string-err 0.1.1

String error type

String error type.

This crate contains a type StringError, to be used to report top-level errors to a user, such as in a binary when executing main.


use std::{io::Read, error::Error};

use string_err::{StringError, ResultExt};

pub fn main() -> Result<(), StringError<Box<dyn Error>>> {
	let mut file = std::fs::File::open("")
		.map_err_msg("Could not open the file")?;
	let mut contents = String::new();
	file.read_to_string(&mut contents)
		.map_err_msg("Could not read the file")?;
	assert!( contents.starts_with("String error type.") );
	// ... Do something with `num`

This example attempts to load the file, read it and make sure it starts with the string "String error type." (which this readme does).

See the documentation for more details on how to use the StringError type