]` for
struct attributes!

struct TestStruct {
    #[rename(name = "Full Name")]
    name: String,

    #[rename(name = "Data")]
    value: String,

## Limitations

At the current moment, `Value` only supports encapsulate basic primitive types, which includes the

* `i32` and `u32` numerals
* `bool`s
* `String`s and `&str`s

All other types, include dynamic arrays, `Option`s, `Result`s and complex structures are not yet
supported (which you can help implement).

## Contributions

This is still a WIP crate, and will mostly be used for personal projects, but feel free to let me
know if there are any outstanding features that should be implemented!

## License

[MIT License](