stride 0.3.0

A strided slice type
use core::ops::{Range, RangeFrom, RangeFull, RangeInclusive, RangeTo, RangeToInclusive};

use crate::Stride;

mod private {
    use super::*;
    pub trait Sealed {}
    impl Sealed for usize {}
    impl Sealed for Range<usize> {}
    impl Sealed for RangeFrom<usize> {}
    impl Sealed for RangeFull {}
    impl Sealed for RangeInclusive<usize> {}
    impl Sealed for RangeTo<usize> {}
    impl Sealed for RangeToInclusive<usize> {}

/// A simple trait to map stride indexes to slice indexes.
trait Unstride: private::Sealed {
    fn unstride<const S: usize>(self) -> Self;

/// A helper trait used for indexing operations.
/// This is the [`Stride`] version of [`SliceIndex`][`core::slice::SliceIndex`].
/// You should not use or implement this trait directly but instead use the
/// corresponding methods on [`Stride`].
/// # Safety
/// Implementations of this trait have to promise that if the argument
/// to `get_(mut_)unchecked` is a safe reference, then so is the result.
pub unsafe trait StrideIndex<T: ?Sized>: private::Sealed {
    /// The output type returned by methods.
    type Output: ?Sized;

    /// Returns a shared reference to the output at this location, if in
    /// bounds.
    fn get(self, stride: &T) -> Option<&Self::Output>;

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the output at this location, if in
    /// bounds.
    fn get_mut(self, stride: &mut T) -> Option<&mut Self::Output>;

    /// Returns a shared reference to the output at this location, without
    /// performing any bounds checking.
    /// # Safety
    /// Calling this method with an out-of-bounds index or a dangling `stride`
    /// pointer is *[undefined behavior]* even if the resulting reference is not
    /// used.
    /// [undefined behavior]:
    unsafe fn get_unchecked(self, stride: *const T) -> *const Self::Output;

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the output at this location, without
    /// performing any bounds checking.
    /// # Safety
    /// Calling this method with an out-of-bounds index or a dangling `stride`
    /// pointer is *[undefined behavior]* even if the resulting reference is not
    /// used.
    /// [undefined behavior]:
    unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(self, stride: *mut T) -> *mut Self::Output;

    /// Returns a shared reference to the output at this location, panicking
    /// if out of bounds.
    fn index(self, stride: &T) -> &Self::Output;

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the output at this location, panicking
    /// if out of bounds.
    fn index_mut(self, stride: &mut T) -> &mut Self::Output;

impl Unstride for usize {
    fn unstride<const S: usize>(self) -> Self {
        self * S

impl Unstride for Range<usize> {
    fn unstride<const S: usize>(self) -> Self {
        Range {
            start: self.start * S,
            end: self.end * S,

impl Unstride for RangeFrom<usize> {
    fn unstride<const S: usize>(self) -> Self {
        RangeFrom {
            start: self.start * S,

impl Unstride for RangeFull {
    fn unstride<const S: usize>(self) -> Self {

impl Unstride for RangeInclusive<usize> {
    fn unstride<const S: usize>(self) -> Self {
        RangeInclusive::new(self.start() * S, self.end() * S)

impl Unstride for RangeTo<usize> {
    fn unstride<const S: usize>(self) -> Self {
        RangeTo { end: self.end * S }

impl Unstride for RangeToInclusive<usize> {
    fn unstride<const S: usize>(self) -> Self {
        RangeToInclusive { end: self.end * S }

unsafe impl<T, const S: usize> StrideIndex<Stride<T, S>> for usize {
    type Output = T;

    fn get(self, stride: &Stride<T, S>) -> Option<&Self::Output> {
        let i = self.unstride::<S>();

    fn get_mut(self, stride: &mut Stride<T, S>) -> Option<&mut Self::Output> {
        let i = self.unstride::<S>();

    unsafe fn get_unchecked(self, stride: *const Stride<T, S>) -> *const Self::Output {
        let i = self.unstride::<S>();
        unsafe { (*stride).data.get_unchecked(i) }

    unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(self, stride: *mut Stride<T, S>) -> *mut Self::Output {
        let i = self.unstride::<S>();
        unsafe { (*stride).data.get_unchecked_mut(i) }

    fn index(self, stride: &Stride<T, S>) -> &Self::Output {
        let i = self.unstride::<S>();

    fn index_mut(self, stride: &mut Stride<T, S>) -> &mut Self::Output {
        let i = self.unstride::<S>();

macro_rules! impl_stride_index {
    ($Index:ty) => {
        unsafe impl<T, const S: usize> StrideIndex<Stride<T, S>> for $Index {
            type Output = Stride<T, S>;

            fn get(self, stride: &Stride<T, S>) -> Option<&Self::Output> {
                let i = self.unstride::<S>();

            fn get_mut(self, stride: &mut Stride<T, S>) -> Option<&mut Self::Output> {
                let i = self.unstride::<S>();

            unsafe fn get_unchecked(self, stride: *const Stride<T, S>) -> *const Self::Output {
                let i = self.unstride::<S>();
                let slice = unsafe { (*stride).data.get_unchecked(i) };

            unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(self, stride: *mut Stride<T, S>) -> *mut Self::Output {
                let i = self.unstride::<S>();
                let slice = unsafe { (*stride).data.get_unchecked_mut(i) };

            fn index(self, stride: &Stride<T, S>) -> &Self::Output {
                let i = self.unstride::<S>();

            fn index_mut(self, stride: &mut Stride<T, S>) -> &mut Self::Output {
                let i = self.unstride::<S>();

impl_stride_index! { Range<usize> }
impl_stride_index! { RangeFrom<usize> }
impl_stride_index! { RangeFull }
impl_stride_index! { RangeInclusive<usize> }
impl_stride_index! { RangeTo<usize> }
impl_stride_index! { RangeToInclusive<usize> }