streamson-lib 7.1.0

Library for processing large JSONs
#![crate_name = "streamson_lib"]

//! This library is able to process large JSON data.
//! It can have various matchers which matches the path (see [matcher](matcher/index.html))
//! And various handlers to do something with found data (see [handlers](handler/index.html))
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use streamson_lib::{handler::{self, Handler}, matcher, strategy::{self, Strategy}};
//! use std::{io, fs, sync::{Arc, Mutex}};
//! let stdout_handler = Arc::new(Mutex::new(handler::Output::new(io::stdout())));
//! let file = fs::File::create("out.txt").unwrap();
//! let handler = handler::Group::new()
//!     .add_handler(Arc::new(Mutex::new(handler::Output::new(file))))
//!     .add_handler(stdout_handler.clone());
//! let first_matcher = matcher::Simple::new(r#"{"users"}[]"#).unwrap();
//! let second_matcher = matcher::Simple::new(r#"{"groups"}[]"#).unwrap();
//! let mut trigger = strategy::Trigger::new();
//! // exports users to stdout and out.txt
//! trigger.add_matcher(
//!     Box::new(first_matcher),
//!     Arc::new(Mutex::new(handler.clone())),
//! );
//! // groups are going to be expoted only to stdout
//! trigger.add_matcher(
//!     Box::new(second_matcher),
//!     stdout_handler,
//! );
//! for input in vec![
//!     br#"{"users": [1,2]"#.to_vec(),
//!     br#", "groups": [3, 4]}"#.to_vec(),
//! ] {
//!     trigger.process(&input).unwrap();
//! }
//! ```
//! ```
//! use streamson_lib::{handler::{self, Handler}, matcher, strategy::{Strategy, self}};
//! use std::{fs, io, sync::{Arc, Mutex}};
//! let file = fs::File::create("out.txt").unwrap();
//! let file_handler = Arc::new(
//!     Mutex::new(handler::Output::new(file))
//! );
//! let stdout_handler = Arc::new(Mutex::new(handler::Output::new(io::stdout())));
//! let handler = handler::Group::new()
//!     .add_handler(stdout_handler)
//!     .add_handler(file_handler);
//! let first_matcher = matcher::Depth::new(1, Some(2));
//! let second_matcher = matcher::Simple::new(r#"{"users"}[]"#).unwrap();
//! let matcher = matcher::Combinator::new(first_matcher) |
//!     matcher::Combinator::new(second_matcher);
//! let mut trigger = strategy::Trigger::new();
//! // Paths with depths 1, 2 are exported to out.txt
//! trigger.add_matcher(
//!     Box::new(matcher),
//!     Arc::new(Mutex::new(handler)),
//! );
//! for input in vec![
//!     br#"{"users": [1,2]"#.to_vec(),
//!     br#", "groups": [3, 4]}"#.to_vec(),
//! ] {
//!     trigger.process(&input).unwrap();
//! }
//! ```
//! ```
//! use streamson_lib::{handler::{self, Handler}, matcher, strategy::{Strategy, self}};
//! use std::{io, fs, sync::{Arc, Mutex}};
//! let file = fs::File::create("out.txt").unwrap();
//! let file_handler = Arc::new(
//!     Mutex::new(handler::Output::new(file))
//! );
//! let stdout_handler = Arc::new(Mutex::new(handler::Output::new(io::stdout())));
//! let handler = handler::Group::new()
//!     .add_handler(stdout_handler)
//!     .add_handler(file_handler);
//! let matcher = matcher::Depth::new(1, Some(2));
//! let mut trigger = strategy::Trigger::new();
//! // Paths with depths 1, 2 are exported to out.txt
//! trigger.add_matcher(
//!     Box::new(matcher),
//!     Arc::new(Mutex::new(handler)),
//! );
//! for input in vec![
//!     br#"{"users": [1,2]"#.to_vec(),
//!     br#", "groups": [3, 4]}"#.to_vec(),
//! ] {
//!     trigger.process(&input).unwrap();
//! }
//! ```

pub mod error;
pub mod handler;
pub mod matcher;
pub mod path;
pub mod strategy;
pub mod streamer;

pub use handler::Handler;
pub use path::Path;
pub use streamer::{Streamer, Token};

mod test_readme {
    macro_rules! external_doc_test {
        ($x:expr) => {
            #[doc = $x]
            extern "C" {}

pub mod test {
    pub trait Splitter {
        fn split(&self, input: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<Vec<Vec<u8>>>;

    pub(crate) struct Single;

    impl Single {
        pub fn new() -> Self {

    impl Splitter for Single {
        fn split(&self, input: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<Vec<Vec<u8>>> {
            vec![input.iter().map(|e| vec![*e]).collect()]

    pub(crate) struct Window {
        size: usize,

    impl Window {
        pub fn new(size: usize) -> Self {
            Self { size }

    impl Splitter for Window {
        fn split(&self, input: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<Vec<Vec<u8>>> {
            if input.len() <= self.size {
                return vec![vec![input]];
            let out_count = input.len() - self.size;
            let mut res = vec![];
            for i in 0..=out_count {
                    input[i..self.size + i].to_vec(),
                    input[self.size + i..input.len()].to_vec(),